Chapter 26

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"Ok, I'll be there as soon as I can" Chance replied ending his call as Tim walked up the path towards the house.

"You ok" he asked him. Tim shrugged, he was unsure of what he just experienced let alone what he was feeling.

"You feel like taking a ride? Seems my niece is about to make her debut" Chance informed him.

"Oh man that's great but I'm not sure I'd be very good company " he replied.

"Nonsense. I think it's exactly what you need, besides she needs to meet her uncle Tim, her birthday is as good a time as any" Chance smiled.

Maggie and Marcus were sitting in the waiting room while Heather and Jake were getting set up in the birthing room. "This could be a long night Maggie. Why don't you relax on the sofa while we wait" Marcus urged her.

"Don't be silly, I'm too excited. This is my first grandchild, I don't want to miss a thing" she replied as Jake entered the room.

"She's asking for you Miss Maggie, she's really nervous" Jake told her.

Maggie smiled and gave Jake a hug before heading to the room.

Jake poured himself a cup of coffee before he began to pace back and forth. "You all right, son" Marcus asked.

"She's not the only one who is nervous" he replied sipping his coffee.

"She'll be fine, babies are born every day, Jake" Marcus chuckled.

"I know, it's not that. I don't know...I guess...well, I don't want to screw this up...being a father I mean. I'm not sure where to start. I never knew my own dad, I have no idea what to do" he told him.

"I see, well it's, like a learn as you go process. They don't come with manuals" Marcus chuckled.

"Seriously" Jake replied sarcastically.

Marcus walked over to his side, putting his arm around his shoulder he said " the minute you hold that precious little girl in your arms, look into those tiny eyes,  you will know and you will do everything in your power to take care of her, no matter the cost " he assured him. "She's gonna have you wrapped right around her tiny little finger " he teased.

"Why not, her mother already does" Jake smiled.

Tim sat silently looking out at the stars above trying to comprehend the events of just a short time ago. 'Was this real. Did I just see, talk, touch Caroline or was it wishful thinking, consumed by grief and turmoil of mixed emotions' he thought to himself.

"Hey, you want to talk" Chance asked breaking the silence.

"It all seemed so real. I felt her touch" Tim said quietly.

"It was real, Tim" he replied.

Tim looked at him "how do you know" he asked.

Chance cleared his throat before answering, knowing he couldn't reveal everything about his encounter on the other side, he explained how Caroline had come to him while he was in the coma.

"I asked her to take care of you" Tim replied quietly shifting his weight in the seat, turning more towards Chance.

"She did. But I didn't want to come back, to the pain, the uncertainty. I didn't know if the surgery had worked and lord knows I had hurt my family, hurt you so much that I felt you all would have been better off without me" Chance replied solemnly. "She also made me realize I was holding onto someone that I needed to set free"

"Your dad?" Tim asked.

Chance nodded. "The only way he could truly rest in peace was if I forgave him for leaving and finally accepted how much he had really loved me".

"Which is what she was trying to tell me" Tim said, lowering his head.

"Yes" Chance replied as he turned onto the street for the hospital.

"She mentioned she had a purpose and couldn't fulfill that till she crossed over. Do you know what that means?" Tim asked.

Chance knew he couldn't explain that to the full extent, he really didn't know all of what Caroline's work was, he didn't even know what all of his entailed yet. Only that Jenika was a key factor in both.

"I'm not sure what that is. I do know she convinced me to return,  that it wasn't my time yet and that I had unfinished business" Chance answered as he pulled into the hospital parking lot.

"I don't understand, so much of this I just don't understand" Tim remarked as he opened the car door.

"You will" Chance told him as they walked through the hospital entrance.

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