Chapter 10

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Agreeing to meet back at Tim's at 6:30, Jenika headed back to her place to change her clothes while the others continued to get reacquainted. She decided to wear her 'mom' jeans, as her sister called them with a floral loose fitting top under her brown leather jacket and a pair of sensible shoes. Her hair had kinked a bit after her shower earlier from not drying all the way and she rather liked the way it lay along her face and shoulders. With a light application of makeup she looked into the mirror feeling that was more of who she really was. Not the woman on the back of the bike earlier.

Austin approached Tim as he stood on the back porch looking out into the field. "What's up with you, you seem to tense up every time Jenika walked in the room today. You angry with her?" he asked.

Tim was angry, with her, himself, the feelings that he was having and the immense amount of guilt about all of it. He had no intention of telling anyone how he felt, he couldn't. "Just not a good day bud, no worries though" he replied as Chance walked towards them.

"No cane?" Tim asked surprised.

"Time to go without it" Chance replied, still having a slight limp in his walk.

"Dude, it's amazing to see how far you've come, I for one am very greatful" Austin commented.

"Me too Austin, me too" he replied.

Jenika arrived the same time as did the taxi van she had rented for the night. The driver would take them to and from The Legends Corner so they could party as much as they wanted and not worry about driving home after. Adam met her at the door.

"Girl, you thought of everything, thank you so much" he told her as he motioned for the others. "Let's get this party started" he said making everyone laugh. Adam seldom drank or partied but tonight was a special occassion, they had their brother back.

A few hours and a few drinks later while finishing up the food they'd ordered Tim noticed Chance's buddies walk in and sit at the bar. Immediately feeling the jealousy, he couldn't help himself from making a remark to Jenika in earshot of the guys.

"Huh, surprised you're not over there with your biker boyfriend, or did you get enough of him in your bed this afternoon when you were 'tied up'" he stated snidely, taking a large gulp of his beer.

Chance shot him a look, while the guys looked shocked at his remark. "Tim" he barked.

" saw her too, at the diner. All flirty in her tight fitting jeans. Don't let her fool ya guys, she ain't little miss innocent like she plays out to be" he informed the others.

Infuriated and hurt Jenika stood and slapped him across the face as hard as she could. "You had no right" she yelled at him before turning, running out of the bar.

Chance stood, "sometimes you're the biggest ass, you know that" he told Tim before heading out to find her.

"What the hell is going on" the three others asked in unison.

Tim just sat back, drinking his beer. Glaring at Drew as he turned to the commotion, laughing as Jenika ran out.

Chance couldn't run yet but he walked as fast as he could to catch Jenika. "Jen" he yelled, she kept going. "JenikaMae Marion, stop right now" he demanded, stopping her in her tracks. As he finally caught up to her, he stepped in front to face her. She couldn't look at him, hanging her head crying, wrapping her arms around herself.

"He didn't mean that Jen, you know how he can get if he drinks too much" he told her, lifting her chin lightly. The look in her eyes tore at him, the saddness and the anger. Something told him there was more to this than Tim's snide remark.

Back inside Austin, Rob and Adam looked in the direction of Tim's stare. He still said nothing. "Are you going to tell us what is going on" Rob asked just before Chance walked up to Drew, swinging his bar stool around and started to pummel his face with his fist.

Adam immediately stood, seeing the slightly smaller man next to them stand. He moved in between and stated, "I'd back off if I were you".

Austin and Rob stood, watching as Chance pulled Drew from the bar stool, throwing him to the ground. "You sure they removed all that tumor" Rob remarked. "Yeah, really, cause he's beating the shit out of him just like he did Pierce" Austin commented.

Chance stood over Drew, his hands bloodied and bruised. "You EVER go near her again and I swear I will hunt you down and finish this, do you understand me " Chance bellowed.

Drew pulled himself up off the floor as Tim walked next to Austin. Watching with a raised brow, not understanding why Chance was threatening him.

"You're defending that teasing bitch? Over me?" Drew questioned, wiping the blood from his lip with the back of his hand,  moving towards Chance. Adam maneuvered himself between the two, "if you don't want me to finish what he started, I suggest you get your ass out of here before I call the cops. And take this mutant with you" he demanded.

Several other patrons stood by, apparently ready to back up Adam and Chance. Having recognized who they were they began to close in on the two bikers.

Realizing they were out numbered Drew motioned to Smitty to leave. "I'll see you in court Ray, you can count on it!" He barked back as they headed towards the door.

Jenika had stayed in the ladies room just as Chance had told her to. She could hear the commotion on the other side of the door. 'This whole friggin mess is my fault" she thought to herself just as Chance poked his head in the door "the coast is clear. You ready" he asked holding his hand out for her to take. He quickly escorted her outside to a waiting taxi giving the driver the address as she slipped into the back seat. "When you get there go to my place, you can stay with me for  the night. I'll head back with the rest in the van" he told her.

"Please Chance, don't tell Tim. I can't face him right now" she pleaded.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him. I'll see you soon".

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