Hide and Seek

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Honey's POV

Skipping up to Shuji, I smiled up at him happily to hide my discomfort of Kano being so close to him. "Can we see you're mansion, Shu-chan~?" I innocently asked. I noticed how he didn't look at me as he nodded, making me feel a bit curious. Pushing it aside, I grabbed his hand and pulled him towads the entrance of the living room. "Let's go~!"

Haruhi sighed and shook her head as the others followed the two of us to the bottom of the stair case. "Honey, it's not nice to bother some when we're their guests." She reprimanded.

Shuji gave her a small smile while skillfully pulling his hand out of mine, making me feel a bit dissapointed. "It's fine Haruhi, besides, it's my job as a host to tend to my guests needs." And with that, he set off to take us on a tour.

Shuji's POV

I couldn't handle looking at Honey the whole time during the tour, I wasn't sure if he had noticed, but I reall just couldn't look at him with my guilt. I showed them the movie room, library, kitchen, swimming pool (I'm the captain of the swim team. Of COURSE I have a swimming pool!) and the dining room.

I led them back to the living room and had just realized that I was still in my pj's. Glancing over at the members, except Honey, I smiled weakly. "I hope you guys don't mind that I'm still in my PJ's"

Tamaki sent me a big smile and rushed over and gave me a big hug. "Of course we don't mind, my son~! You just stay your adorable self~!" He yelled into my ear, making me feel a bit dissoriented.

Kyoya pushed his glasses up and cleared his throat. "Tamaki, I think you're making Shuji feel overwhelmed with your yelling." This caused the blonde to whimper and move to a corner while growing mushrooms.

Haruhi put her hands on her hips and frowned at him. "Takami! It's unkind to grow mushrooms in someone elses house!" She scolded.

While she and Tamaki talked, the twins went over to me and wrapped their arms around my shoulder while grinning. "How about we play a game to pass the time, Shu-shu~" They teased.

Glaring at them, I pulled away. "Only my older brother can call me that." I nod my head while shrugging. "Sure, I don't mind. What do you want to play?"

Honey piped up and jumped up and down happily. "Hide and seek! Hide and seek!"

Looking over at the twins, just so I wouldn't have to look at the little ninja, I tilted my head a bit. "That ok with you two?" When they nodded their heads happily, we all planned out what the ground rules were.

Haruhi would be seeking while everyone else hid around the mansion. The hiders couldn't go outside and the by the simming pool for safety precautions. With a nod from everyone, Haruhi started counting as we all took off into different directions.

At least, that's what I thought.

I decided to hide all the way at the top floor of my mansion and in a closet at the end of one of the hallways. Moving inside, I sat under a bunch of hanging coats and then closed the door. Thinking that I had a lot of time before being found, I was shocked to hear footsteps walking towards the door and watched as the door opened to see a smiling Honey.

"Honey? What are you doing here??" I questioned while feeling a bit of guilt crawling over my skin.

Instead of answering my question, he simply walked in and sat down next to me while closing the door behind him. Looking down, I started fingering my shirt while biting my lip lightly. Hearing the other occupent shift where he sat, I glanced over and saw face just inches from mine. Shocked, I didn't move and simply held my breath as I watched a grin slowly take place on his face.

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