The Baker Meets His Competitor

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Shuji's POV

"All right, everyone! Good job, if we keep this up, then the meet will be an easy win. Now go hit the showers and see you next time" I told my team as we finished up for the day. Everyone gave me a pat on the shoulder or a high five as they left, making me feel like I was a capable leader for them.

While cleaning up, I glanced over at the clock and saw that it was about half an hour before the Host Club ended. 'Might as well visit them since I have enough time' I thought to myself and walked into the shower room.

Deciding to just rinse my hair, I kept my swim outfit on with my wet hair, and made my way towards the classroom. Finding myself in front of the room, I opened the door and took a couple steps in and gave everyone a smile. "Sorry I'm late, everyone~"

All the guests and the host club members gave me smiles and responded with a "Welcome back, Shuji~". Feeling giddy, I walked over to my table, which was surrounded with a couple of my guests,  when I felt something run into my side.

Stumbling back a bit, I looked down to see Honey hugging me tightly while looking up at me with a bright smile. "Hi, Shuji~ Want to eat some cake with me?~"

Blushing softly, I gave him a pat on the head and smiled back. "Hey, Honey. Sure, sounds great~" As I said this, every girl in the room thought to themselves, "YAOI!", at the same time.

That is, except for Miami, of course.

 Honey led me over to his table and I saw a girl with blond hair and...well, REALLy big boobs. Sitting down next to Honey, I gave her a smile and introduced myself. "Hello~ My name's Shuji, what's your's?"

She gave me a smile, but I could tell it was fake. "My name is Miami, I just transferred here today."

Thanking Mori for getting me cake, I turned back to her. "Really? How are you finding Ouran so far then?"

She gave Honey a dreamy smile (But it seemed slutty to me) as she answered my questioned. "Yeah~ Especially with Honey by my side~"

Feeling something making it's way on my stomach, I gave her a small smile with a raised eyebrow. "Well...that's good, right, Honey?"

He looked up from his cake to me and gave me a smile. "Whatever you say Shu-chan~"

Disspointed that he didn't object to Miami's obvious flirting, I took a bite of my cake and stared off into space, trying to ignore Honey's and Miami's conversation.

By the time the club finished, I was feeling really depressed at the thought of Honey seeing Miami all the time. 'It's only been a day since the movie incident....I'm sure Honey will tell me his feelings sooner or later....hopefully sooner.'

I was about to ask Honey if he wanted to hang out a bit after club, but Miami cut me off as I was about to open my mouth.

"Hey, Honey~" She fluttered her eyes annoying at him, "Would you mind walking me home today? Since I'm new here, I don't really feel safe enough to walk on my own~"

'For all I care, you can go jump in the freaking ocean with weights on' I thought bitterly to myself. Glancing at Honey, hoping he would object, I was sorely dissapointed when he gave her a smile.

"Sure, Mia-chan. Let me just get my things first." And with that, he skipped away towards his bag that was sitting on the floor where Mori was currently cleaning up.

Glancing over at Miami, I noticed her staring at me and I immediatly looked back to Honey who was back to us. "Ok~ Let's go~"

Confused, I glanced at Mori who was still cleaning. "Aren't you going to wait for Mori?"

Giving me a soft smile, he shook his head. "Nope~ Mori has to meet up with his family later at a meeting, I'm not allowed to come since I have my own meeting to go to later on." And with that, the two of them left.

Feeling lonely, I turned around and walked to Mori to help him clean. Taking a couple of plates off of the table, I felt a hand place itself on my shoulder, making me look up. Giving me a reassuring smile, he nodded his head at me. "Don't worry about Honey, everything's going to be ok. He really cares about you after all"

Reassurance washed over me and I gave him a big smile. "Thanks Mori, I really appreciate that." And then gave him a big hug which he returned back.

'Maybe everything will be alright like he said.'

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