The Baker Meets the Midget

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How did I end up like this?? I had just been walking through the hallways of Ouran to leave when my classmate Mya texted me asking if I could bring the cake that I had baked in foods class so she could give it to her precious Host club. I honestly couldn't decline since she did a favor for me last week by copying her homework, so I ended up saying yes.

Although I was already in my 3rd year of high school, I had never once set foot in the legendary music room that all the ladies swarmed to after school. And why should I? It was considered a play ground for rich, snooty kids who had too much time on their hands and wan't to be serenaded with sweet, fake words of love. Like I really want to spend my free time like that when I could be baking at home.

With a sigh, I had found myself in front of the room that I had been dreading to be in. I had squared my shoulders back and reached for the door and pushed it open slowly to have seen bright lights and rose petals falling down.

After taking a few steps in, I looked around to have seen groups of girls surrounding 7 individuals that were spread out around the room. Still suspicious of what could happen, I had searched the room swiftly to find Mya, who was sitting at a table with other girls next to a blonde and black haired boys. I remembered that I took a deep breathe and walked over to her as quietly and discreetly as possible without being noticed.

I then found myself in front of her and cleared my throat loud of enough for Mya to look up and see me. She gave me a bright smile and thanked me for coming as I handed her the cake. Nodding, I turned around to leave as quickly as possible.

I didn't want to be rude to her, but I seriously did NOT want to be here. I had almost made it to sactuary when I felt something cling onto my leg. I looked down and saw that the something was actually a someone.

'So that's how I got in this predicament', I thought to myself as I looked down at the blob of blonde hair that had latched onto my leg in present time.

Clearing my throat, I attempted to pull my leg away, but that only made him to latch on tighter. "Excuse me, but could you please let go of my leg please?", I asked nervously.

The little kid looked up at me and I saw that it was Honey, the 3rd year who always acted as a child. I winced slightly at the feeling of every person in the room looking at us and sighed quietly to myself. 'So much for incognito'

"But won't you stay and eat cake with me? You did bring that cake~" the blonde questioned in an attempt to be adorable with a high pitched baby voice.

Wincing again, I looked over at a wall while sighing quietly. "I only brought the cake for a friend of mine who asked, so I had no intention of actually staying. Besides, I have plans right now" Not really, but he didn't have to know that.

He didn't say anything for a while so I looked down to see him giving me his legendary "Puppy Dog Look". Everybody had heard of his technique and that whoever witnessed it would be vulnerable to every request the blonde midget wanted.

But all this look made me do was cringe in disguist.

"I know you expect me to change my mind and stay with you, like everyone else does, but I hate to tell you that it doesn't work on me. So I suggest you grow up, stop making that look, and let go of my leg now to save your time." I explained. I knew that I was being mean to him, but I honestly could care less right now, it was his fault for not listening to what I wanted.

By the shocked look on his baby face, I could tell that no one had ever spoken to him like that before, but before he could say anything, some black haired, glasses kid stepped in and cleared his throat.

"Mr. Morinaga, please accept my sincere apologies for taking you away from your plans this evening. Please know that the Host Club did not mean any harm" A guy in glasses explained as another black haired guy grabbed Honey and pulled him from my leg.

Relieved, I turned to the glasses guy and saw that it was Kyoya Ootori up close and I nodded to him. "It's fine, if you will excuse me, I must be going now". And with that I left as quickly as possible so I wouldn't be held up again.

As I distanced myself from the room, I could feel the tension leave my body. I shook my head a bit and continued walking. I couldn't believe that I had actually been in the room that I didn't care for.

I sighed again and shook my head.

'At least I won't be seeing them again anytime soon'

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