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Taehyung woke up from the shrill noise of his phone. The male groaned and tried moving but somehow he couldn't, after sometime Taehyung realized that he had a arm pulling him in a close hug.

Taehyung looked up and saw Yoongi still fast asleep with his phone ringing in his pocket.

Taehyung reached out and took out Yoongi's phone from his Jeans and looked at the caller ID.

Jeon Jk

Taehyung switched the phone on silent mode and then threw it somewhere around the bed.

Taehyung sighed and buried his face in Yoongi's chest. He stayed there in silence, the warmth of the older engulfing him whole image comfortable aura.

Taehyung thought of the nightmare he had and shuddered. It was so disturbing and so scary.

Taehyung felt so helpless and terrified at the moment until Yoongi woke him up. The male remembered the one time when he had a really bad nightmare.

But the truth is, that nightmares were Taehyung's frequent guests but at then he didn't have anyone to comfort him or wake him up before he saw something even worse.

Taehyung curled into a ball against Yoongi's body, feeling so vulnerable. The time he went through was so turbulent and so hysterical.

Taehyung began shaking when he got memories one by one. When they all came cascading in his mind. All the insults and blows replayed in his brain like a broken tape recorder.

It was not long before Taehyung was hyperventilating and tears brimmed his eyes.

"Tae...-" he heard a deep, raspy voice speak. Taehyung's eyes travelled up to see Yoongi looking at him with concern.

His eyes widened when he saw the younger crying.
"Oh my lord. Taehyung you okay?" Yoongi asked as he sat up and pulled Taehyung up as well.

"TaeBear why are you crying?" Asked Yoongi as he cupped his face in his warm hands and examined his face.

Why didn't you ask me this before ?? Why didn't you ask me when I was crying alone ??

Taehyung cried harder this time with the merry thought.
"Taehyung-ah?" Yoongi asked again,"What happened-!? Tell me Tae"

"Why didn't you ask it before!?" Taehyung almost screamed.

"Asked before what!?" Said Yoongi, completely confused.
"Why didn't you ask me if I was fine or not before!?" Taehyung asked in a loud yell as sobs racked hard in his chest.

"Tae-.." Yoongi couldn't continue cause Taehyung picked up Yoongi's phone and shove it in his chest and screamed,"Stay happy with you family. You resent me"

Yoongi was dumbfounded and went still like a stone. Taehyung put on his shoes and then stormed out of the room. He closed the door with a loud bang and then raced down the hall.

He picked up a wad of cash from his jacket and threw it on the receptionist table. She gawked at the extra amount of money but Taehyung cared less.

He hailed a taxi and jumped in.

"Where to sir?" Asked the driver as his concerning eyes examined the younger's face.

"Kim residence" Taehyung said in almost a whisper. The male's eyes widened at the name as he hastily nodded and drove through the city.

Taehyung kept staring outside the window and then slowly his eyes began to close and slipped into unconsciousness.


Taehyung's eyes opened when someone pulled him out harshly by his elbow. The male jolt awake and looked at the unfamiliar man pulled him harshly out of the car, hitting his head on the car door.

Taehyung yelped as pain shot through his head but the other male cared less.
"Who are you!? Let me go" Taehyung hissed with anger at the male.

"Stay quite baby, it will make things easier" The make cooed to Taehyung and the male gagged.

"Call me baby again and I'll rip off that filthy tongue of yours" spat Taehyung as he tried to loosen up the grip.

The surrounding were dark and the air was mixture of rust and stale air.

"Shh baby" The male snarled and gripped harshly on Taehyung's jaws, he pushed the younger hard against the car which made him scream.

"You are a precious little diamond of your dad, aren't ya?" He asked as he chuckled darkly,"How much do you think he will pay for this lovely skin of yours"

"Fuck you" Taehyung spat and the man tsk-ed.
"Shut up" He said and back-slapped Taehyung. The younger fell to his side but the man gripped his collar.

Blood tickled down Taehyung's bottom lip as he snarled and struggled against the man. Not wanting to have the guy's dirty hands on him any longer.

Fuck man, I was so much better cuddling with Yoongi. Fuck you Kim Taehyung. You and your rash mind.

"If you don't struggle it will make things easier for you and me" He man snarled, his face only an inch away from Taehyung. He smelled disgustingly like cheap liquor and cigar.

"Ha in your dreams" Taehyung said and kneed the guy in his soft spot and he howled with agony and pulled away from the younger.

Taehyung saw his chance and bolted.

The male had no idea where he was going as the place was dark and from the feeling, he wasn't in open. He was in a huge godown or something.

The male heard footsteps and halted. He could hear some guys talking and searching for him. Taehyung remained where he was, not moving a muscle.

Thinking that maybe if he stayed still, the dark would he enough to conceal his presence. Cold sweat travelled down from his hair to neck, as the male held his breath.

The voice began to get slow and footsteps went to the other side.

Taehyung was about to walk again when a hand suddenly snaked around his waist and pulled him against the other body.

Taehyung gasped as the male chuckled.
"Thinking of going somewhere baby" the male whispered in Taehyung's ear as the boy shuddered.

"You are being a bad boy" He snarled and his other hand went up to Taehyung's mouth. Taehyung immediately held his breath when he felt a cloth being pressed against his nose.

But after sometime, Taehyung was out of breath and took a long involuntarily breath and cringed when strong smell filled his nose.

Taehyung felt his mind become sluggish and limbs becoming limb. He struggled to keep his eyes open as the male chuckled as Taehyung lost his consciousness slowly.

"Sleep baby" He said,"Have a good sleep"

Taehyung let out a groan and then his hold on consciousness slipped away and he fell limp in the guy's arms.


Heyyy !!
So here is the update for today. I hope it's not bad or looks hurriedly written (which in fact it is).

I wanted to explain some of it to you.

First, some of you were curious if the nightmare Taehyung saw had any significance. Tbh, it's doesn't. The nightmare was simply something a person can come across, maybe after watching movie or maybe even randomly. So you can say it was just a space filler.

Second, I hope you all don't feel bad of Taehyung just running away all of a sudden. He had reasons for that. The boy had gone through a lot and suddenly if he would woke up with a hangover and cuddling with a person who was after his blood, he was sure to have anxiety attack. He was just scared and insecure.

Third, I am signing up assassins to kill those kidnapers please. Anyone who wants to join.

I hope this explains something that u may be finding weird.

Thank you for reading
Saranghae ❤️

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