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Namjoon POV

Our boys have been gone for a while.. We know they ran away and we decided not to look for them. It was hard to decide that though, we were worried about them getting hurt or worse dying.

Worst of all I worry about their well being, especially Yoongi. Not to my surprise but apparently he has some skeletons in his closet. His orphanage director sexually abused him, to the age 9 or 10 ish. He ran away from the orphanage with Taehyung after getting enough courage.

And they managed to survive on the streets, well even now that they are on their own again. They will most likely be okay. But we kept having the constant worry.

Jin paused his modeling career again and I decided to take a short break from music.. I'm manly just working on keeping my company alive and other stuff.

We're waiting for our boys to come home, but we weren't expecting them to be gone for a month. Especially since the winter has been terribly harsh, of course we have people observing them constantly. Making sure they safety is of most importance. Also so we can monitor them, like if they have eaten or possibly did some dangerous things.

We are really waiting for them, as long as it takes. Hopefully they realize life with us is much better then almost dying out in the cold. Of course when they return we wont be so forgiving of the rule they broke, we haven't decided on what the punishment will be but I know Jin had some ideas. To keep them our babies.


I've been insanely anxious, wondering and waiting for when my babies knock on the door. Surprisingly I know how terrible it is out there, maybe not in the middle of winter but I know enough to say its dangerous and scary.

I might be part of a rich family but that doesn't mean I had a good life or haven't suffered a bit. Because I indeed have suffered, maybe just a little more than people who live in the slums.

My father adopted me, he was rich and a charismatic dude. Handsome with a beautiful wife and two other sons, surprisingly they were even his biological children. He raised me with love and spoiled me rotten, but he was corrupted.

Ruined in the head, he had a terrible temper and always had his way, once something was said it was done without questions. He was just that type of man, his children grew up to be a politician and a lawyer. Of course with his guidance, saying they wouldn't be accepted as part of the family if the didn't agree with him.

But not only was he insane but his wife was worse. Although they are my parents and loved me very much, I dont feel bad about calling them insane.

His wife was a very nice lady, almost too nice? Either way she had a depressing side to her as most do, except that side made her go quite mad. She had lost her 3rd child, the last biological child she could conceive in a accident. That was really only the reason they adopted me, and like most couples they found joy in raising me from a baby. Although I don't remember much, I believe most of my childhood was okay. That is if what I had you could call one, my life was constinalty on repeat. Instead of following laws, they decided to make their own.

Every 5 years I was de-aged, illegally of course. But with money you could basically do anything you want. It was quite traumatizing, not knowing what was real or who to trust. Honestly most of my memories are sketchy, most likely due to the amount of drugs I was on.

So even though online my age is 28, I'm actually way older and probably not the handsome man everyone dreams of. But I know how my babies feel, maybe not exactly but just enough to understand some of their troubles, and unlike my parents I plan to give them the greatest life I can. Not caring about how I feel or what I think is best, especially if its harmful to them. I wont get caught up in what I want and stop thinking about the well beings of others, I will work hard to be a good dad.


Yoongi POV

What were we doing right now? Watching our house from a far, wishing we hadn't left but at the same time...glad we did. Our emotions are a mess, were basically starving to death and freaking freezing. Obviously it wasn't that good of an idea to leave during winter...but we really wanted out and know were wondering if we really made the right choice.

Taehyung and I have been surviving on scraps and random things, it makes me feel bad. Because it was my idea, I wanted to leave.. not Taehyung. And I can already tell he regrets coming with me, I know he misses them and I may or may not kind of possibly miss them too. I mean the food, warmth and things were great! And he doesn't seem to be taking this whole thing well either, he's become a little depressing. He hasn't smiled in a while and wont tell me what's wrong, but I already know what's wrong with him. I just don't wanna accept it. I'm being selfish.

"Can we leave now?" I asked Taehyung. He shook his head and couched lower into the bushes. "What are we doing here anyway? What if they catch us?" I asked and looked at him. "That's wat you want right?" He looked at me. "You want them to come save you. Pamper you, love you, feed you, right?" Anger grew in my voice. "You want them to say everything is okay and that they'll protect you, right!?"

He looked at me like a sad puppy, he knew I was right. And I knew I was right. He finally spoke. "I-I don't know.." he looked down again.

"What do you mean!?!" I got even angrier. "Just emit it! You want them, you love them more than me!" I yelled getting teary and no longer caring about the volume of my voice.

"N-no, I don't" He said finally breaking, tears starting to freeze as they fell from his face. "I care about you" He didn't say 'love', he missed he main point. Like usual.

"If you like them so much-" I took a breathe. "Why don't you just go to them now!?!" He looked at me with anger no longer crying like the child he wishes to be.

"I will!!" He yelled at me and stood up. He pushed me and I fell from my knees to my butt. Then looked at me for a few seconds before turning in the direction of the road, the road he would have to cross to get to the house. I stared in amazement, was he really going to do it? He cross about half of the road, stopping in the middle. waiting for me to say 'come back or I didn't mean it'. But instead like a idiot I stayed quiet and watching him reach the gates of the house. Then knock. There was no more Yoongi and Taehyung, only me, again.


(So the end of this book is coming soon... only a few chapters left..)

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