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It was three hours but it felt as if it was years when the nurse came out. The boys asked her about Jimin and she just said this—you need to wait.

Their hearts didn't seem to calm down for even a minute till then. Finally the doctor came out after anoth hour and announced—
"Please don't worry, he is out of danger. We'll have to keep him in ICU for observations buy otherwise he'll be alright"

Taehyung let out the breath he was holding and his knees collapsed as he fell back into the chair. Seokjin rubbed the back of the younger to calm him down but Taehyung was unstable.

He could see the raw memories of sitting in the hospital bed with stitches on his body and constantly having nightmares and flashes of memories until he was hyperventilating.

"Excuse me" Taehyung said and went to the restroom. The moment he entered his breaths began to go unstable and his legs buckled.

Taehyung fell on his knees on the hard tiled floor and gasped for breath that refused to enter his lungs. Tears covered his eyes and raced down his flushed cheeks. Heart beating at such a rate that it threatened to explode out of his ribcage.

Did he hate having Panic Attacks.

Taehyung heard the door to the restroom open and saw the blurry outline of a person and gasped for breaths and form words.

Taehyung heard the person say something but it was not clear enough, as if his head was dipped underwater.

"Tae..." The person tried to use a soothing voice but failed. Taehyung hyperventilated harder and clutched his hair to stop the voices that were filled his head like a endless loop. A strangled scream escaped his lips and he felt arms wrap around him.

"Holy shit are you getting a panic attack?" Seungjae said and tried shaking Taehyung but of course he won't reply. His head was pressed between his knees. He spoke things like—They hate me

Seungjae let out a groan of frustration and worry and decided that it's best to knock out the male. He pulled Taehyung into a kneeling position and grabbed the back of his neck and pressed the pressure point. With one press, Taehyung's body went rigid and then he slumped against Seungjae, the male holding his head as he smashed against his chest.

Soon after Seokjin entered to check on Taehyung but saw Seungjae trying to lift up the faint male.

"What the heck did you do to him?!" Seokjin hollered.
"Tsk he was having a panic attack. I just knocked him out" Seungjae explained with a frown and decided to pick Taehyung in bridal style and carried him out.

A nurse saw them and her eyes widened.

"What the—?"
"Hey Can you please give us a extra room. He just passed out" Seungjae explained and she guided the to a vacant room.

Seungjae laid Taehyung in the bed as the other boys entered with worried expressions and glares on their faces.

Seungjae tugged the male into the white blankets and turned to look at the boys with a lazy expression.

"What have you done to him?" Jungkook asked as he gripped on Seungjae's pocket and yanked him forward.

"He was having a panic attack" Seungjae explained,"I walked on him and knocked him out"

"You could have just called us" Hoseok snarled.
"He was saying that they hate me and clearly they were you" Seungjae said, not entirely sure why but he knew that Taehyung talked about them.

"We'll talk to him later" Namjoon said called the boys behind them. Seungjae was about to walk out of the room as well when he felt a hand grip his wrist and he looked down at Taehyung. His eyes were still closed but he was semi conscious.

"Stay...." He managed to whisper out and then his hand went limp again and fell back. Seungjae held the limp hand of the male and gently pulled out the ring he was wearing and also the necklace around his neck and kept them on the side table, letting the male be comfortable and sat there beside him. He didn't know why, but he just did.


Visiting hours were over and a nurse came to get Seungjae. He went out to see the boys also ready to leave reluctantly. Taehyung was still pretty knocked out, and the doctors suggested that he should stay here for night. The boys agreed, thinking that atleast Taehyung would be here when he wakes up for Jimin.

Seungjae told the boys that he would be going somewhere else and they were more than happy to hear this.

They all went out of the hospital and the boys got in the car and left. Seungjae stared at the BMW in front of him, he was still having the keys of the car.

Seungjae murmured fuck it under his breath and marched back into the hospital.

"Thinking of staying Park?" One of the doctor asked and Seungjae smiled at him and gave a nod. He went up to the room and slowly opened it.

Taehyung was sitting in the bed with a dazed expression. The only source of light being the moonlight that seeped through the curtains, the soft glow hitting the male's tanned faced making is shine in the dark.

Seungjae switched on the light and Taehyung immediately closed his eyes when the light increased all of a sudden, his expression like a little kid. Seungjae chuckled at the younger went to him, cupping his hand over his forehead so that it was shading his eyes from the light.

"Open them" he said with a grin and Taehyung did so after blinking his eyes several times.

"Better?" Seungjae asked when Taehyung adjusted to the light and the male nodded making the black haired to retrieve his hand.

"Why am I here?" Taehyung asked with a confused expression.
"You were having a panic attack in the restroom and I saw you and knocked you out" Seungjae explained third time this day but atleast he didn't get a glare in return this time.

"Oh really" Taehyung asked with a small smile,"That's the reason maybe I'm getting a bad head ache"
"Probably" Seungjae said with a chuckle.

"Aren't the visiting hours over?" Asked Taehyung after some time of silence.
"Yes" Seungjae said with a nod while staring at the floor.

"Then how are you still here?" Taehyung asked and Seungjae looked up at the male and smiled.

"I have connections" Seungjae explained and Taehyung didn't ask any further.

"Seungjae" Taehyung said,"Thanks for staying"

Seungjae looked up at the male and smiled—
"It's alright kiddo"

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