Chapter 2: Mr. Fancy Pants

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Mr. Fancy Pants

Janie disagreed with the terms and conditions in her thoughts. She wasn't going to let the government confiscate her grandparents' estate to make a fancy tourism country-style money-making jackpot to fill their accounts profiting off her grandparents' investment. She gathered all her courage and agreed to travel to Franklin, Tennessee, for a two weeks vacation. By next week her feet were supposed to be on the plantation. Cliff informed her, that Jason was already on the property. Janie was curious about Jason Applewhite, this southern cowboy from Tennessee. A sudden thought came to mind, 'Is he handsome or just a southern country bumpkin? I shouldn't underestimate the man.' Ignoring her thoughts, Mr. Cliff Red, the lawyer was about to end their call.

'Remember Janie, next week you must be in Tennessee. Then we'll have a proper meeting about your decision,' Cliff reminded. 'I'll send you the information about Mr. and Mrs. Applewhite's grandson later.'

'Okay then, thanks Cliff,' Janie answered.

'All right, bye, Ms. Stone, see you in Tennessee,' Cliff replied and ended their chat.

'Yeah,' Janie sighed and leaned her head back looking at the ceiling. Alerted by the message alarm from her email which opened on her computer screen, she clicked open the tab and it revealed Mr. and Mrs. Applewhite's second favourite grandson's profile. Browsing through the details she read, 'Jason Applewhite, thirty-one years old, a southern cowboy, a retired and famous multi-billionaire jockey sometimes a profound artist and photographer of Country Art. He owns a western art and photography gallery in New York.'

Strolling down, Janie's mind was blown away by the handsomeness and strong golden-blonde-brownish highlights hair; this chiseled suntanned Hercules cowboy could cradle a lamb who sought refuge from the bears and mountain lions. His muscles were built from rustic hard work and not steroids. His piercing gorgeous turquoise eyes were like the majestic Caribbean Sea. With flushed cheeks and a tingly sensation crawling through her entire body, Janie found herself in deep admiration for this handsome southern intelligent cowboy.

'Whoa...I didn't expect this,' Janie blushed and smiled. 'From a southern cowboy from Tennessee,' she strolled down the pictures amazed and found a photo of Jason in his Navy Seals' uniform and read, 'Jason served in the Marines and did three tours in Iraq. He earned honours becoming a sergeant and then, went to South Korea to train Korean soldiers with special military weaponry. He is very knowledgeable in judo, jujitsu, kickboxing and boxing since he did MMA and UFC Tournaments before. Afterward, he left the military and went to pursue his passion as a jockey, artist, and photographer.'

Janie liked the fact, that this cowboy, wasn't an ordinary gentleman. She thought of him as a partner in crime, a potential best friend and even a good husband. He could smooth the rough edges of her life with real romance, genuine happiness and real God-given love that takes you to the altar until death do you part like her grandparents. Janie always hoped for a happy marriage. She has seen the divorce list in many countries increase. She didn't want to be on that dreadful list. She stared at his picture once more and said, 'I don't want to be there by myself with Mr. Fancy Pants, maybe I should invite Nian for company. She would forever keep me entertained and protect me if Jason tries anything.' She laughed at the thought of her best friend and her pulling hair dye pranks on Mr. Cowboy. Janie couldn't be outraged by the sudden decision. It was only a temporary leave from her job even though she is the director, her family mattered first. She called Merissa, her personal assistant and secretary who came in.

'You called?' Merissa asked restlessly.

Janie covered her laughter with a frown, 'We live in the twenty-first century, Merissa; this is not the Adam's Family.'

'What can I do for you, Ms. Stone?' Merissa questioned firmly.

'I'll be gone for a couple of weeks; you will be acting director of Stylish Gossip,' Janie explained.

'You're seriously leaving when the company is just about to make headline news with your lawsuit against Keith Halls for framing you as Bella Martini,' Marissa commented.

'Yes, Marissa, apparently, I have to be in Tennessee by next week,' Janie started.

Marissa furrowed her eyebrows, 'Why are you going there?'

'To claim my inheritance, my grandparents left me a shared estate with a massive farmhouse,' Janie explained while she packed her belongings into her handbag.

'A shared estate? Someone else owns the property you've inherited?' Marissa asked surprisingly.

'Yeah, basically, the wanted realtor sold my grandparents the estate a day ago afterward, he sold it to Mr. and Mrs. Applewhite's grandson named Jason Applewhite inherited my property,' Janie said.

'Whoa... this is so crazy,' Marissa laughed.

'And if I'm not on the estate by next week with the southern cowboy, the government will take our inheritance and turn it into a tourism showcase,' Janie frowned walking toward the door.

'I see,' Marissa replied, 'At least you're finally getting a vacation, Ms. Stone. You are always cooped in that office of yours, ever since, Keith's drama happened. A trip to Tennessee might saddle you in romance for life.'

'Really, Marissa? You think so?' Janie laughed.

'Yeah, I say it's just what the doctor order for you, for your broken heart, Ms. Stone,' Marissa smiled.

'It won't do any good besides I wouldn't be staying there forever it's only two weeks,' Janie responded and pulled the door handle open.

'You never know what God plans for you in this situation, Ms. Stone. Wait and see what the Lord can do for you,' Marissa smiled. 'Don't worry, I'll take care of everything just enjoy your two weeks' vacation,' escorting her out the door.

Janie smiled, 'Thanks, Marissa, have fun playing boss,' pacing to the opened elevator and going inside as the doors closed.

'I will, Ms. Stone!' Marissa yelled with a smile.

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