Chapter 7: Bed Bug

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Bed Bug

Jason thought her best friend was cute but he preferred Janie. She did surprise him a lot today. Throughout all his life, he never met a super stubborn woman like her. She made his hormones overact like hurricane winds. Fennell liked looking at Nian but his heart beat faster for Rachel. He realised she got jealous and that made him happy. On the other hand, Yint had a different reaction. He felt a strange connection that drew him to this beautiful woman. He loved her cheerful smile and that made his heart forget about his first love storing it with images of Nian. Yint could imagine her holding his hand walking in the vineyard collecting grapes while eating. Even teasing each other and kissing like there was no one around to bust them.

'She's beautiful,' Yint muttered subconsciously

Janie, Jason, Rachel and Fennell looked at him shockingly.

'What? She is. There's nothing more to say,' Yint shrugged not wanting to blush. He felt his cheeks getting warmer.

Jason laughed, 'You like her, don't you, Yint?'

'He's blushing so hard. Even his ears are turning tomato red,' Fennell teased.

'Shut it, Nell,' Yint sucked his teeth. 'It's not married at first sight.'

Rachel joked, 'It better be. You've been single for way too long, Inky Yinty.'

'Who knows what can happen when she arrives,' Jason said staring in Janie's direction as he grinned.

Janie frowned at him. 'What are you saying? She won't make a dramatic entrance.'

'As you did, Janie,' Jason laughed. 'I doubt it,' he smirked.

Janie rolled her eyes, 'Shut up, Jason.'

Afterward, they went into the inheritance talk.

Jason explained, 'Two hundred acres were sold to Yint. He will take care of the vineyard and fruit orchard. It was my grandparents' last wish.'

'Who am I to argue against you from keeping your grandparents' promise,' Janie said.

Jason was surprised by her response. He thought she would have been the selfish type that didn't care, nor had compassion for others. Unfortunately, her reply was different and her reaction showed a lot of concern and respect for the situation.

He smiled at her as she blushed, 'What? I didn't say anything wrong, Jason.'

'I know Janie, thank you,' Jason smiled watching her flushed cheeks as she got shy looking away from his gaze.

Fennell cleared his throat and said, 'Aren't you going to talk about your idea for the farmhouse?'

'Oh yeah, I wanted to convert our ranch-style mansion into a guesthouse for families and hire help to manage the house and the estate when we leave the property to continue our lives,' Jason suggested.

Janie nodded, 'Okay, I like the sound of that.'

'Since this is our family's home. I wanted you and me to work as partners in the guesthouse business,' Jason mentioned.

Rachel added, 'We don't mind lending a hand too.'

'That's if you consider it,' Yint commented.

Janie smiled, 'I don't mind at all.'

'Great!' Jason smirked. 'We can get down to business. Our real intentions were to find the gold our grandparents hid somewhere beneath the house in a bunker. When we find it I'll split my wealth with my friends and cousin. And you could do the same with your friend.'

THE GOLD - PUBLISHED ON  AMAZON: ON TAPAS TOO.Where stories live. Discover now