Chapter 64

188 13 6

Mark: Look at this sleepy boi


Dan: He's going to kill you now

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Dan: He's going to kill you now

Mark: Good

Mark: I want death

Dan: Same

Dan: Don't die though

Mark: Tell Jackaboy not to kill me then

Mark: He might put poison in my potatoes or something

Phil: Jack wouldn't do that

Phil: He loves potatoes too much

Ethan: I like potatoes

Ethan: So many possibilities with those bad boys

Phil: like chips

Ethan: chips as in fries or

Phil: both

Ethan: Yes

Tyler: Potatoes are good

Ethan: I'm glad we can all agree on something

Charlie: I'm not a fan of potatoes NHL

Charlie: NFL

Charlie: NFL

Charlie: NFL

Charlie: ffs NGL (I'm not going to lie my phone kept autocorrecting ngl and I just left it in because it was kind of funny)

Ethan: karma for not liking potatoes

Charlie: Stfu

Ethan: MAKE ME

Dan: omg omg omg

Charlie: okay

Dan: love

Phil: yes

Dan: no like

Dan: That's love

Phil: Oh

Phil: My bad


Dan: u judging

Mark: that's both hilarious and cute at the same time

Mark: I expected you two to lovingly call each other turnip or something

Phil: We do that too

Mark: You two are absolutely disgusting

Love At First Text. Phan/Septiplier AUWhere stories live. Discover now