Chapter 77: He is back

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Chapter 77: He is back

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Lyricie turned her body and hug the 'small pillow' besides her. She can't help but rub her head that makes the 'small pillow' laughs. Lyricie suddenly opens her eyes and looks at the 'small pillow'.

"Mommy!" The small pillow is her son, Lyrzie. She smiles and tickles him. "Mommy will make you laugh and laugh!" She tickles his waist that makes him laugh loudly. They really have a good time early in the morning.

Zier just finished taking a bath when he heard a child's laugh and a sweet woman's laugh. He looks at his wife and son. He smiled as if the winter fades, the spring comes.

He took out his phone and took a picture of them. He make this picture is home screen.

"Can I join?" He asked them. Lyricie stops and looks at him. She jumps towards him and give him a sweet morning kiss.

"Good morning, Daddy." She childishly said that makes him blush.

"Good morning, Daddy!" Lyrzie followed and hug both of his parent's legs. Zier laughs and carry Lyrzie in his arms. He kisses his son's forehead and his wife's lips.

"Good morning." He warmly greeted. "We are going to date, so be ready." He added.

"But today is the day I will have a battle with Grey." She said while she remembers that what she said yesterday.

"Well... We can postpone it." She added. Let him wait. She smirked. "Tell him, okay?" She added.

Zier nodded. He already did that early in the morning. He wanted her not to feel regretful on their son.

• • • •

In the park~

"Here we are." Zier said as he turned off the engine.

"Mommy, daddy, what are we going to do here?" Lyrzie asked. She looks at him and smile. She gets the kite at the back of the car and shows it to him.

"Did you see this?" She asked him excitedly. Lyrzie shook his head. This is the first time he saw it.

"This is a kite. We are going to let this fly like a bird!" She happily said. Lyrizie's eyes sparkles when he looks at his mother. He nodded and smile.

"How?" He asked again.

"Oh, I forgot to buy something. Wait for me here with daddy." She said to her as she gets her shoulder bag. "Alien, please wait for me here. I will be right back." Lyricie said to Zier when she saw him arranging the table and chairs. Zier looks at his wife and nodded. "Be sure to come back right away." He said. "Lyrzie, help daddy." Lyrzie nodded and started to help.

Lyricie puts on her eyeglasses and hat. She is avoiding unnecessary things. Remember, she is famous around this corner.

She walks and saw a lot of couples roaming around. For what she remembers, it is February.

Ahh, she skips Christmas Day and New Year. She wanted to experience together with them, next year.

Little did she know, that will not going to happen for the next year.

"Hello everyone! This is Fran Company, the new successful company runs by the mysterious man but now, he will show up!"

She looks at the TV screen and saw a man. Her heart stops, her world stops. She steps back in shocked. She felt she is shaking so she clenched her fist.

It can't be. Why is he alive?! Why is he not in the prison?! Did he escape?!

She suddenly remembers her nightmare. She suddenly runs to the mall and went inside the comfort room. She sits in the toilet and her tears suddenly flow. She can't stop shaking from fear.

Lyricie... What happened to me?! I already overcome it right? Why? Why am I like this? Why? Why?

She tried to calm down when suddenly her phone rings.

It is Zier who is now calling her. She wipes her tears and answer the phone call but she muted it first.

[Wifey, are you done?]

She started to forget her nightmare when she heard his deep voice that attracts her.

She removes the mute and answered.

"Not yet. I am in the comfort room." She said.

Zier sighs in relief. [That's good to hear.] But he still detects her strange emotion just a moment ago.

He hangs up and she started washes her face. She puts some make-up and leave. After she buys what she needs to buy, she left the mall immediately.

"Mommy!" Lyrzie spotted her and hurriedly run to her. Lyricie smiled and give the paper bag to him.

"Here." She said. Lyrzie opened it and saw a toy.

"What is this?" He asked and shows the puppy to her. She laughs and switched it on. The puppy started to walk. Lyrzie was amazed and kisses his mother. "Thank you!"

"So it's a toy." Zier said.

"I missed his first birthday and the next few months, he will turn two." She smiled when she saw her son played with it. "Here." She gives the box to him. Zier smiles and opens the box. It is a watch. It has diamonds in these arrows. It is Gold and Silver. In the middle, you can see there is a name written in there. The name written there is Lyrzie, the name of their son and their name that mixed.

"You love wearing watch so I bought one. It's my valentine gift." She cheerfully and embarrassingly said. "Thank you." He said as he kisses her forehead. He removed his watch and wears the watch she gave him. "I will wear it every time." He added. "Here." She said and gives the paper bag to him.

"Another one?" He asked. She nodded and signals him to open it. Zier chuckled and opens the paper bag. There he saw a book. He read the title.

"Throughout Our Dream." He looks at his wife and saw her sparkling eyes.

"I will only love you, only you. There will be no one who can steal my heart but you are the only exception. Even in our next lifetime, I will wait for you to find me, again and love me the way you do now. Throughout our dream, we are one." She confidently said to him.

He blushes and covers his mouth using his back of his hands. He avoids eye contact and tried to calm down.

So cute. He thought.

Lyrzie saw that they aren't moving and just standing. He pouted and gets the kite. He run towards them and shouted. "Kite!"

Zier chuckled when he saw his son raising the huge kite in his very small hands. He keeps the book inside his bag. When suddenly his phone rang, he looks at her.

"You can answer it." She said as she run to their son who is trying to fly a kite.

He looks at the phone number and knit his brows. He answered the phone call that makes him gloomy. 

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