Chapter 11: Vineyard

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Evening came, Nian and Yint rode out on their ATVs to the grape vineyard and fruit orchard which was on the two hundred acres. The sun was setting gradually. The two of them were harvesting the ripened grapes and pouring them into their baskets.

Yint looked back and spotted Nian enjoying the grapes as she ate them, 'Hey! Nian! What are you doing? You can't eat the grapes! We need them to make the juice for dinner!'

'But it's so delicious, Yint. I can't help myself,' Nian muffled with a mouth full of grapes as she chewed like a squirrel with lots of acorns gathered for winter. 'How long was it planted for?'

Yint laughed at her goofy-looking cheeks and shook his head, 'About three years. It has been producing a lot lately.'

'Then I get to eat more!' Nian squealed and started eating more grapes.

Yint stopped her, 'Don't even think about putting that grape in your mouth.'

'Watch me,' Nian smirked and ate it with a big smile on her face because it was so sweet and tasty.

Yint snatched her hand, pulling her closer to him.

'Let go of me, Yint...' she said.

He saw her eyes lifted to his as he smiled. He examined her and realised she was so small, short, extremely cute and funny. She stopped struggling because she couldn't get out of his grasp.

'Given up so easily?' He asked.

'I won't bet my last dollar on it,' Nian simpered and tiptoed before kissing his lips. He dropped her hand as she ran away laughing.

Yint smiled, 'What was that for, winning the lottery?'

He licked his lips, tasting the sweetened grapes sauce from her lips; he liked it a lot.

'I just wanted to get out of your grip to eat more of these,' Nian grinned widely.

She stole the basket of grapes and ran away quickly as he chased her.

Yint tried to frown but couldn't since he was smiling as he shouted, 'Nian, give me back those grapes!'

'Not until you roast your walnuts!' Nian quipped laughing, cutting through the lanes while eating grapes.

Yint was gaining on her; she wasn't athletically built nor was she the exercising type. Feeling the burn in her legs' muscles, she pressed on further hopping onto the ATVs and riding off.

He got on the other one chasing her. 'Nian! Stop! Let's talk about this without eating any grapes!'

'We aren't eating grapes! So stop yelling!' Nian shouted and rode even faster until she looked back. She realised he was gaining on her. Pulling up at her side, at the same speed, he stood up and leaped off his ATV onto hers, 'What are you doing? Are you trying to get yourself killed?' She yelled.

'Watch in front of you!' Yint screamed and then she faced front realising they were about to crash into a fence.

'Shit!' Nian cursed, stepping on the brake and stopping before they could slam into the fence. She felt his arms wrapped around her waist and his head leaning against her shoulder. He was breathing onto her neck heavily and, that trickled her. 'Will you let go of me?' She asked trying to sound annoyed but, she loved it, every second of it.

Yint sighed and then scolded, 'Apologised first, we nearly got killed because of you.'

'Me? You hopped on my ATV in the first place! What are you, Spider-Man? I'll be shocked if you start shooting webs out your butt,' Nian augured about getting off.

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