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The rest of the day wasnt so bad. We went to the mall, got headphones Namjoon needed. New clothes and toys for the boys, we made new friends. And luckily weren't spotted by fans or by paparazzi.

Had dinner at a fancy restaurant, thankfully the kids were good. Although Taehyung's grumpiness most of rubbed off to Yoongi. Because by the time we were done eating, Yoongi started having a fit.

He kicked Namjoon and threw his binky into the floor. Being respectful people, we left the restaurant after paying and decided to go home. The whole way to the car, Yoongi struggled. Eventually he had to be carried by Namjoon, just to make it to the building.

He yelled curse words and eventually Taehyung joined him, it was a terrible ride home. Especially after Namjoon lost his temper and yelled at them. Obviously it mad it worse, but I just kept quiet. Not knowing how to act in a situation like that.

And now that were finally home, Namjoon decided to punish them. I tried to convince him, that they were just tired and upset. But he had lectured me about letting them getting away with things. So I eventually gave in and watched my children be punished by their father.

It always made me feel like a terrible parent, but in the case simple timeouts would teach them anything. Sometimes you need to go the extra mile and teach them correctly. Watching them get hurt, made me feel like I was getting hurt. It was definitely one thing I didn't like about this whole parenthood thing, but hopefully every thing will work out just fine.


"There fine, Jin stop worrying" Namjoon sat in front of me rubbing his temples. After punishing them, we put them to bed. It wasn't late but it was probably better for them to sleep after today. We had gotten into a small fight, over discipline and other things.

"Yeah, but you shouldn't of done it so hard.."

"And you would like it better if they hurt one of us again or worse themselves. And the way they acted, it was terrible!" He ranted. Yes, they were definitely acting improper, especially for a baby. But they were still slowly learning to accept us. It was only natural.

"Let's talk about this later, were done for today. You have work early in the morning and I have it some in the afternoon. Let's go and rest."

"Okay" He sighed walking up the stairs, I followed close behind.


Yoongi POV

I laid in the crib, thinking. What was next? Nowadays I was falling for their trap, to the point where I don't notice and taetae can't save me from it. We have to escape, and this is the night we put our plan into action.

As far as our "Parents" know were still their babies just a bit grumpy, so using that as a advantage we will escape. Well hopefully.

The first part was difficult, th baby monitor. The one thing that would alert them of our plan. Taehyung had manged to pull a screw out of his crib earlier and we are going to use that to remove the darn screw that kept the batteries inside.

With a pillow and lots of effort of escaping the cribs. We managed to remove the batteries, of course with troubles though. Taehyung had fallen after removing the batteries, immediately we froze thinking that they would come and get us. But they didn't. They were still sound asleep.

After that part was successful we opened our drawers. Mostly to find clothes that didn't make us seem like a 2 year old. Well it's kinda like this, if you see a young child outside in the middle of the night what thoughts come to you? So obviously we had to change, we didn't change the diapers figuring we could later and didn't really have time too.

I grabbed a yellow long sleeve sweater and taetae in a baby blue one. We found hoodies too. Although they had some childish characters on them, it was better than freezing in the cold. For pants we found sweatpants (almost pajama like), apparently they didn't believe in jeans and only overalls or cute shorts.

Then after changing and cleaning up our mess, we made our way out of the room and down the hall. Passing the living room, their bedroom, bathrooms and other rooms, we have yet to go in. We found our shoes and eventually got our coats on too, keeping out hoodies on as well. Knowing it would be super cold.

When reaching the kitchen we needed to find the key, we already know its in one of the drawers. Which one? I don't know.

Let's just go with the one with the lock on it. Grabbing two paper clips from a drawer, we started unlock the padlock. The real question is why use a key and lock to lock a key for a lock? Seems like to much work, and to be honest I'm not even sure on whether this drawer even has the keys.

From previous experience unlocking locks was quite easy, with strength which I don't really have. But manage to do things with Taehyungs help. So with lots of effort we broke the lock and opened the drawer. But there wasn't a key! Just random papers..

So knowing our time to runaway was getting shorter and the chance of escaping lower. We started to panic. Taehyung and I hated this life. Yeah it had benefits and things, but we just can't adjust to the feeling of "love".

We went to the windows in the kitchen, all were locked but one. A small window above the sink that had a microwave above it. The window was definitely too small for a average human to fit through, lucky for us were quite small.

I went first and climbed up onto the counter part, almost falling due to random water but either way I opened the window as far as it could go. I put my legs out first, I nervously dangled my legs outside not knowing when I would reach the floor. But when it seemed impossible, I gave up and fell right through. Banging my arm on the way out and landing on my knees. It hurt but I stood up ready to help tae.

Taetae put out his feet and I bent over, letting his feet land on my back. Even if it was only half a wall for distance, it was still huge. Considering the ground by the window seemed lower then the rest. It was a garden of some sort. After a lot of work he managed to get out too.

Then sudden realization hit. We were finally free. Both of us stuck through the back, climbing over a gate and behind other buildings. When we finally begun to rest, we had made back to our home. The forgotten part of Seoul. The one side where everything seemed to get worse by the second. But it was our home just the way we liked it.

Once again we watched the sun rise sitting on a old bench, its bright colors shining. We were home.


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