Sneaky Honey

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It had now been a week since I last saw the pink midget in the Host Club room and I had this constant feeling of being watched whenever I walked through the hallways. Whenever I felt that prickling sensation on the back of my neck, I would look around to see if anyone was watching me, and I kept seeing the pink midget hiding behind pillars with the black haired boy named Mori.

I was now in History class doodling in my notebook thinking about what I was going to do about this blond haired loli-shota. My ideas ranged from ignoring him some more, to just confronting him.

If I ignored him, then I could just continue on with my daily routines, but at the cost of feeling watched with a prickling sensation. So that just left the option of confronting him to make him stop.

I was pulled out of my day dream when a piece of folded paper was thrown onto my desk during the lecture. Looking around, I saw my best friend Kise gesturing to it discreetly. Glancing at the teacher, I took the note and unfolded quietly and saw his handwriting on it.

'u ok? u look distracted'

Smiling softly, I wrote 'yeah just figurin somethin out' under it and handed it back when the teacher wasn't looking. With a nod of his head, Kise went back to the lesson, leaving me to my thoughts.

'The best thing to do, is to just visit him at the music room after school today'

After the day ended, I walked to Host room with determination in my eyes. I continued walking until I stood in front of the set of double doors. Taking a deep breath, I pushed the door open and all I could see was bright lights and rose petals everywhere. Once everything settled I saw a group of boys sitting in the middle of the room in different poses and say "Welcome~" in unison.

Sighing quietly to myself, I close the door behind me as a blonde kid got out of his seat and skip over to me with a grin on his pretty boy face.

"Welcome~ We've never had a male guest before, but I'm sure we can accomidate you perfectly~" He said as he took a rose from somewhere and handed it to me while taking my hand and kissing my hand.

Freaked out a bit, I dropped the rose and pulled my hand back as if it was on fire. Giving him a deadpanned look, I stated in a monotone voice. "Like I really want to be in a room with a bunch of prositutes who don't have any self respect for themselves."

After I had said this, the blonde looked as if he was hit with an arrow in the head and went to sulk in some corner while growing mushrooms.

"Mr. Morinaga" I looked over and saw Kyoya walking over with a grin. "Is there anything that we, the Host Club, can do for you today?"

"Yeah", I nodded to the pink midget who was walking towards us with the rest of the prostitutes, "Shorty over there has been stalking me for the past week and I'm getting real annoyed with it" I stated.

The shota smiled and skipped the rest of the way over to us and hugged my arm before I could pull back in time. "I just wanted to find a way to convince you to become my personal baker~" He said in a fake childs voice.

I rolled my eyes and tried to pry my arm away while talking. "Yeah right, pull the other one"

Wide eyed, he looked up at me and shook his head. "Noooo~! Really! I tasted the cake that you baked last week and it was much better than the ones that Kyo-chan buys for us~"

I got suspicious and glanced at Kyoya to see him push his glasses up, "It's true,  he made the club go through hundreds of cakes to just find a better one"

I could tell by the clench of his other hand at his side that he was depressed by the lost money. Smirking slightly, I shook my head but was distracted by a tug on my arm. Glancing down, I saw Honey's face surrounded by pink flowers.

"Shu-chan?~ Will you become my personal baker and join the Host Club?~" He questioned in a disguistingly sweet voice.

I gave him a deadpanned look and stated blandly. "No"

His face stilled for a second and morphed into a teary eyed and pretended to cry. I glanced over at the other Host Club members and saw them look stricken with guilt.

Shaking my head, I looked down at him, trying to build my courage up as much as I could for what was about to come out of my mouth.

"Honey," I waited until he looked up with tears in his eyes, "I want you to listen very closely to what I'm about to say, and let go of my arm, ok?" I didn't talk again until he nodded his head and let go of my arm. Taking a deep breath, I started. "I will not become a member just because you want me to. If you want to act like a midget who has an age complex who also hides his true self with this spoiled brat routine, then knock yourself out. But respect my wishes and leave me alone, got it? Because if you continue to ask me this same question again in this stupid bratty way, then I suggest that you grow up and ask me in a way that is appropriate for your 17 year age. Then we'll see what happens." I finished and I could easily see the shock on his face.

I glanced over at the rest of the Host club members to see that they were shocked by my words (except for Kyoya and Mori of course), and I soon turned around and left to go home.

Honey's POV

I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I watched Shuji leave. Footsteps were heard coming  towards me and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw that it was Mori and I gave him a grin that only he could see. He sighed as we had a silent conversation on what just happened.

'Takashi~ I found an interesting person~'

His sigh: 'I take it that you want to entertain yourself with him then?'

My wink: 'Of course~ You know me so well~'

Putting on my innocent act, I turned around to give the other members a bright smile. "Everyone~ Can you please help me convince Shu-chan to join the Host Club please~??"

I watched as a silent agreement occured between them all. They all knew that I had never taken an interest in someone besides Mori, so if I was interested in someone to join the club, then they must be really special. Tamaki took a step foreward and kneeled in front of me while smiling. "Of course we will Honey~"

Shuji's POV

I made my way up to my bedroom after I got home and flopped down on my bed. I reached to my nightstand and took out my diary and started writing in it.

Dear Diary,

My week was unbelievably crazy. After fulfilling th favor of a friend of mine by walking into a classroom of prostitues, it all went down hill from there. I tried to leave as soon as possible when some pink midget with an age complex hugged my legs, begging me to stay. Freaked out, I tried to pull away, but it's pretty difficult when the midget had a strong hold on my leg. After I had ran away, thanks to some tsundre in glasses, I started noticing the midge following me a few days later. I decided to confront him to tell him to leave me alone. I'm pretty sure that I got through to him, although I do feel a bit bad for telling him off so harshly. Oh well, I'll see you later~

-Shuji Morinaga

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