The Wise Mori

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Mori's POV

I had been given specific instructions from Honey to wait for him in our first period classroom while he went to talk to Shuji. Recently, Shuji had been avoiding Honey for the past couple of weeks.

Looking towards the door, I saw Miami walking in with an angry huff and made her to her seat while glaring at her desk. A couple of minutes later, Honey came walking in looking confused and a bit angry and mad his way past Miami, blatantly ignoring her, and sitting at his desk next to me.

Waiting until he looked over at me, I sent him a look that asked "Everything alright?", which he replied back with a look that said "I"m not really sure" and with that, class started.

-Time Skip-

Honey's POV

Walking into the club room with Mori, I looked around, immediatly searching for any sign of Shuji. I was sorely dissapointed when I didn't see his cute head of hair or see his slim body anywhere. Sighing, I made my way over to my table and sat down. I had been wanting to talk to Shuji during club activities about what he had meant in the bathroom.

Club activities start and everyone could tell that something was up with me when I didn't behave as enthusiaticlly as I usually did. I was just glad that Miami wasn't there, I don't think that I could've handled that much annoyance with the mood I was in.

My guests tried to cheer me up and I tried to give them all my host smile, but all I could muster was a strained smile that didn't fool them. A little while later, Kyoya came over to our table and gave them all a polite smile. "Hell everyone, I hate to interrupt, but can I just Honey for a few moments?"

They all nodded and I left with Kyoya towards the kitchen area, probably about to get called out for not entertaining the guests well. But I was shocked by the first thing that he told me.

He stood in front of me while pushing his glasses up so it had a dangerous glint over them. "Would you mind telling me why I had gotten a call from Kano, before first period, about Shuji coming home sobbing in his arms about an incident between you two."

My heart plummeted as guilt made its way in my heart at the thought of Shuji crying because of me, even after I had promised him that I would do everything to keep him safe. Shifting from foot to foot, I looked down while clutching my arm with my hand and started to tell him about what had happened in the bathroom.

Finishing a little while later, I waited for Kyoya to say something, anything to stop this insistent feeling of guilt that seemed to always come over me whenever I thought of Shuji's tear stained face. Kyoya finally said something, but it was in a cold voice.

"Well you better do something about or else there will be consequences from Shuji's brother. And considering Kano is a friend and business partner of mine, I will be forced to help." This effectivly freaked me out and I watched as he left the kitchen with the echo of his clipped footsteps on the floor.

Mori's POV

Sitting at the table with the girls, I noticed Honey coming back towards us with a look that everything was ok, but with a trained eye like mine, I could easily tell that something was wrong. Deciding to wait until they arrived at home to talk about it, we went through the whole club time entertaining the guests (Honey more so than I).

Getting in the limo and heading towards home, I risked a glance at him next to me and saw a blank look on his face. A blank look on Honey's face was not a good sign, it usually meant that either he was mad or thinking about something important. Arriving at home, we made our way to the dojo for our routine match between the two of us. After changing into our white judo uniforms, I finally began to start the conversation about what had happened.

"Honey," Waiting until he looked at me, I continued, "you seem frustrated." and began my warm up stretches.

He just replied with a sigh and began his own routine with a nearby dummy. He started to explain what had happened, and the whole time he would hit the dummy harder and harder, until he finally punched it hard enough that it hit the wall with a loud bang.

Breathing heavily, he stared at the floor in silence and then turned towards me with a confused look on his face. "Mori, what did I do wrong?"

Taking a pause from stretching, I looked at him while thinking about what had happened recently. "Well....Shuji might feel abandoned since Miami has taken up all of your time recently."

Sighing, he shook his head as a reply. "No, I don't think so. Shuji knows how I feel about him and it wouldn't make sense for him to doubt it."

Piqued with interest, I nodded. "Did you actually tell Shuji what you felt for him at the time?"

Confused, he shook his head while pouting. " But after the incident in the nurse's office and the closet, I would assume that he knew...Do you think he might not think that?"

Thinking carefully on how he should word his response, he tilted his head a bit. "He might have thought that instead of you caring for him, he might just think that you wanted to relieve yourself and was just living in the moment."

This made him go silent at my response.

Honey's POV

Groaning silently after a few minutes of silence, I held my head in hands while silently swearing at myself. 'You fucking idiot! Why didn't you tell how you felt!? Why were you so hell bent on making him fall in love with you that you forgot to even tell him that you loved him?!?!'

Taking a deep breath, I dropped my hands and looked up at him with a guilty look in my eyes. "Mori...I really messed up, didn't I?" I asked, already knowing the answer I didn't want to hear.

When he nodded his head, I shook my head and rubbed the back of my neck. "What should I do to make it up to him?"

Watching him think it over, he replied back in a comforting tone. "You'll need to apologize to Shuji as soon as possible , and to not let Miami take so much of your time anymore."

Snorting, I shook my head while making my way over to the mat. "Easier said than done, that girl is so annoyingly clingy" Stepping onto the mat, I gestured to the area in front of me. "Shall we spar?"

With a nod of his head, Mori walked over and we began to spar.

But my heart just wasn't in it at the moment.

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