A Perfect Family

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Jin POV (Finally)

I don't want Namjoon to think its all him, he does most of the work and I feel bad. I feel like a terrible parent, but for me its a little too chaotic. I just can't deal with screaming and crying, of course I have my reasons. I'm not just saying this because its annoying but because it triggers memories I'd rather not remember. The kids were supposed to make our family complete, and I will keep trying until it does.

"Namjoon, can you get the stroller out?" He just stood there. "Hello?"

"Yep, hold on." His mind is always wandering. I open th car door and unbuckle Taehyung, I pick him up and put him in the stroller that Namjoon eventually brought. Then go to the other side as Namjoon comforts Taehyung, he's had a grumpy day. I grab Yoongi and put him in the stroller too, then grab the diaper bag and other necessities.

I figured going out for some air, after staying inside for almost a month was good for them. Even if it was a chilly day, it didnt seem to stop others from walking around or doing things.

"Okay, lets go" I start pushing the stroller and Namjoon follows behind. Thankfully it wont be long walk until we reach the actual streets, we parked in a parking building. So it would be an easier walk.

"Can we go to the mall?" Namjoon asked. "I need to get new headphones.

"Sure, we can get new toys too" Yoongi screamed yay and Taehyung remained quiet. Sucking on the pacifier Namjoon had given him while clinging to his small blanket.

We walked for awhile until reavhing the main streets which were surprisingly crowded but not too much. It was mostly othe mother or fathers with their children. And some highschoolers who were late to school.

That was another thing about our world. Our littles didnt stay little forever, eventually they would go to preschool, elementary, highschool and then college. Even possibly have a family of their own. It was all thanks to the governments aging system. There are shots to slow your aging, even to de-age. Although most stray away from the de-age and only consume the one that slows your aging.

It was something that made a breakthrough, everyone had to have it. Its what keeps everyone happy, keeps the world at an okay peace. And soon enough our twins would have to go to preschool and start taken those drugs, even if they looked 14-ish. They would still need it.

The thoughts of them growing made me sad, but we couldnt keep them babies forever. It just didnt work that way and could even give them mental problems etc. It was a dangerous thing.

"Namjoon, could we stop somewhere for lunch first?"

"Sure, lets go there." He pointed to a small restaurant. We walked towards the store and a wonderful smell filled the air. The store was nice and modern, luckily only a few people were inside. Two families and of course the workers. We walked in side and a sweet lady greeted us and cooded at our children. A small giggle escaped Yoongi.

"Just you four?" She said grabbing menus.

"Yes" I replied. We followed her and she brought us to our table. Next to a large family. I didnt mind, they seemed nice and well behaved. The mother held a small child in her hands, most likey 1 years old. They must of adopted from a real orphanage or believe in de-aging. Either way they were surely happy with their decision. Two other children sat next to her and who I presumed was the father held an other child on his lap. I watched in awe, they seemed like the perfect family.

"There is a play area in the back for your children, its to entertain them during the wait for food" She smiled and pointed behind the half wall we sat next to.

"Okay thanks" 

"I'll be back in a few minutes"  She smiled once again and walked away.

"Yoongi? Do you want to go play with your brother?" I asked him and he laughed. I unblucked his stroller and then Taehyung. When I said they could go, only one went. Taehyung instead went to Namjoon and sat in his lap. He seems sleepy.

"You have a nice family" A female voice from behind spoke. I turned around a smiled.

"Thanks, you have one too"

"Are they twins?"

"Yeah, fraternal" I smiled, she's nice.

"These two are twins too" She gestured to the children seated next to her. The were boys, probably around six or seven. "And I'm having another set too" I quietly gasped. Where they all her biological children? The fertility rate was extremely low, even the childrwn in orphanages were above the age of 12. "They are my first biological children" She stopped my thoughts.

"You must be so happy, congratulations" She nodded.

"We adopted these four and the girl in the playroom, we always wanted a big family. And after the possibility of having our own went down, we decided to adopt. But now we have even been blessed by god"

"We adopted ours too, but we arent sure about the de-aging process. I presume that is what you did?" Namjoon tapped me on the shoulder, we havent even talked about it yet. And doubt he wants to.

"Yes, we did. Our youngest was 17, but we didn't want a child so we made him 17 months instead. The process was quite expensive, and especially after we did it to all of our children. But were happy and thats all that really matters."

"Many don't do it though. Can't it cause problem for the child"

"Well the process of changing can be painful but a experienced doctor is usually there. And as far as I know, its hard to get them into headspace afterwards. But we have thankfully manged them all." She smiled. "I hope that if your considering it, you take it seriously. You mighg find that its great, even if most people dont do it."

"Thanks, may I ask you name?"

"I'm Hyuna, my husband Hyojong (E'Dawn), the twins are Yanan and Jinho, the youngest is Wooseok, and the one in the lap is Yeoone. My only girl is Sunmi."

"I'm Jin, my husband Joon, he's Taehyung and the other is Yoongi." I made sure to only give part of our names, being celebrities are hard.

"Mommy!" A yell came from a little girl running towards Hyuna. "There is this kid who won't give me the cat"

"Who?" I ask.

"The one dressed like him, she points towards Taehyung." I stand up and walk towards the area. Didnt the waitress say that she'll be back in a few. Oh my.


(What do you think? Should Namjoon and Seokjin consider de-aging? Let me know by responding. Thanks)

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