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< Yoongi POV >

I opened my eyes, they were heavy and tired. I wanted to sleep more but the memories of last night and the unfamiliar environment was not letting me.

I was laying on a soft thing, with bars around me. It wasn't jail or a cage because the top was open. So I stood up, leaning against the bars. Then when I heard a small crinkle, I almost lost my sh-t. I was dressed in a onesie and clearly had a diaper on.  My kidnappers were some weird freaks! And worst of all, every single thing in this room was baby-ish! I observed my surroundings and saw Tae over at the other side of them room, sleeping in the same condition I am in.

Trying to ignore that I finally looked down. It was a long way down over the bars. But h-ll! I have even jumped off a bridge this was nothing! So I hoisted my legs over the side making a huge amount of noise. And then I lost my balance and tumbled to the hard ground with a huge thud. Then I heard foot steps, getting louder and louder. And when the door opened it showed my kidnapper.

~ Namjoon POV ~

I was peacefully sleeping until I heard a noise. At first I didn't know what it was. So I went back to sleep, it was literally only 6 am. But then a huge loud thud came and I immediately perked up. It was coming from the baby monitor. I stood up and carefully stepped over Jin who was sleeping and went out the door. The I hurried down the hallway and opened the nursery door. And I gasped in shock when I saw one of the twins of the floor. He was petrified with a horrible look on his face.

"Baby, did you fall?" I said turning on the light walking to him. And with that he immediately backed up with his back against the crib. I stopped for a moment and realized he was the smaller more skinner one, so I had to take precaution while handling him. So I slowing walked to him, it almost felt like I could hear his own heartbeat. He was on the verge of a anxiety attack. "Calm down, daddy is here"

"Get the h_ll away! You freak!" he yelled at me. Now of course I knew this would happen. So I ran over to him and picked him up bridal style, he kicked and screamed. But I simply carried him over to the arm chair and tried rocking him back to sleep. 

"Shhhh, you will wake your brother if you continue. And if you do, might have to punish you" I told him sternly. He completely stopped struggling and looked at me with fear. Then I grabbed a pacifier off the table and stuck it in his mouth. He was calm for a few minutes until I laid back to rest.

I think he thought that if I wasn't paying attention he could escape, so when I was resting he hit me in the face and ran. Well he made it out of my arms and to the door, but I grabbed him. I put him over my shoulder as he screamed. Jin came rushing down the hallway in worry. Then Baby Taehyung woke up and it was complete chaos.

Eventually we all sat down on the floor with a boy in our laps. Then I started.

"Now listen up kids" I said struggling to hold down Yoongi's hands. "I am your daddy and this is you papa, okay? So to make sure we all get along we have rules"

1: Always call us Daddy or Papa
2: No swearing and only baby talk
3: You must use your diaper instead of the potty
4: You must behave and never hurt your parents
We will add rules depending on how you act. And if you break a rule, you will get a punishment.

Now because Yoongi hit me earlier, he will be punished." Yoongi looked at me with shock and Taehyung was scared. Then I stood up and carried a struggling Yoongi to the chair and placed him over my lap. He screamed and squirmed but I didn't let go.  I unbuttoned his onesie and took his diaper off, leaving him completely naked. Taehyung watched in fear as I hit Yoongi right on the butt.

"IM SORRY! IM SORRY!" Yoongi screamed while crying after the 20th slap on his butt. His behind was now red and slightly bruised, so I stopped. I looked at Jin who was at the verge of tears and at a already crying Taehyung. I know that he will be the easiest one to get into little space.

"Im sorry to who?" I said.

"Im sorry to d-daddy" And with that I put his clothes and diaper back on and wiped away his tears. I kissed his red face and stood up with him on my hips. Then Jin stood up holding Taehyung and said "Lets get some breakfast! After all that, our babies must be hungry"

I nodded and followed Jin down the stairs to the kitchen.

~~ Tae POV ~~

I cant believe what I just saw. Yoongi was crying and hurt, I wanted to help him. But I was so scared they would hurt me too. Yoongi is still shaking from the punishment, even while sitting in a highchair next to me.

I grab Yoongi's hand and hold it (the highchairs are close together). Then I whisper "Its okay Yoon, at least we are still together" He showed a small smile while we waited for our "parents" to come out of the kitchen.

They came out later with eggs and put the dish on our tray. Jin and Namjoon then sat down next to us withe their food. Then I was definitely shocked when Jin tried to spoon feed Yoon and I.

I mean the food looked great and smelled beautifully, I wont lie and say I'm not hungry. But I was not going to eat from a baby spoon, especially if someone feed me. And if I know Yoon, I know that he won't eat it either. So Yoon and I sat with our mouths closed tightly as Jin tried to feed both of us.

"C'mon TaeTae, its yummy" And with that comment I frowned and slapped the spoon out of his hand, no one but Yoon was allowed to call me TaeTae. Jin had a shocked expression on his face and Namjoon gave me a cold stare.

"Taehyung, do we need to go over the rules again?" Namjoon said to me and my face went white as a ghost. I looked over at Yoon who had his face down still red from crying. I looked back at Namjoon and shook my head. I definitely was not going to get on his bad side.

After a few attempts from Jin, I let him feed me. I was starving but Yoongi kept his mouth shut. When he made a decision it was final, he was not going to give in.

When my plate was done the gave me a sippy cup, I tried to pull the lid off but Namjoon slapped my hand and said that only big boys use real cups and that I was still a baby. I was mad at him so I threw the cup at him, making it hit the floor and breaking, splashing red juice everywhere. Yoongi finally looked up but with a shocked and surprisingly scared expression. If he is scared, I know that I am in danger.

Namjoon stood up and picked me up from the highchair, I struggled to get out of his hands but I could barely move. Then I simply gave up and accepted my fate. I went limp and let him carry me out of the kitchen into the living room, with only a few stray tears on my face. He sat down on the living room carpet and  put me on my knees holding my wrists in front of him. I looked directly at him with tears running down my face, I was officially scared.

"Taehyung" He said sweetly but I tried to pull away. "Taehyung!" He yelled making me freeze. "Listen to daddy, I know your scared" I struggled to get out of his grip. "But listen to me. I wont hurt you okay? If your good and a sweet boy, you won't get the ouchies like Yoongi." I stopped struggling and looked at him. "Papa and I are aware of the issues, but we are here to make you happy and give you a life you never had" He smiled at me wiping my tears.

I sat there thinking. Its sounds great, a life of pampering but I don't like it. Something about it bothers me. So I struggled again. And he then said very sternly to me, "Taehyung this is your last warning me and Papa are trying to be nice, and we understand your frustration but you need to cooperate for us to help you. Do you understand?"

I nodded. Not because I understood, he was clearly insane and talking nonsense but I wanted out of the conversation in one piece. So I nodded and let him pick me up, he put me in my highchair and I watched as Yoongi stared at me in shock. Jin had a nice smile and gave me my sippy cup back and I took it.

I am dehydrated and maybe if I am good they wont hurt me like Yoongi. I watch Yoongi stare and refuse food from Jin. But when Namjoon was down eating he switched seats with Jin.

"Why don't you eat Jin? I can fees him" Namjoon grabbed a fork and put it by Yoongi's closed mouth. "Okay Yoongi if you eat, I will let you play with your brother." He smiled at Yoon. I stopped watching when Namjoon grabbed Yoongi's nose to force him to open his mouth. I looked down at my tray while hearing Yoongi struggle. I wanted to help, cry, yell but I cant. I am too scared.

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