Chapter 13: Cheerleaders

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Afterward, everyone arrived home. The guys went to the kitchen. Meanwhile, the women went to their rooms. Jason looked like a pile of mud. He realised that; Yint sighed in thought with a grin on his face. On the other hand, Fennell couldn't stop smiling when he remembered the action he had in the pantry with his fiancé.

Jason was annoyed by their expressions and asked, 'Will you guys focus?'

'What's wrong with being happy?' Fennell asked.

Yint agreed before he frowned lying. 'Everything, Nian rejected me.'

'You're serious?' Jason asked shockingly but then smirked.

Yint thought, 'Of course not' and lied, 'Yeah, I think she's playing hard to get.'

'How come? I thought no woman can't withstand you, Yint?' Fennell laughed.

Yint rolled his eyes. 'Shut up, Nell. I'll get her if that's the last thing I do' and thought, 'I've gotten my queen let the games begin.'

'So we won the bet! I can't wait to make Janie scared out of her mind,' Jason quipped.

'With you in her bed, she'll definitely scream,' Fennell joked.

Jason laughed, 'That's what I intend to do, Nell. How about you, Yint?'

'I have a list of prangs I want to try on Nian. I'll send you guys a copy,' Yint smirked.

Jason nodded, 'I might use some on Janie.'

'Same here with Rachel,' Fennell smirked.

Yint chuckled, taking out his phone and sending the list of prangs to them, 'Got it?'

'Yeah, I'm using it tonight,' Jason quipped as the others laughed, agreeing.

After changing into their pajamas, the girls were walking down the staircase.

'I can't believe you refuse to date Yint, Nian,' Janie started.

Nian shrugged, 'I thought we would have more in common but, there was nothing.'

'I don't believe you, Nian. I saw the way you two kissed each other,' Rachel added.

Nian looked at Rachel. 'The feelings weren't there, Rach' and thought, 'It was hidden within our kiss' as she smirked.

'You are lying, Nian? I know that face; what really happen?' Janie asked.

Nian sucked her teeth. 'I'm his girlfriend.' She blushed as the girls screamed as she told them, 'Shush..........'

'Sorry, sorry, why the, shush...?' Rachel asked.

Nian explained, 'The guys can't know we're dating; I promise him we'll share rooms for the two weeks.'

'That means I'll get to be with Nell, yay,' Rachel smiled.

Janie sighed, 'I'm stuck with Mr. Fancy Balls.'

'Get ready for the pranks, Janie. My cousin and the guys love pranking,' Rachel warned.

Nian spoke, 'I got that covered' and smirked. 'I have spray paints, a sleeping bag and, whip cream. We could do a lot with that.'

'Can't wait to get started,' Janie smirked as they walked into the living room. The guys were watching television; The Kissing Booth Movie was playing.

'This is so funny,' Fennell laughed, wiping his fake tear.

'Hey, guys!' Rachel greeted them; they faced her and the girls.

'You know Yint lost the bet,' Jason smirked at Janie.

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