The End?

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Taehyung POV

It shocked me when I saw yoongi standing over my crib. I thought everything was over and I didn't have a chance now that I was so small. I basically could do nothing but I knew he'd come back for me, well I hoped and he did.

As a baby I realized you can't talk much and you don't really have a say in what you do or how you do it. So I wasn't really sure on how to let yoongi know that I was indeed taehyung but either way he believed me and somehow we made it.

I was really scared when I heard the footsteps and I could tell you he was too. He slightly panicked and just grabbed anything that was in the room that he thought might have been useful. He grabbed the diaper bag and one of my blankets to probably to cover me from the cold.

When the footsteps got closer he ran down the hall and down the stairs and into the guest room and locked the door behind us. Yoongi was getting ready to go out the window with me but on the door was a knock. It was Namjoon.

Yoongi POV

Was this the end? Was there really no way to just wait and find happiness ourselves? Be honest I only you I just want to do is say something it's not like I have an attraction towards him but instead it's more like a tight brotherly bond, that will not and cannot be broken.

"Yoongi, please open the door. We are sorry, so open the door. Please dont hurt Taehyung" Jin pleaded through the door.

"Yoongi, Papa and I really love you. We love the both of you.. so why dont we talk it out" I was not going to fall for that, I reposition taehyung on my hip and grabbed the diaper bag and threw it out the window. It landed with a soft thud, thankfully it wasn't too loud.

I open the window wider all the way, as high as it could go and sat on the side. Contining to listen to Namjoon and Jin plead.

"Yoongi, sweetie! Please be a good little boy and unlock the door. Taehyung can't get sick, please" Jin began to cry. I listened waiting for Namjoon to say his part, but when he didn't I got suspicious.

And before I knew it the door was opening, Namjoon had gotten the keys and unlocked door. I was startled and lost my balance falling back real quickly. I tried to grab onto something but I was already holding taehyung and my other arm just didn't seem to have enough strength and I wasn't quick enough. Before I knew it taehyung had left my arms, it wasn't that he was on the floor or above me. Instead Namjoon had grabbed him by the onesie he was wearing and stopped him from falling with me.

I tumbled back onto the Solid Ground hitting the pots that I had stacked beforehand. I felt the broken pottery cut into my skin, the snow on the ground seems to calm the pain as it was cold but it still hurt. Immediately began crying in pain, because the pain was so strong I didn't really notice it was going on before I knew it someone was next to me and yelling. I assumed it was Namjoon her Jin but I really couldn't tell it was, my vision was too blurry, my hearing was dying and I really just couldn't focus on anything. I had hit my head with the impact.


When I woke again, I was in less pain but if I moved it stung. The thing I was laying on was really soft, my vision still didn't seem to be very clear except I could tell the room was very white and very quiet a little too quiet for me.

When noise eventually happened I could tell it was footsteps of people, automatically I assumed I was in a sort of Hospital. When I tried to move again it was a little less painful and I was kind of got used to the stinging. I was shocked though, my body was just a little less moveable. It wasnt that I didn't have enough strength but I didn't seem to be able to control which way my arm was going nor could I see it move.

I was getting frustrated, very frustrated. After my vision clearer I can finally tell where I was I was in a crib again. Many scary thoughts came through my head. But the main thing I cared about was the location and safety of Taehyung. I didn't know where I was or what my safety was but I just really just cared about Taehyung for some reason, I wasn't sure if he was okay after I fell or even punished. He was a helpless baby but yet still had the mind that I have always known. I truly did care for him.

It was seconds after my vision cleared when I noticed that I was different. Not only was my ability to move terrible, but the size of my body had definitely decreased. I had turned into a baby as well. At that moment I just accepted defeat. I would never be able to be myself again nor would I be able to do what I want. My life felt like it was over.

After a long long time someone came into the room. When I expected doctors or some other weird scientists, it was actually the familiar faces of Namjoon and Jin. I felt way better when I saw their faces even if I didn't like them is better to see someone familiar than to see a stranger that might end up killing you.

"Yoongi" Namjoon hand reached into my crib, his index finger pointing towards my nose. Just like I thought he would, he popped my nose. Then brought his finger down to my tiny hand abd my hand immediately grasped arround it. I couldn't control it and it just seemed to do that weird thing. But it made Jin and Namjoon happy as a small laugh escaped them.

At some point I was picked up and I don't remember much but I think it was a quick ride to the house, I mean how else would I get there? Not only that but most of my memory seems to be gone from that night, well the night that I returned home as a baby.

As of now I'm kind of content, I still haven't accepted the fact that I'll be their baby and probably never will be able to not be theirs. But I'm quite happy with the fact that me and taehyung are going through this together. Since we're kind of just growing up again together this time maybe we'll actually have a better childhood than what we had before.

I mean we grew up once together and it wasn't the best, definitely wasn't the best. And now that we pretty much have everything, life seems to be getting better, I mean it kind of still bothers me that we were basically kidnapped and turned into babies but like at least we are kind of treated okay.

You know that is if you can get over the fact that we're technically way older than what we look. Taehyung doesn't really have any complaints about this whole life thing and I'm pretty sure our so-called parents are okay with it I mean they were the ones who decided to take us.

I've learned quite a lot about Namjoon and Jin, you know the reasons why they're doing this. Honestly I kind of understand where they're coming from and I'm a little kind of glad to be their kid.

And I don't really mind growing up again, I mean puberty going to be a nice time.. But at least this time we'll have people who will love us for eternity. Our Daddy and Papa.


(Wooooooo! Its completed!! Let me know what you think, I love constructive criticism so dont be afraid to hurt my feelings.. well just dont hurt them too badly. Anyway thanks for reading!)

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