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I was reading book one and I'm wondering that how come did you like it ?? I mean I was soo embarrassed 😫😫.

"Okay Seungjae where the heck are you?" Taehyung asked over the phone and he heard a breath being released from the other end.
"Are you here?" Seungjae asked and Taehyung hummed in agreement.

"Okay hung up and wait" Seungjae said and Taehyung did as he looked around with a sweet smile on his face. He was standing in front of his old high school, it was night time and the weather was exceptionally chilly today. Taehyung watched his breaths being turned into white mist, he felt the same feeling he felt when he puffed out the smoke from his mouth for the first time. The burning sensation of the smoke traveling through his body and giving that electrified feeling.

Taehyung tapped his feet on the pavement and hugged himself to keep him warm. Heaven knows what Seungjae had his mind while calling him here at middle of the night.

The night was really cold.

Taehyung felt his phone vibrate and looked at the text that popped up.

Come in the building and come up the stairs in West wing.

Taehyung pouted and put his phone back and gripped the bars of the iron gate and wedged his foot in and climbed up. He was going to kill Seungjae if he shirt got ruined or worst if he got caught.

The grey head swung his leg to the other side and gripped harder to prevent his hands from slipping from the slippery iron. He swung his other leg and then dropped on the ground and dusted his hands. Taehyung fixed his shirt that had ridden up a little and walked inside the school.

Taehyung knew that the glass gates were probably locked but there was one window that must have been open like always, but it was something years ago.

But if he was lucky enough....

Taehyung walked around and then stopped in front of the window of the art room. Taehyung slowly pressed his hand against the cool glass and pushed it in and yup it was not locked.

Taehyung climbed inside the much warmer interior, his honey brown orbs fell on the various paintings made by the latest badge of students.

The boy gave a lop sided grin and went out in the hallway. He almost burst into sobs of happiness at the oh so familiar surroundings. High school didn't carry much good memories but still...

Taehyung raced to the west wing and stopped in front of the stairs and texted Seungjae.

Taehyung : I'm at the stairs.... should I come up ??

Seungjae : Yup...and stop at the door of the roof top.

Taehyung : Okay

He climbed upstairs, two steps at a time and stopped four steps away from the door and yelled.

"Seungie I'm here!" He voice bounced off the walls and then the sound of clicking door lock accompanied. Seungjae opened the door and smiled down at the male who gave him a confused look.

"What is going on?" Taehyung asked softly as Seungjae came down to the boy and giggled sheepishly. Seungjae had pink dusted on his cheeks and he was clearly flushed.

"Oh hey" Seungjae said awkwardly and mentally face palmed himself. Taehyung let out a chuckle at the black head.



I looked at Taehyung as he smiled at me, he had hugged himself and be was clearly cold. I removed my jacket and wrapped it around his shoulders and it caused him to gasp at the sudden touch.

"No Seungjae! You'll catch a co_mmph" Taehyung's words got muffled as I pressed a finger on his lips to shut him up.
"Tonight you are the top priority" I said and his visibly widened, before he could regain his senses a grabbed his cold hand and pulled him upstairs.

I was dead nervous and I had no idea from where the heck I was recieving this confidence cause God damn, Taehyung has such soft hands.

I stopped and looked back at the boy who had his mouth hanging open at the sight infront of him. I let out a awkward chuckle and this caught his attention.

"Do you like it?" I asked while scratching the back of my neck nervously. I could feel Taehyung's grip on my hand tighten as his lips fell into a soft smile.

"I love it" He whispered and I chuckled at him and then we were probably hugging each other.


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