Chapter 17

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Chance convinced Tim to join him for dinner, now all he needed to do was convince Jenika of the same. "Time to start playing matchmaker" he said aloud, dialing her number.

"Hey you" he said as she answered the phone "You finished working for the day, I thought maybe we could grab dinner somewhere"

"Um...well I was going to call you" she began before he interrupted her.

"No excuses, I won't take no for an answer" he chuckled.

"You're going to have to, this time. I'm home" she told him.

"Alright, well we can order in if you'd rather" he replied.

"No Chance, I'm Wisconsin" she answered quietly.

" everyone ok" he asked, genuinely concerned.

"Everyone is fine..I just needed some think, ya know" she explained.

He knew what she meant, he always felt more grounded and able to clearly see what decisions needed to be made just by returning home to Alabama.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It was a last minute decision, I planned on calling you once I settled in" she told him.

"It's ok, I understand. How long do you think you'll be away" he asked.

"I'm not sure, but don't worry, ok. Just concentrate on your recovery. I brought the work Adam wants me to take care of with me. I'll let you know when I'm coming back" she explained.

" know Tim is going to ask where you are" he told her.

"I...I know, you can tell him. Adam and Rob already know" she replied.

"Really?" he responded, surprised.

"Yeah, kind of hard to keep it a secret when you run into them at the airport while on your way to your connecting flight" she stated.

"True...Jen, you'll find your answers.. just follow your heart" he told her.

Taken by surprise with his response, she merely said she had to go then hung up.


Sitting in Edley's BarBQue, finishing their meal, Tim finally mentioned how he thought for sure Chance was going to invite Jenika to join them.

"To be honest, I did ask her" Chance replied, handing his empty plate to the waitress.

"And she refused, because of me" Tim added.

"She's home" he told him.

"I guess it's time for me to face the music " Tim said, standing to leave.

"Sit down" Chance told him.

Tim raised his brow, "I need to fix this" he told him.

"Unless you plan on flying to Wisconsin, you can't, at least not for now" Chance replied.

Tim looked at him, "what?...why is she there, is everyone ok" sitting down.

Chance explained how he contacted her, that she felt she needed to go home, to think, to clear her mind.

"I've caused this, haven't I" he said motioning for the waitress. He then proceeded to order a shot of whiskey and another beer.

"She's dealing with alot right now" Chance commented, requesting another sweet tea. He wasn't drinking for various reasons, knowing Tim would, especially now.

"But you said everyone is fine there. Is something else going on I should know about" he asked him.

"Some things have happened, she's fighting her own emotions right now" Chance replied, skirting around the real answer but hoping Tim would pick up on it so he wouldn't have to go against her wishes by telling him.

"She wants Drew, doesn't she" Tim asked, throwing back the shot of whiskey.

"Not exactly" Chance muttered taking a drink of his tea.

"Really, could have fooled me. The way she flirted when they met, the ride, the diner, the bar.." Tim stated, gulping his beer before suddenly stating, "wait...the bar, you beat the shit out of him" he looked at Chance as his eyes went from sadness to anger. "What the hell did he do, so help me if he hurt her Chance, I'll kill him" he exclaimed.

"She..we handled it" he replied looking at the faded bruises on his hands.

"You told me he was a decent guy, that she would be fine with him. Why the hell did you lie to me" he demanded.

"Whoa..hold it right there...I would never, ever do or allow anything to bring harm to her, she's family. You should know that by now. I had no idea" Chance retorted.

"" he growled.

"She told us not to tell you" Chance answered.

"Us?...Everyone else knows but me?...What the fuck, Chance!..Tell me now damn it..." Tim now stood over him.

"Sit your ass down, calm down and let me explain" Chance stated.."I said NOW", glaring at Tim.

Tim looked at him, reminders of what he was physically capable of, he sat back down. Sliding his fingers through his hair, he took a deep breath, trying to calm down..."will you please tell me what happened".

Chance explained what Jenika had told him, why he went after Drew. "I didn't know he was like that, honest. He never gave me any reason to suspect otherwise. I'm sorry, I would have stepped in the minute he spoke to her Tim, I swear."

"I know, Chance. I don't mean to jump to conclusions...I'm just..." Tim said, wrapping his arms around his head as he leaned on the table.

"You're in love with her, aren't you" Chance remarked quietly.

"I don't know...I'm just...afraid I guess" Tim tried to explain.

"What are you afraid of...fear isn't real you know " Chance replied.

"Afraid of being used, maybe. I'm so much older than her, not built like that Drew guy. She could have anyone she wants, how could she possibly want me" Tim replied quietly.

"Just admit it to yourself, tell her the truth about how you feel" he told him.

"I want too....there is just so much doubt, ya know. Can you possibly love two people at the same time" Tim asked.

"Depends...if both are real and one is not just a memory" Chance stated, finishing his tea.

Tim raised his head, looking at his friend, "I can't replace her Chance, I just can't "

"Your answers are very clear, look to the love who has eternal life" he told him.

"Caroline?" Tim questioned.

"She's with you" Chance stated.

"How, how do you know" Tim asked.

"Believe me, I know" Chance smiled.

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