Operation: Convincing the Baker

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Honey's POV

We all sat around a table together while Kyoya listed off some facts about Shuji.

"Shuji Morinaga, in his 3rd year, 17 years old, Mother: Karen Streaker, Baker from American and died from heart disease, Father: Taki Morniaga, CEO of "Morinaga's Bakeries" and died of a heart attack, Older brother: Kano Morinaga, Current CEO of "Morinaga's Bakeries'. Bakes in his spare time along with drawing and is the captain of Ouran's swim club." he stated in a monotone voice.

Everyone was silent as they processed the information that was told. I was eating some cake while thinking about the interesting Shuji. I snapped out of it when Tamaki punched his hand with a smile.

"I got it! Let's follow Shuji around all day tomorrow to find out what he likes, then we can use that to our advantage." He exclaimed happily.

Haruhi sighed and shook her head. "Tamaki, do you honestly think that we can just follow the poor boy all day without being noticed? Besides, we have classes to go to tomorrow, so we won't be able to follow unless it's inbetween classes." She explained, making Tamaki hide in his emo corner while poking at mushrooms.

The twins smirked and walked over to Haruhi and wrapped their arms around her shoulder. "Come on Haruhi~ I'm sure Kyoya can come up with something~ Unless, of course, you don't want Honey to be happy, right~?"

She went rigid and glanced over at me while I walked up to her and hugged her arm with 'tears' in my eyes. "Haru-chan~? Don't you want me to be happy~??" I whimpered and had to hold back a grin at the shocked look on her face.

"No, no, no Honey! Of course I do, it's just that I don't want to lose my scholarship" Tamaki ran over to Haruhi while yelling "I UNDERSTAND MY DEAR-" but was stopped when she replied with a cold  "Shut up senpai", making him go back to the corner.

Kyoya cleared his throat and pushed his glasses up with a glint. "It's fine Haruhi, as the Host Club, we have certain priveledges that other clubs don't. For example, we are allowed to skip classes for club activities. Since we are all going somewhere together, this is considered a club activity. It won't disturb your grades and you with actually be given extra credit for club participation."

I glanced up at Haruhi to see her shocked and giggled. "Then I guess you can come now Haruhi~!"

And with that, we went to planning for "Operation: Convincing the Baker".

The Next Day - 3rd Person POV

The club continued to follow Shuji throughout the day while hiding in trees, behind doors, inside classrooms, and even in a bathroom stall at one point (except for Haruhi). They found out that he doesn't like to talk much during class and when he does, he talks to his best friend Kise. He also likes to doodle in his notebook of cakes,when they "found" his sketchbook when he went to the bathroom. At lunch, he would go to the garden and eat his homemade bento box near a fountain in peace while listening to music.

Finally, after an exhausting day of spying, they ended up hiding in the bushes near the Ouran swim club's swimming pool.

They waited around for Shuji to come out while the rest of the swim club just started their warm ups. But when he did come out, it was quite a surprise for Honey.

In a good way of course~

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