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The walk from the car to the door was merely ten meters, but for Taehyung it was like he was scaling the mouth Olympus.

He went and stood in front of the door, if he knocked he won't get the chance to leave and if he didn't he still have the chance to turn around.

But the question was, was he really willing to leave? Or did he want to face the boys.

Taehyung took a deep breath and raised his fist.
"Come on Taehyung Kim, you can fuckin do it" Taehyung muttered to himself and knocked hard on the door.

Taehyung heard some yelling inside and then some feet coming down the staircase.

Taehyung closed his eyes and looked down. The door opened and he looked up to see—wait he was someone else.

"Hey there" The male in front of him greeted.
"H-hey?" Taehyung breathed out, he scanned the unfamiliar male infront of him, his hair were jet black and brown eyes checked out Tae. The male became rather uncomfortable under the eyes. Taehyung had decided that he was probably standing in front of some wrong house.

"Who are you dude?" The male asked,his voice was rather cold.
"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung" The male said,"I guess I'm at the wrong address"

"Sure thing cause no one turns at a idol's door everyday" The man said with roll of his eyes.

"Wait Idol?" Taehyung said stopping himself from turning back,"Bangtan lives here?"

Before the male could answer, Taehyung heard a loud shriek and be eyes landed on the sunshine of the group.

"Taehyung!?" Hoseok yelled as he sprinted towards the younger, he shoved the black haired aside and hugged Taehyung with such a velocity that the male was knocked a few steps back.

"Is it—is it really you??" Hoseok asked as he held the face of the younger in his hands, tears coming down from his eye.

"Yes hyung" Taehyung breathed out as he smiled at the older,"It's me"

"Gosh I missed you" Hoseok said, pulling Taehyung into another bone crushing hug.
"I did too" Taehyung whispered.

"HYUNG!?" Taehyung heard a guy yell in Busan Satoori and he looked up at Jungkook at the foot of the stairs, his eyes as wide as moon.

"Hey Buddy" Taehyung chuckled as Jungkook came sobbing into the arms of the older.

"Shh Jungkook I'm here" Taehyung said as he soothed down Jungkook by rubbing his back.

"Who's Jungkook?" Jungkook asked," I only know Kookie"
"Okay Kookie" Taehyung said verbalising the nickname after years,"Calm down"

"Where are the others?" Asked Taehyung softly and Jungkook and Hoseok grabbed his wrists and pulled him behind, pain went shooting through the male's bruised wrists but he chose to ignore it for now. He'll can yell at them for this later on, for now he just wanted their embrace.

In all the excitement Taehyung forgot the new guy, he just happened to caught his cold, expressionless stare before Jungkook and Hoseok pulled him up the stairs.

Taehyung could hear the soft murmurs of the members in the last room of the hallways, his room.

The boys apparently used it as their play area or when the wanted to relax, the room reminded them of Taehyung and the thought itself was enough to soothe them down.

Jungkook burst open the door and yelled—
"Taehyung hyung is here!!"

The members' attention snapped to the grey haired male and silence fell over the room.

Seokjin got up first and walked over to Taehyung.
"Tae..." He whispered out and gripped Taehyung's shoulders, he felt that if he let go the male will disappear into the void.

"My baby" Seokjin whispered and pulled Taehyung into a hug, nuzzling his head into the younger's neck taking in deep his scent of musk and spices.

"I'm sorry Tae" Seokjin whispered.
"Don't be hyung-ssi" Taehyung said and pulled back.

But it was just one moment before Namjoon and Yoongi hugged the younger, Yoongi mischievously winking at the younger. Already implying that he needed a favour for keeping his mouth shut.

Namjoon on the other hand was clueless and hugged Taehyung so hard, that the younger swore he heard his spine and ribs crack.

"H..hyun..hyung.... bre.. breath.. air" Taehyung wheezed out and Namjoon pulled back embarrassingly.

Jimin was the last one, and the most furious one. The best friend literally ran to Taehyung and clung to him. His legs wrapping around his waist and arms around his neck, face nuzzled into the male's shoulder.

"Yah midget get down" Taehyung said after sometime but Jimin clung to him like a koala. So Taehyung let it be and sat on the bed with the ChimChim koala in his lap and the other boys surrounding him.

"Taehyung I'm glad you came" Seokjin said as he ruffled the younger's hair.
"We are glad as well" Jungkook said, his cherry red hair falling in his eyes.

"Of course" Jimin said as he fiddled with Taehyung's delicate fingers. His eyes caught the bandages on the male's wrist and frowned. Jimin looked up at Taehyung who was laughing along side with the members.

Is he doing what I'm doing?

Jimin was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Taehyung flinch under him as he subconsciously touch the hidden bandages.

Jimin was about to open his mouth to speak but Taehyung suddenly hugged him close, he was taken aback but relaxed when Taehyung slowly whispered in his ear—

"I'll explain everything later, it's not what you think"

Jimin relaxed when he was sure that atleast Taehyung wasn't doing the deed. He went back to enjoy playing with his (ex?) best friend's fingers, throughly enjoying the warmth of the male as he protectively wrapped his arms around him. His chin rested on Jimin's head as he joked and laughed with the members.

Jimin loved it, his warmth, his laugh, his deep voice, his cologne, his pure heart, literally everything about the male.

Jimin sighed with content and closed his eyes, just letting the deep voice fill his ears.

"Who's the guys?" He heard the new voice and opened his eyes and scowled. He felt Taehyung stiffening under him and rubbed soothing circles on the back of his hand.

"He's our friend" Jimin snapped,"A really close friend"
"Looks like it" The guys snorted and closed the door and went away.

"Who is he?" Taehyung asked, resting his chin on Jimin's head again.

"He's Park Seungjae" Namjoon sighed deeply.
"And what is he doing here?" Asked Taehyung.

"Taehyung he......

....—is the new member of Bangtan..."



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