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Yoongi POV

Being home again was more rough than we thought. Yeah it was still better than being someone's baby but it kinda made us miss the affection we received on a daily basis. Let's not mention the food and warmth as well.

It was freezing! Snow had decided to come a bit early and the place we once hid for winter became closed off. Due to a murder of an homeless guy, turns out that the homeless guy was once our friend. He was always nice to us, said that we reminded him of his grandkids.

Although we didn't know much about him, we still felt sad knowing he had died wrongfully. I mean he was the only guy we knew after escaping the orphanage, and he was totally okay with teaching random kids how to survive on the streets. He was practically our dad, just a bit older than he should of been.

Anyway or quest to find a place to sleep was hard, snow had just fallen and the night would be incredibly cold. Knowing this many other homeless people were looking for a place as well, leading to us finding one but being turned down because they didn't have any space left in the small place.

At least they were nice when they rejected us, most homeless are nice to each other. Knowing that they probably suffer the same as they do, being nice to rich people was different.

You see, the fact was that if every rich person left, could put 2 dollars into helping the poor everyday, we wouldn't be dying on the streets or stealing from them.

Taehyung didn't seem to care though, not about our quest to find shelter nor that fact that we haven't eaten in 3 days. At first we thought they would come look for us, but a day went by then 2. So we gave up hiding and figured that they wouldn't be coming.

Taehyung had faith in me, knowing that I somehow would find food and shelter, just like I did before. But that was the problem, I couldn't!

We had been with our kidnappers for almost 3 whole months, and things changed around the slums. Old shops we would steal from didn't exist anymore and more houses had collapsed. And police seemed just to linger around what was left of the city, beating anyone who seemed not worthy of a few cents to buy food.

Luckily with a few acting skills and a whole plan, we managed to get into one of the small shops guarded by police. Our clothes we no longer tattered or dirty, we had thankfully taken very good care of theclothes we took from the house. And with those we were able to get by, making them think we came from the one side of the poor city that still had a little left.

Basically that was a small section of the forgotten city. It wasn't full of homeless or rich people, it was kinda like middle class but just poorer than it once had been. It still had houses and school for children, even hospitals but obviously there was a line to divide the three sides.

The poor side, the somewhat middle class side, and the frigging rich side. The police man noticed our somewhat clean clothes and probably thought we had come over to get a few things, middle class could go to the homeless side but not the other way around. But to be honest who ever follows that rule?

I walked into the store and thankfully we were not the only ones in there. We made sure to come in separately, I went first. I was the shoplifter, basically I waited until someone asked a question or went into the view of the owner. So I could put a few things in my pockets and if that didn't happen Taehyung would be the asker or just somehow block her view.

Either way it took a bit longer that we wanted. Taehyung ended up coming in and blocking the view while I stole. I didn't need to worry about cameras or the police man, they were too poor for cameras and the man that once guarded the place left for a cigarette.

We managed to steal a small loaf of bread and a few packets of ramen, even a small metal bowl that held candy inside. We could eat it cold and crunchy but if we found a place to cook it, we would eat it nice and hot.

It got dark quickly and the temperature began to drop. Making us literally start to freeze. We manage to convince a women and her man to allow us into their makeshift house. It was a house that collapsed but obviously had work down a bit to keep most of it up, it was once a house with everything but now it was reduced to a 1 room with 1 missing. That was covered by a blue tarp, and the floor had old paper covering it.

They obviously didn't own this house before and probably just claimed it after no one came. They were quite nice but only allowed us to stay if we would share our food. Although having a full stomach was important, shelter was even more important. So we decided to share and sleep in their house for the night. It is definitely more rough than any other year we had lived here, maybe we got too used to being treated well. I kinda miss it.

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