Chapter 27

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Six hours later his niece finally arrived. Tim had fallen asleep while Chance kept Marcus company as Maggie and Jake had  taken turns coaching Heather through labor.

Chance was taken in to see Heather about an hour after delivery. As he walked in he saw Heather tired but absolutely glowing as she held her newborn daughter. "Hey, Uncle you ready to meet her" she said quietly as he approached her bedside.

Chance leaned down, looking into this wide eyed wonder.."Heather, she's beautiful" he commented.

"Uncle Chance meet little miss Callie" she said before asking if he wanted to hold her. Chance gently picked up the tightly swaddled child "hello little one, Happy Birthday" he whispered as he kissed her forehead.

Heather watched her brother, bringing her fingers to her lips, a tear escaping her eye as he spoke softly and lovingly to her daughter.

Chance noticed, "hey, don't cry sis" he smiled.

"It's look just like Dad...I wish he was here to meet her too" she replied.

"Sweetie, he is. I know how very proud he is of you too. Plus I have a feeling he's already met her" he told her, smiling.

Heather looked at him for a moment, then realized what he meant "I suppose you're right" she smiled.

Maggie and Marcus were in the waiting room when Chance returned. "Isn't she beautiful, Chance" Maggie commented gushing with pride.

"She is Momma..or should I say gramdma" he chuckled lightly.

"That sounds old and stuffy. We'll have to come up with a much better name for her to call me" she grinned.

Maggie and Marcus went back into see the new family before leaving for the night so they would be able to rest and bask in the exciting moment.

Tim was asleep on the couch when Chance leaned over and gently shook his shoulder. Tim rolled over to his back, taking a moment to open his eyes and focus on where he was. Sitting up and seeing just Chance in the room he asked what was going on. "Come, there's someone I want you to meet" he told him.

Tim walked in the room behind Chance as Jake sat next to Heather holding her daughter. Maggie and Marcus stood to the side smiling as he entered. Heather motioned for him to come closer. As he approached her bedside she introduced her to him "Callie, this wonderful, caring man is your Uncle Tim" she said before asking if he wanted to hold her.

Tim was hesitant at first, he wasnt accustomed to holding babies. The last time he held a baby was when Emily was born and he was 5 yrs old. "I'm afraid I might drop her " he replied.

Maggie pulled the chair over, advising him to sit while Chance gently took her from Heather and slowly placed her in Tim's arms. His eyes welled up with tears as he looked into the tiny little face. He placed his hand near hers when she wrapped her hand around his finger. Biting his lower lip he thought about how he and Caroline had wanted children,  having hoped they would have had a little girl just like her. Tim leaned over, kissing her on the forehead he whispered "I'll always be here for you just like Uncle Chance".

Maggie and Heather both teared up as they watched and heard Tim with Callie. Chanced looked at Heather, motioning towards her. "Umm, Tim" she said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hold her so long" he apologized.

"No, that's perfectly fine and thank you so much for being here and for what you just told her., we wanted you to know that she was named after Caroline. I mean. Callie is a nickname for Caroline. We didn't want to be presumptuous by naming her Caroline but we wanted to include her as part of the family, just like you. And from what all you've shared with us about her, her strength and drive..we knew we had to name her after Caroline.

Tim looked at Heather with a loving smile " Thank you...I know Caroline would be honored that you felt that way as do I" he replied, his voice shaking a little. He handed Callie back to Chance before standing " if you would excuse me" he stated before he walked out of the room. Chance handed the baby back to Heather then leaned to kiss her goodnight.

"Get some rest and thank you, sweetie" he told her as he turned to walk out.

"Chance" she stated.

He turned, "yeah?".

"I'm glad you were here, I wasn't sure you were going to be" she cried.

"I'm glad I was too" he smiled as he left to go find Tim.

Tim was standing on the steps outside the hospital entrance. His hands stuffed in his pockets as he stared into the heavens. His eyes wet with tears he thought about what Caroline had said and now with Heather and Jake naming their baby, he knew he needed to surrender as she had asked. But his mind still filled with uncertainty towards Jenika. Would she even want him after how he'd treated her. Was she even interested in someone like him, his age, his stubbornness. He had alot to think about and didn't want to rush his decisions. And he still felt a pang of guilt just thinking about his uncertainty.

Chance came outside, finding Tim on the steps. He placed his hand upon his shoulder. "You ok" he asked.

Tim wiped his eyes with his hands before sliding them through his hair " Yeah, I'm good" he replied. "Did you know they were going to do that" he asked as they walked towards the car.

"Nope, no idea what so ever. But I understand why" he said .

"Yeah. I think I do too" Tim replied as they got into the car.

Chance just smiled as he pulled onto the interstate, thinking "well played Caroline, well played."

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