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Taehyung felt Jimin crash into his arms and cling to him tightly, mumbling what so ever came in his mind. Taehyung chuckled and hugged the male close to himself.

"Thank you so much Tae, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" Jimin said and Taehyung gave his back a pat.
"Oh it's not a big deal Park" Taehyung said and smiled as the boy pulled away with a small smile.

"You bought a whole fuckin company, that's a big deal" Jimin said and Taehyung started laughing, stopping when he felt someone hug him from behind.

"Thank youuuu sunshine!" Hoseok screamed in Taehyung's ears and the younger winced.
"Oof Hoseok hyung stop it" Taehyung said and Hoseok chuckled deeply.

Seungjae stood at the side line and made a eye contact with Taehyung and the grey head immediately fell into a big smile, And Seungjae couldn't help but smile back to the younger.

Jungkook pressed his tongue against his cheek when he saw the little interaction but remained silent.

"So TaeTae wanna go and eat something?" Pdnim asked and Taehyung gave a cheerful nod.
"Yesh!" He said and started giggling.
"Come on, party is on me" Pdnim said and all the boys followed, though Seungjae remained back. Taehyung saw the still boy and broke away from Hoseok and went to him, Hoseok frowning deeply.

"Come on" Taehyung said and smiled.
"No, you guys go ahead" Seungjae said and cleared his throat awkwardly; not liking the rude stares of the boys.
"Aish come on Seungie" Taehyung said and grabbed the hand of the older and pulled him behind him.
"Seungjae will join, okay?" Taehyung asked and the boys knew  by the look I'm eyes that he wasn't taking a no as answer.

"Sure!" Namjoon said and looked away as Taehyung happily launched into the details of the day with Seungjae. Of course not ignoring the boy, he told them what they would like to hear from time to time. As in he told Yoongi that there were some friends of him who liked his mixtape alot and were trying to figure out if there were any new coming up. Or telling Namjoon about the theories he was trying to figure out. But surely the boys felt as if Taehyung was just talking to Seungjae and just Seungjae.

They all were sitting in the restaurant and munching on their food, Taehyung seemed to be having the time of his day with his favourite people around him. But Bangtan didn't, even the so good food tasted sour in their mouth.

"Boys!" They were startled into reality and looked at Taehyung regarding them with a stare.
"What Tae?" Seokjin asked with a smile.
"I've been asking the same question to you for past fifteen minutes" Taehyung said a bit annoyed.
"What question Tae?" Hoseok asked with a grin.
"Are you guys coming to the wedding or not?" Taehyung asked.
"Who's wedding?" Jungkook asked.
"Baekhyun's" Taehyung said and the boys congratulated the second youngest but Taehyung didn't like it. There was something off.

And before the awkward silence could fall between the group, Taehyung's phone rang.

"Excuse me" He said and got up whilst picking the phone and putting it to his ears.
"Hello?" Taehyung said.
"Hey you motherfucker triggered ass bitch" Taehyung heard the list of colourful string of curses and sighed.
"What is it Areum?" He said.
"Come back home right now!" Areum said and there was sound of shifting things from here to there,"Am I the only one who is supposed to prepare the wedding?"

"Yes" Taehyung said solemnly.
"Yes of cou—no wait no! You are in it too" Areum said and the huffed when Taehyung broke into chuckles.
"Fine I'm coming" Taehyung said and hung up, going back to the table.

"Hey guys I need to leave" He said and picked up his jacket.
"Where?" Jimin asked while pouting.
"Back home, Areum needs me. Sorry and thank you for the treat Pdnim hyung" Taehyung said and the boys shrugged it off while Pdnim smiled.
"Okay bye then" Taehyung said and moved out, patting Seungjae's shoulder while leaving. Just a simple mindless gesture but the boys took it the other way.

The moment the younger left, pdnim raised his eyebrow at the group and said,"What is going on in here?"
"Nothing" Namjoon said and the ceo frowned at the leader.
"I'm being serious Namjoon" Pdnim said,"Are you guys not in good terms?"

"We are" Seokjin said but his glare for Seungjae said something else.
"Excuse me" Seungjae mumbled and raced out of the restaurant.

He ignored the calls of Pdnim for him and went outside and sprint to the parking lot. He was just in time to see Taehyung throwing his jacket in the back seat and closing the door.

"Taehyung!" Seungjae yelled and the grey head furrowed his eyebrows together and looked to the direction of the older.

Seungjae raced to him and crashed into his arms, knocking Taehyung back against the car; where his back hit the window of the car harshly.

"Seungjae?" Taehyung whispered and hugged the older who clung to him tightly, not letting him go.
"Please don't go" Seungjae sniffled and Taehyung opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. Seungjae pulled away and looked at the younger with puppy eyes.

"Hey what happened?" Taehyung asked and wiped the single stray tear from the cheek of the male.
"I don't want you to go, please" Seungjae said and grabbed Taehyung's shirt.

"Want to come with me?" Taehyung asked and the older gave furious nods and the other chuckled. He told Seungjae to get into the car and slide into the driver seat himself. Once they were settled, Taehyung hit the road and talked and joked to fix up Seungjae's mood but it wouldn't work.

"Anywa—Hey you okay??" Taehyung asked when Seungjae burst into horrible sobs. He halted the car the road side and looked at the older with confusion written over his face.
"What happened...?" Taehyung whispered.

" is my br-brother's death anniversary" Seungjae said and covered his face with his hands,"And I miss him so much Tae. He was my only support and he is gone..."

"I'm so sorry..." Taehyung said quietly and rubbed soothing circles on the back of the older—"You wanna visit him today?"

"We can?" Seungjae asked while looking up at Taehyung.
"Why not" Taehyung said with a smile,"Let's go"

So they hit the road again, Taehyung knew that he had a broom stick waiting for him at home but right now he just wanted to comfort the older somehow.


I actually updated...woah...

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