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Taehyung stepped out of the expensive car and removed his shades, he tossed them in the driver's seat and locked the car.

People around him gave him looks of curiosity but Taehyung decided to remain unbothered about it.

The male went inside the building that stiff in front of him and it was taking his whole strength not to bolt inside.

Taehyung went in the warm atmosphere and saw the place bustling as always, but yet not packed up.

"Hey excuse me" He said politely, causing the lady to turn around. She had blushers and makeup pallets in her pockets and pink hair pulled back in a messy bun. A pencil tucked in the hair to keep it in place.

"Yes sir?" She asked, her client turning around to give the intruder a look.
"Sorry to interrupt" Taehyung said with a apologetic look,"But where can I find Jihoon?"

"Mr.Park?" The girl said and looked around boringly,"He is busy attending a celebrity I guess. I hope he spares you a minute, which he won't"

"We'll see" Taehyung said with a smile, although in his head he was pouring a disgusting neon green dye over the girl's head.

"Yeah whatever" she scoffed and turned back to the girl.

"I can't understand girls" He murmured under his breah as he looked around for the male.

It took a minute but he found the boy bending over and doing something her hair.

He was still the same, the innocent look and doe eyes. The only difference was his hair, when Taehyung saw him for the first time the boy had black hair. Now they were dyed red, the fringes falling in his eyes.

"Mr.Park" Taehyung sang to get the attention of the the said male.
"I told not to interru—Taehyung hyung?" Jihoon's frown melted into a wide smile, that spread across his whole face causing his eyes to crinkle,"Oh my god it's been long!"

"Years Jihoon-ah" Taehyung said and hugged the male, who had excused himself from the celebrity.

"Oh gosh is it Kim Taehyung?" The girl said, turning around to look at the two.
"Yes it's me..and you are?" Taehyung asked sweetly.

"Name's Rosé" The girl said as her smile widened,"Nice to see you buddy"
"The feeling is mutual" Taehyung said as they both shook their hands.

"Hyung how come are you here?" Asked Jihoon.
"Wanted to see you boy" Taehyung said with smile.

"That's great hyung" Jihoon and then touched the older's bottom lip,"What happened to your lip hyung?"

"Brother love" Taehyung lied but added a laugh and Jihoon probably fell for it cause he laughed with him as well.

"Guess I need to cover it up" Jihoon said as he turned his attention back to Rosé, who by the way didn't mind if the boys talked.

"Yes you need to" Taehyung said as he smiled.
"Anything else" Jihoon asked as he pinned Rosé's hair in position.

"I want to dye my hair" Taehyung said as he ran his fingers through his brown locks.

"Hmm" Jihoon hummed,"I guess you should go with grey hyung-ah"
"I guess so too" Taehyung said with a nod.

"We are done Rosé Noona" Jihoon said and Rosé thanked him and gave Taehyung a smile before taking a leave.

"Argh my back hurts" Jihoon frowned.

"Girls demand a lot" They both said at the same time and then burst out laughing.

Jihoon seated Taehyung, although the older insisted that Jihoon should rest for a moment but the young was really into the older's hair.

"Mr.Park~" The both heard a voice and looked around to see the same pink haired girl.

"Yes?" He said coldly.

"Rosé was really happy about the style" She said with a flirty smile.
"I know" Jihoon said with a cold expression.

The pink girl's eyes fell on Taehyung and her smile fell.
"Who's that Mr.Park?" She asked her boss.

"My friend" Jihoon said,"Close friend"

"Oh.." She said and Taehyung couldn't help but smirk.
"Now don't you have any other work to do Miss.Song?" Asked Jihoon and the girl gave a nod before going away.

"I am going to fire her" Jihoon said as he went on washing the older's hair.
"You should.." Taehyung agreed and Jihoon smiled.

They both talked and joked while Jihoon skillfully renewed Taehyung's hair into grey.

"Oh my fuckin lord Jihoon" Taehyung said as he ran his fingers through the freshly dyed hair,"You are the master of fashion"

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"Oh my fuckin lord Jihoon" Taehyung said as he ran his fingers through the freshly dyed hair,"You are the master of fashion"

"Thanks hyung" Jihoon said as he blushed crimson.
"You are great Jihoon" The older said and pulled him into a hug.

"Aww don't say that Hyung or else I'll die blushing" Jihoon laughed and Taehyung pinched his nose and sneered—

"Don't worry I'll do a great funeral for you" he said.
"Oh my gosh no!" Jihoon said,"I'm not even married yet hyung!"

Taehyung laughed at the younger.

"Aww pretty sad then" He said.


"Kay Jihoon I'll see you later!" Taehyung said as he waved to the younger, who furiously waved back.

Taehyung hopped inside the car, picking up his shades first obviously. He drove around for sometime, until he found himself in front of the oh so familiar house.

Taehyung clutched hard on the steering wheel. His knuckles turned white.

Taehyung was snapped out of the trance when he phone rang.

"Tae when are you coming back?" His father's voice spoke.

Taehyung looked at the house for a long time moment until he spoke in the phone again—

"I'm staying with my friend tonight dad"

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