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Namjoon POV

Something is wrong with Taehyung, he says he wants Yoongi but when he sees him he cries agian. I've been trying to comfort him for the last hour, I've given him toys and even snacks but he rejects them.

And Yoongi seems perfectly content without Taehyung, not even batting a eye towards our direction. And that just seems to make Taehyung even sadder, today just isn't a good day for Taehyung.

"I wan-t" He spoke between his sobs. "I w-ant Sug-a"

"Okay, Okay" Here we go again with that Suga thing, I wiped his tears and held him close. I had figured Suga was Yoongi but it still wasnt connecting, what was I missing?

Jin didnt know and seems to be out of it all week, I think finally going back to modeling after getting 2 kids was alot. And he seemed okay if it was just him and I in the spotlight. But now with kids, we plan to keep our life quiet and simple. And Jin likes that idea but feels stressed. He's having second thoughts and it scares me.

"Da-dd-y" He tugged my shirt.

"Okay, Daddy will make it all better" I stood up with him in my arms and made my way to Yoongi who was gladly playing with a train set. I put Taehyung down next to him and waited, for the cry.

As I thought a few seconds later, Taehyung bursted into tears. He reached for me and I picked him up again, this was the 12th time in the past hour.

"Why dont we go out?" Jin suggested.

"Isn't food almost ready?"

"No, I havent actually started it. Taehyung seems upset maybe some fresh air would make him better?"

"Okay, what do you think boys?" Yoongi screamed with delight as he ran to Jin and Taehyung just nodded. "Alright, lets get our shoes and coats on" I smiled carrying Taehyung over to the mud room.

Our first outting! Hopefully it wouldnt be so bad and people wouldnt notice us. Celebrities with their kids can usually cause a commontion. At least today was less busy and not many people were roaming the city streets.

Jin and I are celebrities, him for modeling and some acting while I am businessman with a good taste of music. Making my own once in a while, were both quite known and have fans from all over. It was definitely a shocker when we announced our wedding, a gay wedding. Even more when we said we would adopt.

The little community in this day in age was common, you'd most likely see a little than a child playing on a playground. Especially after most of the world seemed to fall to poverty. A little was something anyone could enjoy, but it wasnt always truthfull.

Like ours, we decided to 'kidnap' our twins instead of adopting from a little orphanage.  Reason being many didnt fit our criteria and if we were to adopt regular children it wouldnt be the same. Either way a child was rare, with the birth rate being so low, many just got a little or became one themselves. Its confusing but its our world.


"Yep! I'm here! Just got a little side tracked.."

"Okay well get ready, I'm putting Yoongi in the car."

"Okay" I finished zippering Taehyungs red jacket and put mine on. Then lifted Taehyung and went to the car.

"Is the stroller in the back?"


"The stroller Namjoon"

"Umm yeah" I said after checking (by looking over the seats).

"Okay good, I want to stroll around the shops and store in the city area"

"Are you sure? What if someone recognizes us?"

"Stop being such a worry boat"

"I dont think thats how the saying goes"

"Whatever" Jin pulled the stick into reverse and backed out of the driveway.

"Shouldnt we at least brought a gaurd"

"That would make it more obvious, Namjoon" I grunted and Yoongi laughed. I looked over at Taehyung and he seems to just look out the window.

Maybe today wouldnt be so bad.

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