Not Alone

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Yoongi POV

I am pretty much alone. Tae has abandoned me. I am not mad though, mostly sad because I cant stop him. He cant help me, if he cant help himself.

He is filled with fear and does everything they ask of him. I am filled with resentment and hatred, they can force me to do what ever they want but not Tae. I will not let them.

We have been here for only 2 days and yet, its too painful to bare.


I struggle as Namjoon holds my wrists, dragging me to the living room. I know he is going to hurt me soon, he did it last time I "misbehaved". It hurt.

My body is small, way smaller than Tae's. Always has been, Im short, weak and small in general. The beatings hurt but I take them so Tae does not have to.

He grabs me and lifts me up with one hand on to his lap. He pulls down my pants and I brace for impact.

All I did was say that I was tired and didn't want to eat anymore. What did I do wrong? Well soon enough, he will surely explain it.

*Swat* *Swat*


Tae's Pov

I can hear Yoongi's muffled cries, all the way from the play room. A room which has yet to be shown to him. Jin and Namjoon separated us, I think its because we may try to escape or that they are afraid that he will taint me with his wrong doings.

(Play Room)

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(Play Room)

I honestly don't think that its so bad, I mean like they feed us and say they love us. And they give us whatever we want if we are good. I don't mind calling them Daddy or Papa even though it is a little embarrassing. I just wont act like baby, they want me to but I wont.


My stomach hurts a little bit and I am really bored. Like do they really expect a teenager to play with ABC blocks or colorful talking toy trains?
So I am just sitting there in the tent as Jin quietly reads a book.

Eventually the noise of Yoongi stops and I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Then the door opens, revealing a Yoongi with a red tear streaked puffy face and a pacifier strapped to his face.

Namjoon walks over and puts Yoongi down next to me. I smile at Yoongi but he just keeps his head down. Namjoon and Jin leave the room, talking about something.

"Are you okay?" I ask him and he nods. "You're not! Don't lie!" I grab him and pull him close. Laying his head on my shoulder, slowly rubbing his head and fluffing his hair.

Yoongi would let me lay in his lap and he would rub my head when I was sad. And now he is sad, so I have to do the same.

I lay back on the blankets and let his head rest on my chest. I rub his head and start to tear up my self. Remembering old happy memories or even some sad ones. I really love Yoongi and don't want to let anyone touch or hurt him. But I am not strong enough and he will not give in. Maybe one day we can both be happy and remember we are not alone. We have each other.

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