The New Host

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Shuji's POV

After hearing all the benefits of joining, I had come to a decision....sadly.

'I can't believe I'm about to say this' Taking a deep breath, I looked Kyoya in the eyes and nodded.

"I'll join". After I said that, Honey smiled brightly and hugged my arm tightly.

"Yay~! Now we can have cake all the time together~!" He exclaimed making me sweat drop.

"Uh....sure" I hesitated, and wondered how this kid could continue to be 'happy' all the time.

I was disrupted of my musings when Kyoya cleared his throat. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow while thinking, 'It seems that everytime he talks, he has to clear his throat....huh'

"I believe we should begin to discuss you 'type' as a member" He mused and before he could say anymore, we could all hear crazed laughter and feel a rumbling coming from the floor.

Freaked out a bit, I glanced around to see Haruhi sighing while shaking his head, the twins rolling their eyes, and Honey ignoring it. It's safe to say that I freaked out even more when the floor opened up and a girl ontop of some platform while holding a microphone laughed into it.

"Well just leave that to me, Kyoya dear~", I had to hold back a snicker as she said that, "I'm perfect for this job~" She hopped off the plateform and walked towards me, but since Honey was still holding my arm so I couldn't back away very far.

She took ahold of my chin and looked me in the eyes, making me feel very uncomfortable, I hated it when strangers just started touching me like I was their business. The girl let go of my chin and walked in circles around me slowly and snapped her fingers with a smirk on her face. "I know exactly what type you are~!" She exclaimed and ran up to the platform again.

"You shall be the sporty teenager who is both confident and caring. You spend your time at home either working hard or baking sweets for others. This will make you a hit with ladies who love the sweet and caring type and for those who love the hardworking and independent teen such as yourself~!" She laughed that crazed laugh of hers and, soon enough, the platform started decending with smoke rising at the bottom of it.


Nodbody said anything for a while and I glanced at one of the twins with a questioned look. "Do I even want to know what that was about?"

They both sighed and shook their heads. "No," said the one on the right, "we just ignore her most of the time", explained the one on the left.

I nodded my understanding and was shocked to find myself soon being herded towards a dressing room of some sort. "Hey!" I exclaimed and looked back to see it was the blonde called Tamaki.

He gave me a smile. "We must get ready for the ladies that will join us today~! Today will be you're debut with the "Volleyball Theme" !" And with that, he pushed me into a changing room and closed it while calling out. "Just come out when you're done~!"

With a sigh I turned to look at the clothes and raised an eyebrow. Displayed in front of me was a white and blue swim trunks and white flip flops. 'I don't get a shirt?' I questioned to myself while changing. I left my beaded necklace on from my older brother along with my swim jacket that I always have in my bag and walked out of the changing room to see the twins waiting for me in their own matching yellow swim trunks.

They gave me grins, "We're here to make sure you wear everything we put out."

I held my hands out and glanced down, "Um, I'm pretty sure I'm wearing everything"

They shared a smirk and each grabbed my hands and pulled me out of the room towards the outside. "You know I can walk, right?" I questioned in exasperation.

All that I was met with was a smirk from each of them as we made our way to the least what used to be the garden.

It was now transformed into the schools own private beach. The grass was now covered in sand everywhere, the trees had hammocks with tables next to them, there was a couple of volleyball courts, and a bunch of chairs with beach umbrellas on top of them.

I sweat dropped as the twins dragged me towards the others that were all seated in the middle of the "beach".

Honey's POV

I had finished changing into my rainbow colored shorts with a yellow shirt and was now talking with Tamaki about how Haruhi looked in boys swimming clothes. I heard the twins laughing and I turned to see Shuji in his swimming clothes and felt my lips go dry again like yesterday. I soon ended up letting my mind wander with dangerous thoughts.

'I'll have to thank the twins later on for getting him to wear that, along with Tamaki for today's theme' I thought to myself while everyone gathered around and talked about what we would be doing.

After the girls came and we introduced Shuji to them all, we all went our seperate ways. I was entertaining the girls at my table when I soon grew bored. I glanced over at where Shuji was and saw him near a hammock with 7 different girls walking over to him.

Shuji's POV

I was nervous about hosting girls and was kind of annoyed that I would be doing this. I didn't really expect myself to enjoy myself that much.

I looked up and saw a group of girls making their way towards me and I gave them all calm smiles. "Hello, ladies~ Will you do me the honor of hosting you ladies today~?" I was proud of the fact that I could make my voice seem calm and steady, despite the fact that I was nervouse as hell.

They all blushed a bit and nodded. With a smile, I stood up and took a brunette and a blonde's hands and lead them to a couple of seats while the others followed. The girls who I was holding onto blushed deep red and took a seat on either side of me.

We all talked a bit and I eventually got an idea after seeing the twins and Tamaki put on a 'seductive' act.

I grinned seductivly and leaned over to a redhead and held her hand to my chest while cupping her cheek gently and whispered. "If I had a flower for everytime you made me smile or laughed, I would be walking in a garden by now"

To my shock she blushed deep red and actually fainted. I caught her in time before she fell and laid her down on a chair gently. I looked over at the other girls who were all blushing deep red.

I laughed softly and rubbed the back of my head while pretending to look bashful. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to speak my mind" I gave them small smiles "But I just love you all so much."

This got them blushing even more and 2 other girls fainted in their chairs, leaving only 4 girls left. One brunette cleared her throat and gave me a smile. "But what makes you say that. You'll love some other girl even more than us."

I nodded my head while thinking and blushed a bit while smiling softly. "That's true, I will love another girl more than I love you ladies. But this lovely girl will have your eyes and lovely smile, and call you "mom" and me, myself, "dad"~"

This really got them going and they all fainted on the spot. I chuckled softly to myself as I got them all comfortable in the chairs.

'This might not be as bad as I thought it would be'

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