New Friends?

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The knock on the door was Hoseok and his babies Jimin and Jungkook. They stopped in unannounced to see Taehyung and Yoongi, our beautiful twins.

Hoseok also brought along JeongHan and his child Woozi. Apparently coming over while they knew we were struggling to get our children to their happy places was a good idea.

So after I laid Yoongi down to sleep after a messy bottle. They tried to convince us that they were here to help, when in reality the didn't even fix their own children.

Woozi was already a little and so was Jimin. Jungkook was new and accepting of the idea, although certain things was a "no no" but he eventually found his way. But ours are complete opposite.

Both of ours were not even willing to try and understand. At least Taehyung seems the easiest. He's a bit bigger than Yoongi but lacks confidence and physical strength. Yoongi on the other hand is a complete terror at the moment.

He might be smaller than Taehyung by 5 inches and weigh a lot less but apparently that means nothing. That boy has strength and doesn't give a care about anything until he gets his way.

Im worried that he'll keep Taehyung from his happy place and try to drag him down with him. I believe that Jin also thinks that. So we've decided that Yoongi and Tae will be somewhat separated for a while, only until Yoongi realises that he is our baby.


"Daddy.." Woozi says walking into the kitchen were the adults are seated.

"Yeah woo?" Jeonghan looks over.

"Cwan I play weth the twain?" Woozi said giving a slight pouty face to JeongHan.

"You should ask Uncle Joon" He said patting his Woozi's head.

Woozi shyly nodded and walked over to Joon. He had  his elbows on the table and his hands running through his hair. He was stressed.

"Uwncle Joun? Cwan I play with the Twain?" Woozi said looking down and playing with his fingers cutely. Joon looked up for a moment.

"Why not? My children wont be using it anytime soon. Bring it here and I'll opened the box for you" Joon smiled showing his dimples.

Woozi walked into the living room with a huge cute smile on his face. He stepped over the blocks Jungkook was playing with and even doged the yells from Jimin about being in the way of the TV.

He made his way to a small area by the couch that had colorful floor mats covering the floor. He couched down by the toy box and grabbed a toy train in a box label Yoongi.

He grabbed and made his way back to the kitchen. Eventually he gave the toy to Jin, Joon had left to go upstair and check on his children.

Within a few moments a new blue train was on the floor and being played by with Woozi. And then wailing erupted in the house.

Joon was carrying a screaming and crying Taehyung down the stairs.

(Sorry about it being late. I recently moves so the internet is nit so good and I have a writers block)

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