Yes, New Friends

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Rm POv

When I went up to check on our twins, Taehyung was awake. So I picked him up and went to change him. That why he began to scream and squirm.


3rd person

"Taehyung you have to use your diaper, how the heck did you manage 4 days? Your stomach must hurt a lot" Namjoon said changing his dry diaper.

The truth was that both Taehyung and Yoongi had secretly been using the guest bathroom to do their business. They might allow themselves to call them daddy or papa but they swore that they would never use a stupid diaper. 

So each night they would wait and eventually sneak out and use the bathroom. So far they were successful but they totally forgot that their father would become suspicious.

"Tae stop crying, it isn't so bad." Namjoon said putting powder on his privates. Tae was a mess, red cheeks stained with tears and his little hands trying his hardest to stop Namjoon. "Shhh, its okay" Namjoon said trying to calm him down.

Namjoon grabbed a pair of overalls and dressed Taehyung with a cute oversized pink sweater underneath. And eventually got a pink pacifier in his mouth.

He picked Tae up with no problems and carried the still slightly crying child down the stairs.

Faces perked up at the sight. Namjoon walked his way over to the kitchen and sat down. Tae stopped crying when he saw unfamiliar faces and let his shy side take over.

"Aww! This must be Yoongi! I didn't imagine he would be as small as you said!" Hoseok exclaimed as Jungkook waddled over to him.

"Actually this is Taehyung, he's a bit on the small side too" He said rubbing Tae's back as Tae unconsciously nuzzled into Namjoon's chest.

Jin walked over carrying Jimin who had messy hair and held a soft baby blue ruffled blanket and a elephant pacifier in his mouth. An adorable sight.

"So where is yoongi then" Jeonghan said loudly trying to overpower Hoseok's coos.

"Thankfully, he is still asleep" Jin sighed. Yoongi would become very grumpy in the morning and even worse after a diaper change. Jin worried how he would take bath time, considering they have been putting it off for a while.

"Quite a terror eh? Jungkook hated people and getting out of bed but after a while he finally learned. And now he's my beautiful baby boy" Hoseok said rubbing Jungkook's head.

Woozi walked over to Namjoon pulling on his panda hoodie with a train in his small hand.

"Can I plway with him?" Woozi asked cutely. Hoseok's hand landed on his head.

"I don't think he's ready for that, Woozi"

"No, its okay. I think Taehyung needs to make new friends" Namjoon said moving taehyung off his lap. Which Taehyung gladly got off of.

"Lets go plway!" Woozi shouted grabbing Tae's hand and dragging him into the living room.

"Joon? I need you" Jin said standing at the top of the stairs just out of view.

"What do you need?"

"Yoongi. I need help" Namjoon groaned and stood up from his seat, getting a pat on the back from Hoseok on his way to the stairs.

Yelling filled the upstair halls, as Yoongi screamed with fear. Namjoon made his way to the nursery and ran inside after hearing a loud bang.

It was a shock for Namjoon. Too hard for Jin to watch and to control his emotions so he left the room and went down stairs. 

Yoongi was in the corner of the nursery, his hand bloody and in a puddle of his own urine. Crying and screaming one word: Stop

Namjoon ran over to him and pulled him close. Yoongi was struggling to get out of his touch and wouldn't stop.

"YOONGI! YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN" Namjoon yelled with a concerning voice, pushing yoongi's head into his chest.

Minutes passed and eventually Yoongi went limp. He tired himself out, but he was still awake. Finally accepting Namjoon's touch. 

Namjoon slowly stood up, carefully moving him slowly as they walked outside the room into a bathroom.

He went to put Yoongi down on the side of the tub but Yoongi clung onto him. Cries escaped Yoongi as Namjoon literally tried to pry him off. Not being successful, Joon sighed and wrapped Yoongi's bleeding hand in toilet paper. And called Jin.

Jin came running up the stairs and entered the bathroom. Namjoon tries to give Yoongi to Jin but he would not let go.

"I'll get bandages and clothes" Jin said walking out slightly upset.

Then the hard part began.

Namjoon POV

I held onto Yoongi as he sniffled. Was it a bad dream? Or something? Whatever it was, I am determined not to let it happen again.

It hurt him, caused a panic attack and he somehow scraped his hand on the crib by falling out of it. How? I don't know. But how to fix what happened is more important.

I pulled yoongi off me and got him to sit in front of me but now the hardest part was about to began.

Giving him a bath, blood, sweat, tears and urine soaked his clothes. I grabbed his arm and began removing his red flannel pajamas.

I struggled with the shirt, being careful not to hurt his wound or the bruises that still haven't healed. When I got to the pants, tears ran down his cheeks.

"Please don't.. daddy" He sobbed. I wiped his tears with my hand and gave him a warm smile.

"Its okay, it wont hurt. A bath will make my baby feel all better" I gave him a small peck on the nose and a quiet giggle escaped.

I was surprised at that, was he finally slipping into headspace? I pulled his diaper down and he immediately cover his privates with his small hands. I grabbed his clothes and threw it in the trash bin.

I started the water and made sure it was warm before putting him in. At first he wouldn't let go of me, but eventually was okay. As long as I held his hand while washing him.

Jin walked in with clothes in his hands and a large band-aid. He smiled at the sight of us finally bonding and quietly left the room, probably to tell the people down stairs.

After his bath, I dried him carefully and dressed him. A yellow long sweater and blue overalls, just like his brother. I put the cute totoro band-aid his hand and picked him up.

We walked down the stairs and he smiled. Yoongi actually smiled. Was he finally becoming our little boy?


Happy Birthday Tae!

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