Chapter 10: The Trout Pond Part 2

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Once the guys were gone, Janie, Rachel and Nian started laughing. Then Janie and Rachel started explaining the bet to Nian they made with the guys. Especially, Yint who agreed to date her since he liked her a lot.

'I can't believe you, Janie,' Nian said folding her arms.

Janie smirked, 'Just pretend with Yint for a while. Rachel really loves Fennell. She wants Yint's feelings for her to disappear.'

'What if it doesn't happen? What do I do then?' Nian asked.

Rachel replied, 'Trust me, I've never seen Yint look at another woman with such affection and love other than you, Nian. He likes you a lot.'

'Even I can see that. I think his feelings for Rachel are gone already since you came,' Janie commented with a giggle.

'So he likes me already?' Nian questioned with a hint of curiosity and happiness found in her voice as her cheeks flushed.

Rachel and Janie admitted boldly, 'Yes!' and chuckled at her smiley-surprise face.

'You like him, don't you, Nian? Cause he is a hot Asian cowboy, you're finally living in your fantasies now,' Janie teased.

Nian rolled her eyes with a blush. 'Think whatever you want, Janie. But I know I'm going to make him miserable.'

'So you agreed to date Yint?' Rachel smirked.

Nian nodded with a mischievous smile. 'Of course, I'm going to tame this fine-baby-face, cowboy' and she high-fived the girls as she laughed.

Upstairs, the guys were still chuckling at Yint who had a packet of frozen green beans on his nuts.

'Will you shut up already?' Yint yelled furiously as he groaned.

Fennell laughed, 'No' and then wiggled his legs.

'Don't mind that moron,' Jason said. 'How are you going to get her back?'

Yint gritted his teeth. 'We're going to a shared room and I'll get started from there with red hair dye. I'm going to make her life a living nightmare.'

'Flirt, no wait, dye till you drop,' Fennell quipped laughing.

Jason smirked at his joke and thought aloud, 'Can't wait to make Janie drop.'

'You think we can finally score a marriage football in the bag with these hot-tempered women?' Yint asked.

Fennell shrugged, 'If the Lord allows it then yeah. Cause I want to marry, Rachel since I have Jason's blessing' and pocked out the engagement ring with a stunning diamond on it.

'Damn! You spent all your savings on that ring?' Jason asked surprisingly.

'She's worth every penny in my piggy bank and maybe more,' Fennell blushed and faced Yint who wasn't jealous or disappointed anymore but approved of his best friend's decision.

Yint smiled, 'I'm giving you my blessing too, Nell. I'm sorry for always being in the way of you two love birds. The Lord can see you love her' and then saw Fennell smiling widely.

'Thanks, Yint,' Fennell smiled.

Jason added, 'Let the real game begin, guys.'

'Yeah,' they answered.

Later on, in the afternoon everyone was separated into pairs. Out in the fields, Jason let out the horses for exercise and to remember the feeling of being in the wild, running free without a time limit. Janie stood underneath a shaded tree watching Jason do a fine job rounding up the horses into teams, signaled by a signature whistle. She admired him, looking at his smile as he was feeling the air pushing past him, speeding with Survival like they broke the sound barrier. Being among the unique horses, a cowboy in control of a herd, reminded Janie of a brilliant painting.

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