Operation: Redemption and Confession Part 1

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Shuji's POV

Sitting at a table with my team members, they began to ask for a speech from me.Feeling bashful, I stood up and looked at them all with pride in my eyes.

"Although this is probably the biggest meet we've had, I still want us to go out there and have fun while giving our all during our matches." Finishing my short speech,  everyone started cheering and patting me on the back as we made our way towards the pool.

Glancing around, my eyes began to drift towards the stands and I ended up sighing. 'I wish Kano didn't have to go to that meeting today.....I wish the Host club couldv'e came too....I wish Honey was here to support me....'

Starting to feel down, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking up, I saw Kise giving me a supportive smile. Feeling a grin replace my thoughtful frown, I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and walked to the pool while discussing the plan.

Time Skip

We had gone through 4 of the 5 races. The score is officially a tie between Ouran and Takie high school and it all depended on Shuji's swim for them to win.

Feeling really tense, I began to walk in place in hopes to loosen up a bit for the remaining 5 minute wam up period. After a couple of moments, cheering could be heard from the stands, and gradually getting louder and louder until it filled up the whole stadium. Glancing over at the stands to see what the commotion was all about, I stopped walking in place and was shocked by what I saw.

The whole Host club and their guests were standing there in the first couple of rows, cheering their hearts. Finding his older brother standing among waving a flag of the Ouran emblem really made me want to cry out in happiness from the support that everyone gave me.

Feeling tears well up in my eyes, I let them fall down my cheeks. Laughing quietly to myself, I shook my head but stopped when I felt someone wipe away my tears. turning my head, I saw Honey standing there next to me in his uniform with a smile on his face.

Shock and uncertanty washed over me as I allowed him to wipe the rest of my cheecks. 'Wha-......What's he doing here?'

I felt him wipe away all my tears and graze his hand against my cheek softly. Watching him, I felt my heart skip a beat.

He gave me a supportive smile and opened his mouth. "Good luck. We're all cheering for you..." Hesitantly, he leaned up and brushed his lips against my cheek soflty. Feeling heat creep up the back of my neck, I let myself close my eyes just a little bit.

He pulled back slowly and gave me one last smile until he turned and walked back to the others. Determination washed over me as I headed towards the starting podium.

Stretching my arms a bit, I glanced over at the opponent and we gave each other nods. Getting into position, we waited in intense silence until a piercing whistle blew. Pushing myself into the pool, I pushed myself hard to swim as fast as I could. Hearing everyone cheering for me, I continued to gain speed. Reaching the opposite side I pushed myself into a flip under water and began to swim to the finish line. Seeing it just in my line of sight, I pushed myself to the max. Finally slamming my hand on the wall, I heard the whistle blow.

Grappling out onto the wall, I took in gulps of air as I looked around. The score board changed, saying that we had won.

Ouran had won.....


My teamates reached down and pulled me out of the pool and began cheering happily and patting me on the back. After all our hard work and dedication, we had finally won meet that we had set our goal towards.

Celebrating for a little bit longer, I pulled away from the group and headed towards the other team and nodded to the captain.

"It was a good meet" I told him and shook his hand.

He gave me a smile and nodded. "You guys deserve it, congradulations."

We were ushered towards the podium as we were awarded our gold medals and trophy for school. Looking out, my gaze drifted towards our special support group. Smiling that Kano and the Host club had joined together to come really made me feel special.

Especially with Honey there.

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