Chapter 4

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"You sure he wants me in on this meeting? I haven't been cleared to return to touring yet" Chance asked as Tim set up the laptop for the conference call.

"You're still a part of this group, Chance. You need to know what's going on, you have a say in what we do just as much as the rest of us" Tim assured him before grabbing a beer for each of them.

"Hey guys!" Austin yelled, his nose directly on the screen.

"What the hell" Tim shouted, nearly toppling over Chance as he was returning with the drinks. "How many times have I told you not to do that Austin, damn it you trying to kill me or what?"

Chance couldn't help but laugh at Tim's reaction and Austin's face contorting on the screen at Tim's response. "Man have I missed you" Chance told him.

"You're looking good bud, how ya doin?" Austin asked.

"Gettin there. Glad to be back in the real world instead of that place" he replied, his response having a double meaning.

"Is that a beer in your hand?" Jenika chimed in, her lips pursed in disapproval.

Tim rolled his eyes. "I saw that Foust" she commented as Chance smirked and nonchalantly replied, "why yes, yes it is Mother Hen" taking a drink of it.

"Oh snap" Tim laughed at his reply.

"Not funny guys" she pouted.

"Come on Jen, just having a little fun with ya. It's been a long time since I've been able to be home, relax and feel normal again" he replied.

"I know, I know. Sorry, just protective of you, all of you guys" she replied. Chance winked at her and said thanks.

"Hi untle Tim" came a little girls voice over the computer.

"Hey baby girl, how are you" he replied watching Cerise standing between Rob and Adam, her arms on each of their shoulders.

"I'm otay, miss you. Hi untle Chance, is your boo boo bedder" she asked looking directly at him now. Chance's heart melted at the sight of the little one. "Yes sweet pea, much better" he replied with a big smile.

"Okay Cerise, daddy and uncle Rob need to talk about work with everyone so I need you to go help mommy and Ms. Kelsey with Lydia. Will you do that for me" he asked.

"Yes daddy" she said giving him and Rob each a hug before Adam helped her off the sofa. "Bye, love you" she waved towards the screen.

"All right guys, we've got alot to cover,  everyone ready to get started?" Adam asked as he opened his notes.

Listening as Adam went over every upcoming event Chance couldn't help but feel envious that the guys had all this work to do and he had to sit back on the sidelines waiting till he could return.

"Chance, you think your up for some of this " Adam asked, catching him off guard.

"You want me?" he replied.

"Well of course, you're still 1/5th of this group. You're included in everything, decisions, performances. Nothing's changed about that" Adam reminded him.

Chance couldn't wait, he wanted to do it all, he wanted his life back. But he was realistic too about how much he was capable of at this point. He still had physical therapy to continue, his voice needed a bit of strengthening.  He wanted to be sure not to be a hindrance to their continued success.

Tim looked at him, sensing he was mulling over in his mind all that lay ahead. "We've got some time, don't we, before we need to commit to all of this?" Tim asked, giving Adam a look that he caught on to.

"Yeah, definitely. You think it over Chance. Your full recovery is more important than any of this. We've got a few months off before any more appearances are scheduled. In the meantime we'll work on some of the  studio time for the next album. Jenika, you continue with confirmed bookings we have presently set, check the venues, costumes, etc. I do have a few inquiries made by photographers and video companies wanting to pitch their ideas for hiring plus the never ending social media updates. I'll email each of you all the details later" he advised.

'Whoa, he's really taken charge since Chris left. Who knew he could talk that much" Chance thought to himself as he silently chuckled.

"Chance, you have a laptop?" Adam said, once again breaking his thoughts. "Um, no. Didn't think about that or a phone for when I came home" he replied.

"Jenika, could you set him up with a new company credit card so he can get the laptop, phone and anything else he needs" Adam asked.

"Wait..what? We have company credit cards? When did that happen" Chance responded.

"Yeah, since we no longer have Pierce stealing from us and the court ordered repayment, plus the continued support by our loyal fans through Patreon, we are back in the black" Adam replied.

Chance sat there, shaking his head. He had missed so much the past six months. He was even more determined to get started in making a full come back to the group.

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