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The night sky was shimmering with small stars and a full moon. A car drove in the silent neighborhood at the time around midnight.

"That was fun" The male was seated in the driver seat said, breaking the comfortable silence in the interior of the car.

"Yes it was" The girl in the passenger seat responded with a smile, the moon light blending in her features to give them a soft look.

"But still your scream was too loud to be humane" The male chuckled as the girl huffed cheekily and said,"Wasn't my fault that you pulled me down all of a sudden!"

"You had to trust me!" The male said,"We had freaking parachutes with us!"
"But pulling me down!?"
"You said jump"
"At the count of three"
"You never said that!"
"You never let me do it!"
"Oh please the instructor would have pushed us if I didn't jump"
"Instructor my ass!"

Then the car fell silent again as both of them them stared at the road ahead, although it was just the comfortable silence. The vehicle came to a halt when it reached its first destination.

The girl sighed as she could see the faint outline of a man and woman shouting and screaming at each other through the curtains of the house, their arms flying in all directions as they fought with each other over probably nothing.

"Lisa you can come with me tonight" The male started as he clutched hard on the steering wheel.

"No Tae...I need to go now" Lisa said with a sigh,"I need to face them sooner or later"

Taehyung opened his mouth to say something but Lisa cut him off by saying.
"—But Tae what about you?"

"What you mean?" Asked Taehyung as he drummed his fingers on the wheel.
"When would you go back home?" Asked Lisa a little hesitantly, knowing that the male was sensitive about the issue.

"That is what I was going to tell you—" Taehyung said,"—I am going back tomorrow"

Lisa sat up straight and looked at Taehyung with wide eyes and gaping mouth.

"You serious?" She asked. Taehyung have a nod and Lisa smiled.

"Great choice Tae...Your family must be worried sick about you" Lisa said with a slight pout. The lights of her house were off, probably meant that her parents were done with their ranting.

"Yeah.....So I guess it's a bye Liz" Taehyung said quitely. Lisa gave a slow nod and looked at the male with pursed lips.

"It's a bye Taehyung" She said and then pulled him into a warm hug. Lisa gave Taehyung a final smile before stepping out of the car and walking to her front door. As always, Taehyung stayed there until the girl was safely inside before driving off. Not knowing when he would see her again, or if he would ever see her or not.


Jungkook didn't hate vacation, he resented it. Vacation meant home and home meant away from the members.

He sighed as he stuffed another set of white shirts and faded jeans in his bag. Seokjin in his bed was neatly folding his clothes while Jungkook just chucked them in.

If someone asked him about the chaos he creates Jungkook gave the same answer.

It's not a chaos, It's an organised chaos.

There was nothing wrong in the statement either. Jungkook did know which thing was where, even if it was in the mist of the so called chaos.

Jungkook did the last moment effort to close the zip and then flopped on the bed.

"Yahh Hyung I don't wanna go~" Jungkook whined and he could hear a huff from Seokjin.

"Well but I am eager to go and shake you off my responsibilities for a few days" Seokjin responded, his iconic laugh followed henceforth.

Jungkook shifted his position to glare at the male and then pushed himself up from the bed and walked outside the room.

Jungkook walked to the end of the hallway and opened the door. He went inside and then close the door again.

The male went to the windows and opened them to let in the cool air. He took in a deep breath and sighed with pleasure. Jungkook often used to play overwatch when he wanted to relax.

But now, he found his feet guiding him to the last room in the hallway and sit there at the window just like once a certain brunette used to do.

Jungkook's head touched the frame of the window as he seated himself there. The wind fluttered the pictures that he and the band had together pinned on the wall as sweet memories.

"Jungkook-ah ! Time to go. Be down in five" He heard the voice of the leader of the group and sighed.

Jungkook was in no mood to leave.

He quickly got off the window sill and closed it shut, taking care of locking it. He then stepped out of the room, grabbing his bag on the way and then went downstairs to meet the members who gave them huge smiles.

"Ready to go home?" Asked Yoongi with a gummy smile dancing on his lips.


"Ready to go home?" Taehyung heard the now familiar voice over the phone and looked down at the plane tickets in his hands with his passport.

He took a deep breath as he heard the call for his flight and spoke back to the girl.



"Yes" the red haired replied.


Hey !!

So how the chapter guys ?? I hope it wasn't to boring for you all !!
What are you thoughts to this ??

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