Heart Broken Baker

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The next day, I found myself walking through the hallways towards my next class when I heard someone call out my name. Turning around, I saw Honey making his way towards me and I gave him a small smile.

"Hey Shu-chan~" He told me, and gave me a happy smile.

Giving him a nod of my head, I replied back with a "Hey". I would be lying if I said that I wasn't a little peaved that Honey hadn't even bothered to say goodbye to me yesterday when he left with Miami.

As if sensing my tense attitude, he gave me a soft smile and spoke in his normal voice. "Everything ok, Shuji? Anything I can do to help?" He offered.

Finding myself smiling genuinly at his thoughtfulness, I shook my head. "No, everythings fine, Honey. I'm just a bit tired is all."

He nodded his head and we started to walk slowly towards my classroom. "So have you decided what you're going to wear to the ball that we're going to host at the end of the month. yet?"

Shaking my head, I looked down a bit. "No, I actually won't be able to go since that's the day of my swim meet."

"Oh...", at the sound of his dissapointed tone, I glanced over at him to see him looking down with a small pout, "Well, couldn't you come after the meet?" He questioned while looking up at me.

Smiling softly while shaking my head, I told him, "I can't. It's my job as the captain to host a celebration for the swim team after it at a local diner. It's a tradition for us and their really excited for it, I can't just leave them hanging like that."

I watched as he opened his mouth to ask something else when that girl, Miami, came barreling down the hallway towards us and grabbed onto Honey's arm and hugged it against her breast. Moving a hand behind my back discreetly, I made a clenched fist at the sight of them like that.

Honey glanced up at Miami and gave her a smile that he would give to all his guests. "Hey, Mia-chan. What's up?"

She giggled, in an annoying high pitched voice, and replied. "Honey, sweety~ Could you please walk me to class~?"

Watching as he hesitated while glancing at me, I gave him a fake smile and nodded. "It's fine, Honey. I'll see you later." With a nod towards Miami, without any really feelings, I turned and walked away.

After walking away for a couple minutes, I glanced backwards and watched as the two of them walked to class in peace. Abandonment settled itself in my heart as I turned and walked a dreary path to my class.


It had now been a whole week since Miami first took Honey away from me so they could go to class, and since then, every morning, she would come before we could start a real conversation and take him away.

To make matters worst, instead of Honey and I talking after club activites for a couple of hours, Miami would come up with all sorts of requests or oportunities that Honey couldn't resist. Today's opportunity was a new cake shop that had opened up downtown.

I overheard them talking at his table, during the club time, while I was hosting my own guests. Miami always talked extra loudly so not only I, but everyone at my table, could hear the different offers she gave him.

"Oh, Honey~ You should really come with me to a new cake shop that opened up downtown with me after the club~" She exclaimed loudly, making me wince a bit inwardly. "You must me getting bored with the sweets that are always served here during club times~"

Waiting for Honey to defend my treats, I was sorely dissapointed when he just replied sweetly with "Ok, Miami~ Sound fun~"

Wincing outwardly this time, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see the group of girls all giving me small smiles. "It's ok, Shuji," a red head reassured, "we love your cakes, I'm sure Honey does too"

Everyone agreed and I gave them all smiles that didn't quite reach my eyes, making them all notice. "It's fine, really." I squeezed my hands together tightly to stop myself from frowning. "I wasn't that great of a baker anyway." Swallowing, I shook my head and gave them all shy smiles. "I'm sorry ladies, I didn't mean to make you worried." Taking a brunettes hand in mine, I gave her a smile. "Please give me a smile, I love you're smiles."

This made her blush madly, along with the others, and I was back to work while pushing the thought of the two of them to the back of my mind.

But I couldn't stop the feeling of helplessness and loneliness from making it's way into my heart, making me feel like I couldn't breath.

'I was such a fool...'

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