Chapter 20

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Tim sat in the waiting room, like so many times before, flipping through magazines to occupy his mind while Chance had yet another scan. Standing to head to the coffee machine, he felt someone tap him on the shoulder.

"Hello Tim" a familar voice greeted as he turned.

"What...what are you doing here " he replied, extending his arms to hug her.

"Testing...I guess it's my turn" she said matter of factly.

"Kris, I am so sorry" he said holding her a bit longer.

"Thank you but, it is what it is. Seems none of us are immune to the monster within" she replied, stepping out of his embrace.

Tim poured them each a cup of coffee then sat beside her. "It's a brain tumor, precancerous. Don knew of Dr. Lynch and a patient he had that successfully had the tumor removed so we decided to come here for an evaluation" she told him, taking the cup of coffee.

At that moment Chance retured from his testing to await being called into Steven's office. He noticed Tim engaged in a conversation so he poured himself a cup of coffee and sat in the corner chair near Tim.

Tim listened as she spoke of the information she had been provided. He waited till she was finished, then turned slightly and introduced them to each other. "Kris, this is my best friend, Adam Ray"

"Please, call me Chance. Pleasure to meet you ma'am " he replied, shaking her hand lightly.

"You? This is him?" she asked Tim. Chance gave them each a confused look.

"Yes, Chance is the patient you have heard so much about" Tim replied.

Kris covered her mouth with her finger tips as a tear rolled down her cheek. Tim held her other hand while he explained who Kris was and what she herself was now facing.

"You are in good hands here, Dr. Lynch gave me my life back" Chance stated, a bit of emotion in his voice. He answered several of her questions, including the duration of his coma without revealing much of what it was like from his perspective on the otherside. That portion of his experience was out of the ordinary and something he felt was not to be discussed with most people. Chance then excused himself to use the rest room, leaving Tim and Kris to catch up.

"How have you been, really " she asked, taking both his hands in hers, now facing him.

Tim tried to look away but she reached up and turned his face lightly towards her. "I'm..I'm ok..." he answered trying to sound upbeat.

She knew better, she knew the love they had shared but she also knew what Caroline's wishes had been and the real reason she never fully planned their wedding.

"Tim, you know she wouldn't want you wallowing away in her loss. Its been almost 6 years " she said quietly.

"I've been working with the band, taking care of Chance" he replied, standing to get more coffee.

Kris knew immediately what his deeper connection with his bandmate was. She suspected he was trying to make up for everything he felt he didn't do for her, despite the fact that he gave her everything and more.

Sitting back down Tim attempted to change the subject but Kris wouldn't,  there were things she needed to remind him of and this may be her only chance to do so.

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