Chapter 29

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Once the interviews were over and everyone went their separate ways, Tim headed down the back fields behind his place. Chance watched as he walked towards the large oak tree, a spot Tim seemed to find his answers. As he sat down and leaned against the tree, Chance saw Caroline off in the distance. 

"He's trying, Caroline. He really is" Chance thought as he watched her move closer to the tree. She lifted her gaze towards him, smiling. She read his thoughts as usual, she knew.

"Darlin, I know you're nearby and can hear me. I feel you as always. I see what you've been showing me, I understand, well most of it, now. I promise it won't be much longer. This is hard for me. I never imagined myself with anyone but you, never thought I could possibly have feelings for another but you. I can't help but feel guilty, like I'm cheating" he said aloud, a tear sliding down his cheek.

Caroline looked at him, then leaned down in front of him and smiled. "Timothy, I know you're heading into the unknown and like anything the first steps are the hardest filled with fear and uncertainty. But, she's the one, she's been chosen to heal your broken heart" she whispered, touching his cheek.

Tim leaned into her hand. He could feel her soft touch against his face. He closed his eyes and for a moment he was back in Texas, in the gardens sitting under their tree, together. "Promise me you will always sing, and I will always hear you. Promise me you will follow your dreams, and live your life. Remember me as I was, not as what I will soon be". The words of their last moments resonated through his mind.

Opening his eyes brought him back to the tree in Tennessee where he now sat, contemplating his future. "I promised" he said aloud, wiping the tears from his eyes. Caroline watched as he stood, sliding his hands through his hair, she whispered one last time "Timothy, use your heart while it's beating"

"I will, Darlin....I will" he replied as he head back towards the house.

Chance wiped a tear from his own eyes. He had heard everything and saw the memory Tim had experienced. "You're an extraordinary woman, you know that. To love someone as deeply as you do yet surrender them" he told her as she appeared next to him.

Caroline placed her arm around Chance, "When we surrender, we allow the universe to work its magic. We trust things will workout as they're meant to. We give ourselves permission to let go of the outcome. You did the same for your Dad and even Jasmina." she said quietly.

"I suppose....Has he surrendered you?" he asked quietly.

Jenika sat on the sofa going over the details from the meeting and interviews. Adam had requested they meet the next morning to finalize their decisions and to get back on track.  Now that the doctor had released Chance from all restrictions, he would need to get back into rehearsals with the choreographer and voice coach in addition to completing the physical therapy before heading back on tour. It was alot of responsibility but she welcomed it, hoping it would help keep her occupied from her thoughts of Tim.

Tim, he really hadn't said much if anything to her at the meeting. She knew he was avoiding her and could only imagine what he must think of her and the episode with Drew. "How can I possibly think he could be interested in me after that. He probably looks at me like some harlet after that. I don't blame him, I practically threw myself at him and look where that got me. I'm nothing like Caroline.  She was wholesome, pure. An angel for God sake. I can't compare" she told herself aloud before sliding the laptop to the side. She couldn't concentrate and needed a diversion. Grabbing her purse and keys she opened the door.

"Hey" he said in a low quiet voice, sending a shiver down her spine as they stood face to face.

"Hey" she whispered in response, gazing into his eyes.

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