Chapter 18

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Chance was up late, packing and preparing for his followup appointment in Raleigh and hadn't noticed Caroline at his bedroom window.

"Hey" she finally whispered in his ear.

Chance jumped, nearly tripping over his own two feet. "Girl, how many times have I said not to do that. You nearly scared me to death"

"I'm sorry" she giggled. " you nervous about the appointment".

"A bit, I want to get back to work, back to normal" he replied, now sitting on his bed.

"Patience my friend, it'll all come back" she told him.

He looked up, feeling her hand on his shoulder and smiled. He knew she could only let him know bits and pieces at a time, he was just growing impatient. Something he was advised he needed to work on.

"I see you spoke with Tim" she said after a few mimutes of silence.

"He's torn, Caroline. I can see and hear it in is voice, he's afraid of losing you forever. If he doesn't allow himself to love again, he feels he won't betray you. You were his soulmate" Chance replied.

He envied their love for one another, hoping for the same for himself one day. He thought Mina was his, but realized at one point before his life turned upside down, she truly wasn't. Caroline had shown him while on the other side the truth, the real meaning of a soulmate.

Caroline sensed his feelings, "someday Chance, yours will come, just be patient" she assured him.

He simply nodded at her response. "How's it going with Jenika?" he asked.

"She's scared, confused. Her emotions are all over the place. I did plant the seed, so to speak. I've flood her thoughts with memories of their first meeting, an impromptu lunch date they had as well as other moments in time" she stated.

"Lunch date? What lunch date" he asked, closing his suitcase.

"When you insisted on sending him back without you, you stayed for the further testing, they just happened to meet on the flight back" she told him.

"Just happened to meet" he questioned.

Caroline looked at him and smiled, "well, I have a purpose to fulfill too you know"

"Let me quess, you got to hand pick his new love" he grinned.

"Not exactly, but I was presented with the task to choose someone to coax his way. She had to be someone who was caring, not pretentious, but genuine. She needed to have the passion for music as intense as his in order for him to fulfill his purpose"

"And what is his purpose" he asked.

"You know the rules, Chance"

"Ugh...I understand but you can't blame me for trying" he laughed lightly.

"You are taking him with you, aren't you" she asked.

"I thought about asking him, but unsure of his plans" he replied.

"You must, he's very vulnerable right now, he should not be alone" she advised.

Chance furrowed his brow, "what are you saying"

"He needs you to take care of him, watch over him as he did you, while he comes to terms with his future" she answered.

"He's...he's not contemplating.." he began before she interrupted.

"You know the rules" she reminded him again, before slipping away with the breeze through the window.

Tim lay in bed reading when his phone rang..

"Hey buddy, what's ok" Tim answered noticing the caller ID.

"Yeah, hey I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go with me to Raleigh" Chance asked.

Tim was a bit hesitant, his mind cluttered with uncertainty he didn't feel he was in the best frame of mind to be good company for the long roadtrip.

"Tim, I could really use the company" he told him.

"Yeah, problem. I'll get the truck ready in the morning" Tim answered.

"Actually, I was thinking of flying, make it quicker. Plus, if the doc gives me the go ahead, I thought we could head down to Alabama for a day or two" Chance explained.

Tim thought for a moment, maybe he needed to get away just as much as Jenika did. "Sounds good, I'll be ready first thing in the morning"

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