Is this how it will be?

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Taehyung POV

Did I just hear what I think I heard? Yoongi.. Did he lose the battle? I know it was crazy when I was like that but I didn't think it was this bad.

He was crying! Over probably nothing.

"Daddy!" He sobbed from the other room

"Don't cry, let's go take a bath" I watched as Namjoon lifted Yoongi with ease.I immediately ran over and followed behind him.

"Daddy? Can I take a bath too?"

He walked into the bathroom and gave me a surprised look.

"Why not? Get undressed" He told me as he stripped Yoongi of his shirt. I grunted and he shot me a look. With quick thinking, I said something.

"I need help too~" I whined with embarrassment. He undressed Yoongi fully and sat him on the edge of the tub. Then he grabbed my hips and pulled me in front of him. I wiggled as he took my shirt off and then my pants, it was always the worst part of baths.

He sat me on the toilet and moved Yoongi to a small stool. He started the water and at that moment Jin walked in.

"I'm going to the store need anything?"

"Dino!" Yoongi yelled.

"Dino?" Jin questioned.

"Yeah, Dino" Yoongi said as he was lifted into the bath. I looked at Jin.

"Dino for you too?" I nodded. Although I'm not sure what a Dino is or what it means. It sounded interesting enough.

Jin walked out the door and warm, wet hands grabbed me from under my arms. I let out a surprised squeal and I was put into the water.

Yoongi stared at me for a moment but then giggled. Giggled.. A childish one and even splashed water at me. On impulse I splashed back, getting a not so friendly face from Namjoon.

He put shampoo on Yoongi's head, the good kind where it smells like strawberries. He lathered it in and scrubbed his head. Then he made all his hair stick up, it gave him a funny Mohawk. So I laughed.

"You want one too?" Namjoon said while pouring shampoo on my head. I laughed as he rubbed my head. This wasn't so bad. I mean the embarrassment is kind of, but if you look past the fact that we are two naked almost adults taking a bath together and calling someone daddy, it isn't so bad. Like really.

I giggled as he washed Yoongi's hair, soap had gotten into his eyes which made him cry but I thought it was funny. The bottle said no tears, how can he cry?

When Namjoon finally left the room for new clothes, I talked to Yoongi.

"Suga? Are you okay?"

"Who's Suga?"

"You're Suga"

"No, I'm Yoongi. You silly!" He laughed while putting bubbles on my face. Was our thing no longer working? It worked for me.

"Suga, do you want to go?"

"Go where?"


"We are home, c'mon let's play before Daddy gets back"

"No, I don't want to play. I want Suga back"

"Play with me! Suga isn't here!" He lightly threw a rubber duck at me. Did Suga disappear? I don't want to be here by myself.

"I want Suga"

"No, lets play"

"I want Suga" I repeated. With tears in my eyes. I didn't want to cry, but they just came anyway. Why couldn't Suga come back, its makes me sad.

Yoongi stood up and grabbed a different toy from off the shelf.

"Here, you can play with this"

"No, I want Suga!" I screamed as Namjoon walked in. Tears ran down my face and wouldn't stop.I wiped them again and again. But they just seemed to never end. I really want Suga back.

"Whats wrong?" Namjoon said taking out of the bath and trying to silence my now sobs.

"I--I wa--ant S-u--ga" I choked out between sobs.

"What? Its okay." He wrapped me in a towel and sat me on the floor. Than grabbed the imposter and wrapped him up too.

"I- wan-t Su-ga" I said again this time my sobs were less strong.

"Suga isn't here!" Yoongi yelled at me. And tears started once again, what is wrong with me?

"Da-ddy- mak-e Su-ga come
ba-ck" I cried.

"Who's Suga, sweetheart?"

"Who's crying? Papa brought Dinos!" Jin said as he stood by the bathroom entrance.

"Dinos!" Yoongi yelled running over to him, even leaving his towel in the process. I continued to cry, even louder after I heard Yoongi speak. The Suga thing wasn't working!

"Don't cry. Daddy's here"

"I'll take Yoongi down and get him dressed there, when Taehyung is okay he can come play Dinos" Jin said lifting Yoongi and grabbed his clothes off the sink. But I still continued to sob loudly.

"Daddy will make it all better, tell me what's wrong" He said putting my shirt on me.

"I want Su-ga"

"Suga?" I nodded. "Who's Suga?"

"Yoo-ngi" I said with my thumb
in my mouth, it's an old habit.

"You want Yoongi? Okay, when you're dressed I'll bring you to Yoongi" I nodded hoping that Yoongi would of changed back to normal, especially after all those times I said Suga.

He lifted me up and put me on his hip. I put my head in the nook of his shoulder as a comfort thing, even if he is weird his comfort always felt nice. My crying stopped, probably because my hope covered up my sadness. When we got down the stairs I saw Yoongi playing with Dinos in the living room.

Was he actually playing or putting on a show. Namjoon put me down behind Yoongi and walked away.

"Suga?" He turned around and a smile light up my face. He was finally back.

"I'm Yoongi, silly!"

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