Chapter 30

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Adam, Rob and Austin were in the hotel restaurant waiting for the others before ordering drinks and dinner.

"Did you guys notice Tim today, seemed like he was avoiding Jenika" Austin remarked while looking over the menu.

"Yeah, quite a bit of tension. You could cut it with a knife" Rob added.

"More like sexual tension" Adam added fiddling with a game on his phone.

Austin and Rob both snapped their heads in his direction. "Nooo" Rob commented. Followed by Austin, " you're crazy. They don't feel that way about each other. I mean, she went on a date with that Drew guy"

"Yea, and remember what happened with that guy" Adam replied.

"Chance beat the crap out of him, and rightfully so, the jerk" Rob answered.

"Right, but remember how she didn't want Tim to know" Adam added, still staring at his game.

"Yea, but that was because she was embarassed " Austin said.

"True, but how did Tim react when he found out " Adam asked.

Rob and Austin looked at each other, "he was pissed and was kind of a jerk to her himself" they stated in unison.

"Uh huh" Adam replied with a grin.

"Noooo, really? Ya think so?" Austin asked just as Chance walked in. "Think so about what" he asked.

"Adam seems to think Tim and Jenika have a thing for each other" Rob replied as Chance sat next to him.

"I see, and what makes you think that" he asked, knowing all to well how right he was.

After Austin and Rob filled him in on Adam's speculation Chance shrugged and said "stranger things have happened".

Adam looked up grinning at all three, "told ya".

"But he's still in love with Caroline, even though she's gone, but at least the memory of her. How can Jenika compete with something like that. I mean, he really deeply loved her from what I've gathered. I didn't think he would ever get over her" Austin stated.

"I don't know if I could ever love another if I lost Kelsey, it wouldn't be the same" Rob remarked.

"It's not a competition, Austin. Look at it this way...different people enter our lives at different times for several reasons, whether it be for guidance, compassion or affirmation" Chance stated.

"Yeah, I guess" Austin replied, confused.

"Let me use this example. I joined the group not as a replacement for Chris but as an added sound to the group. With my joining, you brought a brotherhood, a second family that I didn't have. You gave me a chance to fulfill my dreams and lifted me during my darkest hours" Chance told him.

Austin looked at him, then the others, "so like destiny or something".

"I like to think of it more as, sort of like a purpose for our existence" Chance replied.

"Isn't it part of the bigger plan, like God or the universe, has our lives set forth and we follow it" Rob asked.

"You could say that. We can choose but sometimes just going with wherever life leads us is the best. At least that's how I feel" Chance replied.

"No stressing, if it's meant to be, it will be" Adam added.

"Ok, so if they do become an item, how will that affect us. I mean, we're all friends, what happens if they get into disagreements " Austin asked.

"We steer clear" Rob chuckled "I'm not getting in the middle of them. You've seen that Texans temper" he added with a shudder.

"He's not as bad as this one" Austin added, nodding his head towards Chance.

" I'm harmless" Chance laughed.

"We just don't take sides, thats all. They need to vent, we're here. Other than that, it's their business, agreed" Adam stated.

"Agreed" they replied in unison.

Jenika stood staring at Tim. "Can I come in" he asked, staring back.

"Yeah, sure, sorry. I just didn't expect to see you when I opened the door " she replied, stepping back inside.

Tim walked in as he apologized for not calling her ahead of time, "I ..ugh...if I called first I may have lost my nerve" he added.

Jenika furrowed her brow as she closed the door. Placing her purse on the table Tim gently took her by the arm and turned her to face him.

"Jen...I'm sorry...I'm sorry for being an ass about Drew. You didn't deserve what I said and you surely didn't deserve what he did" he told her quietly, looking into her eyes.

She couldn't move, she could only stare at him as she saw something different within his dark eyes. She felt something, something different between them. She gently raised her hand to cup his cheek, he immediately closed his eyes leaning into her hand as his breath hitched.

"Tim" she began before he spoke again.

"I was jealous" he quietly admitted, now leaning his forehead against hers.

"Jealous?" she whispered, hoping that what she had realized and was feeling about him was true on his part too.

Tim guided her over to the sofa,  gently pulling her down to sit along side him. Taking her hands in his he professed his feelings, his fears and asked if she could forgive him. "Can we go back to where we were, being friends at least" he asked.

Jenika looked up into his eyes. "No" she began quietly, causing Tim's heart to leap into his throat. Panic began to set in before he managed to say he understood and would just let her be.

"Tim...we can't go back to where we were...but we can start over..if you're sure" she told him.

"Jenika...I am more sure now than a I ever was, just too damn stubborn to give in and admit that I care about you...really,  care about you" he told her quietly.

Jenika's heart seemed to be beating out of her chest. Was she dreaming, was this really happening, thoughts she mulled over in her mind.

"Jenika?...say something, please" Tim asked nervously.

She'd been so consumed by her own thoughts she hadn't heard what he'd said. Looking a bit confused, she merely asked "what did you say?"

Tim leaned towards her cupping her face into his hands "I'm falling in love with you" he whispered as he gently kissed her lips.

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