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Taehyung cuddled under the warm covers and flipped through the channels on the television. He was tired from the night before, Although Seungjae drove him home and also tugged him to sleep; his parents were surprised and happy to see him coming through the door while laughing like an idiot and Seungjae holding him in place. Most of all he wasn't laughing because of influence of Alcohol. He was happy cause he was just happy. Taehyung stopped at a chanel—

"Girl dies in end"


"Nah-guy dies in end"


"Already watched it"


"Who even watched this?"


"News dam—wait what?!" Taehyung sat up straighter in the bed as he intensely fixed his eyes on the television.

"Good morning Everyone. We welcome you to the Kpop news. Words are out that BigHit has been taken over by another business man and would now run under another name. Although there are no confirmations to this, but the Bts' fandom Army is really in upheavals after hearing it. Although BigHit hasn't made any confirmations and not made it official and now moving—"

Taehyung reached his phone and quickly dialed the number on top of his dial list. He clicked the name and brought his phone to his ear.

"What the fuck is this news?" Taehyung asked while pointing his remote on the screen, although the guy at the other end couldn't see it.
"Tae chill" Yoongi said quitely,"I know this is ridiculous but—"
"Is it the truth?" Taehyung asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

There was silence for a while and then the voice came back.
"I'm afraid it is" Yoongi said,"I gotta go Tae. Jimin is overreacting, bye"

Before Taehyung could say anything the line was hung up, Taehyung threw his phone on the bed while cursing.

He threw on a oversized hoodie that was kept on his desk chair and grabbed this phone and put a beanie on his messy bed hair and left his room, coming back again to turn off the television and went out again.

"You going somewhere?" Youngae asked when she saw her son coming downstairs.
"Yup mommy" Taehyung said and kissed the top of head and she smiled at him.
"Come back early okay?" Youngae called and Taehyung raised his right hand while walking out of the mansion.

"Get me a car!" He ordered the servants and they gave him the key to the first car that came in their hands. Taehyung sat in the shadow black Mustang and turned on the ignition.

He drove out of the iron gates and hit the road.
He dialed a number and connected the phone with the car's Bluetooth.

"Hello Tae?" Came the voice from the other end.
"Hello Sehu?" Taehyung said and he heard a shriek.
"Hello my chubs" Sehu said with a chuckle,"How come did you call?"

"Are you at the office?" Taehyung asked and Sehu hummed in agreement.
"Is Dad there?" Taehyung asked and licked his lip, putting his lower lip between his teeth.

"No" Sehu said and Taehyung sighed and said,"Kay then I'm coming"
"Well okay then" Sehu said and Taehyung hung up the call.


Taehyung halted the car in the parking lot of the higher authorities of the company. He could see his dad's car in the parking two cars next.

Taehyung hissed under his breath and made his way to the inside of the buildings, everyone parted like red sea for him to move. Taehyung usually is cheery when he get there and treats everyone equally and talks with almost everyone but when he is angry.....The others just know it and coming in his way is like putting foot on a lions tail. When Taehyung is pissed or angry, it reflects in his stance. No red eyed or fisted hands but rather his spine is straighter and his eyes are blank and void of emotions, his strides long and powerful. So basically he is just like his Dad, Baekhyun lacks this; his is like their mother when his angry. In short he will start yelling or worst crying.

Taehyung entered the lift and the a new girl at the job swooned over him. The lift's bell tinged and Taehyung stepped out.

He went to Sehu's office and opened his without warning. The older looked up and furrowed his eyebrows. Taehyung sat in the swivel chair and removed his beanie, running his fingers through his hair.

"Tell me who bought BigHit" Taehyung said and leaned back, closing his eyes and swaying his chair side to side.

Sehu went to work, rapidly typing on his computer and searched for all the information he could get.

"Gotcha!" Sehu said and Taehyung opened his eyes and looked at Sehu as he typed a quick email of Thanks to the other CEO.

"The company that got BigHit is some Parkwood" Sehu said and searched the company name,"Yes it's Parkwood. And they got BigHit last week with 89—"

"Cut that Sehu" Taehyung said and leaned back in the chair,"All I need is the company, not the information"

Sehu chocked on his spit and went into coughing fits.
"Are you serious Taehyung?" Sehu said with eyebrows shooting up his his hair,"This is ridiculous!"

"I don't care" Taehyung said and threw his head back and closed his eyes.
"We'll go bank corrupt!"
"I don't care"
"Your dad will be angry!"
"I don't care"
"You will ruin the company!"
"I don't care"
"Taehyung are you an id—"
Before Sehu could continue, Taehyung lifted his head and gave the older a sharp look.

"Did I ask you to bring me stars?" Taehyung growled and Sehu shook his head in fear, Taehyung is scary when he wants to be scary.

"Then didn't you hear me?" He asked.
"Sorry Sir" Sehu said,"I'll make the contract"

"Lovely" Taehyung cooed and went back in his head back and closed eyes position, chair swaying side to side.

Sehu wrote the contract as fast as possible while occasionally glancing at Taehyung and sighing deeply everytime.

If Sungmin found this, they were so dead.

Sehu completed the contract in an hour and gave it a final editing. He told Taehyung and the younger looked at him with a pleased expression.

"Good" Taehyung said and grabbed the phone and spoke into this.
"Can you send someone in Sehu's room?" Taehyung asked,"Yes sure...umm..yeah it's okay...Thanks"

"Tae I'm warning you" Sehu said and Taehyung shrugged. The young girl who was swooning over Taehyung in the elevator came in with a cheeks red as tomato. She was seriously wondering that it was the moment when the rich heir will notice her and then the whole love story.

"Take this file to the Parkwood's and tell the CEO that he should sign the contract and the money will be transferred" Taehyung said and she looked up at his face with a disappointment.

"What?" Taehyung asked,"You don't want to do this?"
"N-no s-sir" She stuttered,"I'll d-do i-it"

"Th-thank Y-you" Taehyung stuttered and she blushed harder,"Kindly don't stutter there and mostly don't die blushing"

"Su-sure" She said and grabbed the file, running out at top speed. Taehyung shook his head and got up, making a beeline to the cabinet and picked a random magazine and flipped through it. Trying to ignore the anger and worry filled glares from Sehu.

He was out of his mind but—


Hey !!
My lovely peeps I have a small request for all of you.
Can you please take some time out and stream DNA  and help it reach 600M views ??
That'll be awesome
Fighting !! 💜

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