Chapter 14: Paddle Boat

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Pulling up at the supermarket, they shopped a lot, loading the groceries into the pickup truck before they went home. While everyone was having lunch indoors, Yint took Nian on a date. It was a paddle boat 'lunch' picnic.

'Don't tell me we bought all that food for nothing, Yint?... I seriously want to eat, man,' Nian frowned.

'We're going to eat on the boat, Nian,' Yint explained removing the blindfold.

'A boat?' She questioned and was also surprised when she saw the paddle boat setup with a mini-table with delicious cuisines and yummy-looking pastries and desserts. 'When did you have time to do all of this?' She asked looking at him as he smirked.

'Before we left for the wedding, I had extra time to bake and cook everything. Plus, I had to keep an eye on Fennell and Jason who wanted to eat it,' Yint explained laughing. He helped Nian into the boat before pushing it into the water and then hopping in.

'I could imagine what they were going through when they saw all the food,' Nian quipped with a chuckle. 'It's like they were cookie monsters.'

'You bet,' Yint answered paddling.

Nian helped him paddle until they were in the centre of the trout pond. She admired the creativity and effort Yint put into the cuisines, pastries and, desserts. He wasn't a Michelin Star Chef for good looks but for, the delicate professional expertise shown in his works.

'Let's have a taste,' she said with twinkling eyes licking her lips.

'You're just greedy, you know that but I guarantee it will be good,' Yint chuckled.

'Hey! I'm not. I'll be the judge of that,' she answered and took a big bite of the lime-scented cupcake with vanilla frosting. Melting in sensation, her smile widened as the taste deepened with sweetness as she moaned pleasurably, feeling good all over. 'How can this be so perfect? Mm...'

Yint smiled, 'Because I made it for you.' He watched her blush.

With another bite, she laughed admitting. 'This will forever be my favourite cupcake, Yint.'

He was about to answer when he noticed on her bottom lip, that there was still some frosting left at the corner of her mouth. 'Glad to know,' he replied and took a tissue wiping it before he said, 'You're such a baby sometimes' and realised how close they were to each other. He loved looking at her brown eyes. It reminded him of chocolate syrup on pancakes.

'I'm not a baby you are,' Nian answered and before she knew it he forced a gentle kiss on her lips. Sucking off the frosting slowly, sweetening their kiss going a lot deeper.

'Why I'm letting him do this? Maybe I wanted him too,' Nian thought while she kissed him back. 'No, wait! I can't fall into his trap. I'm not ready to be a mother either. My career is my first propriety. With fashion week coming up, I can't afford to lose focus. My name and company are on the line here!' and she snapped out of their heated moment, stopping him.

'Stop, Yint! Just stop!' Nian said staring at him. Her eyes wanted to water.

'What's the matter, Nian?' Yint asked with concern and also worried in thought, 'She's going to run away from this.'

'I'm sorry I just can't do this anymore,' Nian apologised kicking him in the balls again by accident. She was actually aiming for his shin but you know accidents happen.

'Nian! Why can't you stop kicking me in the walnuts?' Yint groaned in pain, holding onto his bag of acorn nuts.

'I didn't want to kick you there...,' Nian apologised and jumped into the pond.

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