Honey's Personal Baker

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-3 Weeks Later-

Honey's POV

Sitting with my guests, I began to tell a story about my sweet Shuji.

"We were watching this horror movie back at home and there was this one part when the masked man just popped out of the closet. Shuji was sitting next to me and he ended up-" "Honey~"

I glanced up and saw my lovely baker wrap his arms around me from behind. Smiling up at him I gave him a bashful look. "Hi Shuji~"

Grinning down at me, he brushes his fingers against my collar bone. "Why are you telling the girls about my reaction to the horror movie~?"

Blushing at being caught, I looked down and started to kick my feet. "You were just so cute when you were scared, I just wanted to brag about how you were all mine...."

Letting out a yelp as I was lifted up and onto Shuji's lap and hugged against his chest. Looking up at him, I saw him grinning at me.

He leaned down and whispered into my ear softly. "I only wanted you to know about my reactions since you're the only one that can see me like that~"

Starting to blush and giggle softly, I rubbed my nose against Shuji's playfully. "Kaaay~"

Meanwhile, we were both oblivious to the girls around us as they looked like they were about to feint from the amount of blood loss with their nose bleeds.

One girl finally got over her nosebleed and asked Shuji hesitantly. "Shuji-san~ What's it like to always dominant Honey?"

Looking up at Shuji, I ended up grinning deviously  and answered the question for him. "Oh no~ I'm the dominant one in the relationship~ But I just like to bottom~"

This sent Shuji blushing a deep red and burry his face against my hair. "Honey," he whispered in my ear, "you were'nt suppose to tell anyone  about it~"

Unable to stop the growing grin on my face, I reached up and held onto the back of Shuji's head and whispered into his ear. "It's your fault that you're too cute for you're own good." Watching as Shuji lifted his head and looked away, I chuckled to myself.

"Just for that, you're sleeping on the couch next time you come to visit." Shuji told him poutingly.

Feeling my own pout start to form, it was soon replaced by a wide grin. Leaning over, I began to whisper in his ear, loud enough for the girls to hear. "How about I give you a special gift next time I come over~ I'm sure you'll be begging to have it~"

This sent him blushing madly and then burry his face against my neck, but he still nodded as an agreement.

By now, every girl at their table had fainted while Shuji and Honey thought the same thing to themselves.

'I love him so much'

Honey's Personal BakerWhere stories live. Discover now