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Yoongi didn't get drunk, he got Hella drunk. And by that Taehyung meant, he had to carry Yoongi on his back while searching for a taxi or a hotel to hit.

And moreover, Mr.Yoongi hadn't even passed out. He kept muttering some shit which Taehyung couldn't understand or simply wasn't trying to. And too add on to his annoyance, Yoongi kept on tugging on Taehyung hair and playing with them.

Taehyung was half compelled to the drop Yoongi at the side walk and then leave him there for the night. But of course he didn't want to hear a news next morning that police found the male dead or something.

So here he was, walking on the road with legs which he barely felt. And a drink hyung on his back Who currently was praising Taehyung's cologne.

"Shut up" Taehyung said with gritted teeth and sighed with relief when he saw a motel a little bit ahead.

The male dragged himself inside the motel's lobby. The recipient smiled at him and then scrunched her nose at his drunk friend.

She opened her mouth to say something which Taehyung already predicted and cut in—

"Don't say no, please" He said,"I am practically dying right now. I can't carry him around like that and also there is no Taxi out there"

"But sir—" she started but Taehyung intervened,"We won't mess anything. I promise"

The lady sighed and then gave a nod. She rummed with a few keys and then gave one to Taehyung.

"No messing" she warned and Taehyung gave her a nod before going to the given room.

The male opened the door with a chain struggle but eventually did it. He entered the room and laid Yoongi on the bed and then sighed. Taehyung was about to sleep on the couch when he felt a hand grip his wrist and pull him down.

Taehyung fell on Yoongi and a oof escaped his lips. Yoongi drowsily chuckled and hugged the younger on top of him.

"Yahh Taehyungie stay here please" He said and gripped hard on the male, who was trying to pry himself off.

When Taehyung realized that Yoongi wasn't letting go off him until he is asleep he dropped the idea of getting up for now. So instead Taehyung rested his head on the shoulder of the older and closed his eyes. A silence filled the space for sometime until Yoongi broke it—

"I missed you" Yoongi said after a moment of silence. He raised his eyebrow when the younger didn't reply or reacted.

Yoongi shifted his head and looked at younger, his eyes were closed and soft even breaths escaped his lips. Yoongi chuckled when he realised that the younger had already fallen asleep.

After sometime of hugging and cuddling the younger, Yoongi himself fell in the Dreamland.

{⚠️This part can be a little disturbing. Don't read if you feel uncomfortable}

Deafening silence.

The place was dark.
Pitch dark.

Taehyung was walking aimlessly around, not sure if was even going the right way or was he going any way or not.

His guts was tugging him in every direction and he was not even trusting it now.

The ground he was walking on was plain and even but suddenly Taehyung felt something hit his feet and he recoiled. The thing he hit made a sticky sound and a stench of rotten eggs and blood started filling his nose and Taehyung tried backing but he fell on something, with was soft, lump and wet under him.

Taehyung gagged and tried getting up but he slipped on something wet, causing him to fall again.

The male groaned as pain went shooting through his lower back. Taehyung's elbow touched something which he vaguely recognised as a hand?

Taehyung gripped the thing with his own hand and raised it up. Of course it was a hand, his could make out the fingers and the palm. Deeper down he could feel the arm and then a whole body.

His breaths hitched when he could fit the pieces together. Lump things, sticky stuff, limp hands and arms. Bodies, dead bodies.

Taehyung started breathing heavily and tried to get up and run but he ended up slipping again and falling face first. He could feel the blood on his one exposed skin now.

Taehyung gagged and it took his whole strength not to throw up. Suddenly things got a little brighter. He could see things a little clearer now, although it was not bright enough.

But now Taehyung was wishing that he didn't. He gasped and gagged at the sight infront of him.

Hundred and thousands of dead body were spread across the ground. Blood oozing out of different wounds that killed them.

Taehyung broke into cold sweat and let out a scream. He was trembling hard and tears were filling up his eyes, making his vision blurry.

Taehyung's clothes and skin were covered with blood. Blood of other people.

Taehyung felt a grip on his ankle and he slowly looked back to see a bloody hand gripping his ankle.

Taehyung's vision travelled up the hand to see a bloody cut arm which attached to a body.

The person was beyond recognition, his face was slashed and blood poured out of his eye sockets. And his hair were in all directions, neck twisted around to come back in  it's place.

Taehyung let out a blood curled scream and tried backing off. But the hand kept him firm in place. It slowly travelled up his leg to his thighs until it had reached his chest.

Taehyung was screaming and thrashing but he couldn't do anything. His limbs felt like heavy boulders, useless to him.

The male now towered on Taehyung, pinning him to the ground where blood soaked into his hair. Blood and saliva poured out of the dead man's mouth and dripped on Taehyung's face and neck.

The dead person opened his mouth to reveal black teeth and three dark purple tongues swirling in his mouth.

Taehyung screamed again and tried to push him off but the dead was too strong to be ironic.

The male closed his eyes shut as he felt the hot, sticky tongue touch his skin and travel down to his throat—

"Fuck Taehyung get up!" He heard a sudden voice yell and opened his eyes, his vision blurred from the tears and his could feel his breaths heavy and shaky.

He saw a face loom over his own and blinked his eyes, causing the tears to slip down his cheeks. His clothes soaked in his own sweat.

"Tae..?" Yoongi asked with a baffled expression,"What kind of dream were you having? You were screaming like anything and won't get up! I got so scared"

Taehyung was too shaken to begin with and his throat was ragged from the amount of screaming he actually did.

"Dead...—blood.. tongues" Taehyung whispered out to scared to form any right words,"I-I—..."

"Shhh" Yoongi suddenly shushed the male and pulled him into a hug,"It was just a dream Taehyung...None of it is real"

"It felt real" Taehyung responded as he clung to the older's chest.

"But it's not" Yoongi said and rubbed soothing circles on the male's back and whispered sweet nothings in his ears.

Eventually Taehyung calmed down and passed out in the older's hold again.


What the heck have I written !? Please don't kill me !!!

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