Operation: Redemption and Confession Part 2

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Honey's POV

While waiting for Shuji and team mates to step off of the platform, the feeling of butterflies flying around in my stomach drove me crazy. Shifting from one foot to another, I mentally prepared myself for the conversation that I was about to have with Shuji.

Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Kano giving me a supportive smile. "Just take a deep breath and relax. Everything will be alright."

Nodding, I followed his advice, took a deep breath and walked towards the bottom of the stairs where the swimmers would exit. Watching as the swimmers start to file down the stairs, my eyes only for the captain, I let out a sigh of anticipation. Seeing Shuji hesitate coming down the steps when he saw me really hurt. Taking a deep breath, I gave him a small smile. "Can we talk for a bit?"

He hesitated and glanced over at Kano, who was still standing in the stands, who gave him a nod of approval. Looking over at me, he nodded. "Sure"

We walked out of the arena towards the chaning area, as we made it to the room, I stayed standing while Shuji sat down on the bench with a towel over his head.

Shuji's POV

Confusion and nervousness had washed over me as he had asked to talk. Sitting on the bench, I tensed when Honey began to talk.

"Shuji...I just want to start off my saying that I'm really sorry about ignoring your feelings and how I should have been kinder." He paused, as if to see if I would say anything. "But I really do care for you and I'm deeply sorry about my rude comment about your meet....Along with not treating you as nicely as I wanted to."

An awkward pause takes over as I try to stop myself from crying at the swell of emotions coming over me. "I really care for you Shuji....and I really hope that you'll find it in your beautiful, big heart to forgive me..."

Finally not being able to take it anymore, tears started to pool in my eyes and I looked at him with a sad look. "That's just it Honey...I don't know what do to...I was really hurt when you just ignored me.."

Honey's POV

Seeing the tears in his eyes made me flinch and panic a bit. Walking to him quickly and reaching out to wipe away his tears, I tried to comfort him while kissing his forehead. "I'm so sorry Shuji," my voice breaking a bit, "I'm so, so sorry, I will do anything to make it up to you"

Feeling my throat close up a bit when he didn't reply back, I felt fearful of not being forgiven. He finally put me out of my misery when he gave me a small smile that practically made my heart stop beating. "Just...promise me that you won't do it again....then I'll forgive you"

Relief washed over me and I hugged him tight while burrying my face against his neck and nodding. "I promise to never do that again! I promise, I promise, I promise!" I practically yelled while squeezing him to me tight.

He held onto me back while I smiled happily against his shoulder. Wishing that I could stay this way forever, I realized that I hadn't told him how I felt. Mentally slapping myself repeatedly, I pulled back a bit so I was just inches away from him with my hands on his shoulders.

Holding myself from chuckling at the blush that covered his face, I gave him a soft smile. "But before we move on, I just have to tell you something." Taking a deep breath and licking my lips, I prepared myself to lay my heart out for him. "I don't think I can just be friends with you..."

Trying to find a way to word this right, I found myself watching, in shock, Shuji biting his lip while looking down, as I had just kicked his puppy dog. Mentally berating myself, I rushed to explain. "It's just..." Leaning down to whisper in his ear softly, I told him my feelings. "I really care about you...I want to be more than just friends....I really love you, and I have for a long time. I just never realized how badly I messed up when I never told you that before the incident in the closet...." Waiting for him to reply, I felt as if every second was an hour going by.

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