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Taehyung sipped the can of coke while leaning the leaning against the railing of the roof top. Seungjae stood right beside him while both of them stared at the skylights of the buildings.

"Do you wanna do something?" Seungjae asked and Taehyung looked at with a thoughtful expression.

"I know!" Taehyung said and went to the blanket that was spread out on the grou with cans of coke and food, which by the way Seungjae had spoon fed Taehyung.

"Let's dance" Taehyung said as he took the boy's phone and picked out a random song and raised the volume to all the way up.

"Ohh" Seungjae let out and both of them started bouncing on their feet while singing along the lyrics although they didn't knew what they were.

"Cause all I wanna be all I ever wanna be is somebody to you, all wanna be is somebody to you~Rest I don't what it is" Taehyung sang and Seungjae laughed at the younger, yes younger Seungjae's birthday in in January while Taehyung's birthday was of December.

Taehyung hooted when the beat picked up and danced along with the song and Seungjae slowed to watch the younger flow in the music. He smiled when he saw the  tension leave the features of the male, replaced by the young mischievous   and carefree features. Like he never knew what tears were or what being hurt was like.

"Seungjae?" Taehyung asked he had stopped dancing when Seungjae had. Seungjae just smiled at him and Taehyung gave a small smile.
"You okay?" Taehyung asked and gave the arm of the older a small pat.
"Yes..." Seungjae whispered and pulled the younger into a hug. Taehyung was taken aback but then he hugged back to black head, nuzzling his face into the crook of his neck; the song was almost at the end.

The two stayed like that for a long moment, Seungjae liked how Taehyung smelled like fresh lime; his hair had the whiff of Dove shampoo.

"Taehyung" Seungjae said after sometime,"I promise to never hurt you and never let anything hurt you"
Seungjae felt Taehyung hug him tighter and he could almost hear the smile in his words when he said,"Thank you Seungie, Thank you...."

"Don't thank me kiddo" Seungjae said,"I love you"
Taehyung pulled away slightly, his warm breaths brushing Seungjae's face.
"You love me?" Taehyung asked softly.

"Yes" Seungjae said,"I love everything about you. How strong you, how you face everything, how you never fall apart when something happens...I love you cause you are strong"

Taehyung smiled,"Wow I never got a confession before in life apart from sorries"
Seungjae furrowed his eyebrows and said,"Wait. You mean that you never got a proposal before?!"
"No" Taehyung said while shaking his head.
"Never in high school?" Seungjae asked with a wide eyes and the grey head shook his head.

"Oh.." Seungjae said and pulled away, Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows when he lost the warmth of the hug.

"Wha—" he was cut short when Seungjae kneeled on his knee and opened his arms wide.
"TAEHYUNG I LOVE YOU!" Seungjae yelled and the younger's jaws dropped.
"WILL YOU BE MY BOY FRIEND!" Seungjae asked with a wide smile and eyes crinkling.
"What the heck Seungjae?" Taehyung asked softly while hands fisted on his sides.
"Idiot you said you never experienced a proposal, so I'm doing that, just flow along.." Seungjae hissed under his breath; like a stage whisper,"TELL ME MY LOVE!!"

Taehyung let out a chuckle and looked away, fully flustered and butterflies in his stomach at a full uproar.

"I love you too" Taehyung said meekly and fiddled with his fingers.
"What? I didn't hear you?" Seungjae snickered and the younger's cheeks were bright red.
"I said I love you too!" Taehyung said a little louder and let out a chuckle to release tension in his body.

Seungjae chuckled and got up, hugging the younger who buried his head in the black heads chest and let out a squeal.

"Hahaha you are so cute" Seungjae laughed and Taehyung weakly hit his fist on the shoulder of the boy.

"Gosh I hate you, don't make me so flustered!" Taehyung said, his words muffled.
"Yah I love you too" Seungjae said, coping Taehyung's meek voice and the younger hit him again while squealing and fake crying like crazy.

"Cute" Seungjae said and chuckled at the younger who kept on his hitting his with his weak fist.

The music surrounded them like a blanket and cut off all the sounds of the city, the cold wind whisked around them but it didn't make then shiver any more. It was amazing, there was nothing to worry about. No worry that the next morning they will be back into their routine and have the same pain and same worries to deal with. There laughter drown all the tension and sadness that they carried in the hollow spaces of their chests.

Seungjae heard Taehyung sigh, not the sigh of regret or worry; but the soft sigh of pleasure.

Seungjae was in love with the moment. He loved how he held Taehyung as if he was dearest of all the people he knew. He loved as Taehyung trusted him with his insecurities.

And Seungjae made a silent promise with himself that he will never, ever hurt Taehyung. By never, he means never ever.

But for now he wanted the forever to be just in this moment.


Cutest Chapter...??

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