Honey's Innocent Act

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Honey's POV

I think it's safe to say that I was starting to get jealous of the looks that the girls gave Shuji as he talked to them.

'They shouldn't touch other people's things' I thought darkly as I glared at them discreetly.

I continued to watch them when a plan started developing in my head to make Shuji fall for me. I chuckled quietly to myself, the girls at my table didn't notice, but Mori did.

He sent me a look and once he saw who I was staring at, he rolled his eyes and shook his head in small incriments, he was already used to this side of me. I sent him a grin and excused myself from the table, saying I had to talk to Shuji about something.

'Time to put the plan in motion~'

Shuji's POV

After the girls had gained conciousness, we started to talk and I was getting more and more comfortable with how to talk to them and how to make them blush. I was so into the act that I almost missed the set of footsteps in the sand making their way towards us.

The key word in that sentence, is "almost".

"Shu-chan~!" was called out in a childish voice, making me restrain from rolling my eyes.

I glanced over and saw Honey standing next to me at my area with a shy smile on his face.

I gave him a grin and turned towards him. "Yes, Honey? What's up?"

He held his hands behind his back and kicked at the sand lightly while looking down shyly. "Um, I was just, uh, wondering if you would teach me how to play volleyball~ I've never played it before~"

All the girls near me went "aw" while I had to hold back a flinch. "Um, I don't know Honey, I don't want to leave these lovely ladies alone" I explained.

One of the girls near me spoke up then. "Oh it's fine, Shuji-kun~" I saw Honey cringe very slightly out of the corner of my eye, "If it's for Honey, then we'll gladly let you go play~" The rest of them all chimed in and agreed.

I nodded and glanced at Honey to see him looking up at me expectantly. 'I guess it couldn't hurt, besides, he's kind of cute when he's not acting all child like'

 I gave him a smile and nodded again while standing up. "Then I guess it's fine Honey, come on~ We can use one of the empty courts"

He gave me a happy smile, it looked a little different from the usual one's that he's given, and took my hand while leading me to a volleyball court. "Yay~ Thanks Shu-chan~"

When we got to the court, I grabbed a volley ball from a basket and walked over to Honey. I didn't really know how to teach someone to play the game, but I just showed him the basics on how to serve, volley back, and even pass. He learned pretty fast without much difficulties, but we did have one where he kept missing the ball when trying to serve underhanded.

He started pouting while looking down at the volley ball in his hands. "I can't seem to get it right," He looked up at me with a hopefull look in his eyes, "Could you show me how to, Shu-chan?"

Feeling bad for the little guy, I nodded and walked behind him and moved my arms behind his, taking him by surprise by how big his eyes got. "Here, it's just the timing that's throwing you off." I stated and helped him get into position.

While showing and explaining when he should the ball, I started to feel myself blush and get a bit self concious. 'He's so tiny when he's up against my body. Almost fragile'  The blonde leaned into my touch a bit and it sent my heart beating a little faster 'He smells so sweet, and he looks so beau-'

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